domingo, 29 de mayo de 2022

Your June Horoscope: Gemini Season Is *Definitely* Turning It Up A Notch

If you’re feeling nervous about what your June 2022 horoscope has in store, it makes sense. After all, June begins with the sun in flirty and freaky Gemini, one of the most feared zodiac signs of them all! Luckily, your apprehensions are misplaced, because this has the potential to be an incredible Gemini season. However, that doesn’t mean the season of the twins won’t come with its own drama.

The month begins with some good news as Mercury retrograde *finally* comes to an end on June 3. With the planet of communication, tricks and intellect moving unencumbered by a retrograde, you’ll start being able to think more clearly and plan ahead! Plus, Mercury is also Gemini’s ruling planet, which will bring you some clarity during this airy and open-minded season. And as Saturn—planet of karma and discipline—stations retrograde on June 4, you’ll receive a break from some of the heavy-handedness. Saturn retrograde is not a retrograde to be feared, but to be enjoyed! I mean, Saturn is the planet of responsibility, and when retrograde, Saturn lifts away some of the weight on your shoulders until it stations direct on October 23.

You’re in for an unexpected turn of events around June 11. This is when Venus—planet of love and luxury—will join forces with innovative Uranus, which could encourage you to embrace independence rather than feeding into your attachments. A relationship may experience some shakeups, your bank account may take a sharp turn, but in the end, the experience will be nothing short of illuminating. And in other post-retrograde news, Mercury will return to Gemini for a second time on June 13, giving you a chance put the past behind you and start making plans for the future!

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A grand idea may come to fruition by June 14. This is when a full moon in Sagittarius will light the pathway toward the adventure you’ve been dreaming of, sufficiently curing you of your pre-summer wanderlust! It will also allow you to take a step back from the myopic details and get a sense of the big picture. More often than not, things aren’t as hopeless as they seem!

As you allow the intellectual discoveries and newfound friendships of Gemini season to take form, you’re also preparing for what comes next. On June 21, the summer solstice will take place at 5:14 a.m. ET, welcoming you into period of uninhibited sunshine! As the sun enters compassionate and nurturing Cancer, encouraging you to return where you feel you belong the most. Cancer season is all about tending to the home, the family and the places where the heart resides. Get in touch with your domestic side! However, the witty and caustic energy of Gemini will not be finished leaving its mark just yet. After all, Venus will enter Gemini on June 22, bringing this funny, intellectually-stimulating zodiac sign to the forefront of your relationships. And remember—Gemini’s favorite form of foreplay is wordplay.

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By June 28, Neptune—planet of dreams and illusions—will station retrograde, which could drag your fantasies even more deeply into your psyche. However, as you begin to explore the deepest trenches of your subconscious, you’re also finding that looking inward dispels some of the illusions you’ve been living by, revealing a clear-cut truth. And as the sun in sweet Cancer squares off with Jupiter in feisty Aries, you may feel the urge to act on your emotions and pour your heart into your passions. This energy can take you all the way to the top, but it can also crash and burn if you don’t keep yourself in check.

The month comes to a close just as a new moon in Cancer rises on June 28 at 10:52 p.m. ET, laying down the groundwork for a new beginning. This is a beautiful new moon to strengthen your family dynamics, spent quality time together and to remember what truly matters. It’s an ideal time to tend to your sacred spaces, clean the houses and plant vegetables in the garden. Do what makes you feel *right* at home!

Here’s what your June 2022 horoscope has to say about the month ahead, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

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As a new moon in Cancer lights a match in your ambitious 10th house, it’s go big or go home! The harder you’re willing to work, the greater the rewards will be. Read your full Aries horoscope here.

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By June 11, you may be in for another surprise. As Venus joins forces with Uranus at 16 degrees Taurus, an unexpected shift in your relationship may come to light!  Read your full Taurus horoscope here.

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Once Venus enters Gemini on June 22, you’ll be in a beautiful position to imbibe self-love like it’s a potion you never want to stop sipping. Bask in all the compliments you’re receiving. Read your full Gemini horoscope here.

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As the sun in Cancer squares off with Jupiter in your ambitious 10th house, you may feel like making a grand entrance and showing the world a loud and proud side of yourself. Read your full Cancer horoscope here.

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Give yourself time to rest before the party begins, because you’re just one month away from Leo season. It’s time to get your beauty rest! Read your full Leo horoscope here.

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When a full moon in Sagittarius kindles a fire in your fourth house of home and family on June 14, you should follow your urge to withdraw into your shell and nurture your sacred space. Read your full Virgo horoscope here.

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As Venus enters your adventure-seeking ninth house as of June 22, you may find yourself craving a love that challenges your comfort zone and takes you to new heights. Read your full Libra horoscope here.

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Once Mercury shimmies into your intimate eighth house on June 13, you should let go of superficial small talk; ask the questions you *really* want the answers to. Read your full Scorpio horoscope here.

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No one understands you better than you do, so let the full moon in Sagittarius paint a more vivid picture of yourself. Read your full Sagittarius horoscope here.

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On June 3, Mercury retrograde will finally come to an end, allowing you to embrace inspiration and turn it into artistic output. You’re about to reconnect with what makes you feel *alive*. Read your full Capricorn horoscope here.

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Just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you don’t have time for love. In fact, as Venus sashays into your romantic fifth house on June 22, you may find yourself crushing on something (or someone) harder than ever *wink* *wink*.  Read your full Aquarius horoscope here.

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As Venus enters your cozy fourth house on June 22, you may feel like soaking up some rest at home while you eat sugary cereals in front of the TV (just like you did as a kid). You deserve some nostalgia and comfort! Read your full Pisces horoscope here.

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