domingo, 17 de julio de 2022

Are Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez’s Zodiac Signs Compatible? Here’s How Astrology Predicted Their Reunion

Everyone remembers where they were the moment they found out Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez got back together. And if you’re curious about why their reunion is making people so ridiculously excited, Ben and Jennifer’s zodiac signs might have something to do with it!

During the early 2000’s, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez were the “it” couple the press just couldn’t stop talking about. And when they broke up in 2003, hearts were shattered, putting the very concept of love in question. However, after rekindling their relationship nearly two decades later, Bennifer is back and better than ever, proving that love *is* real. If you’re wondering why the world cares so much about this reunion, the fascinating astrology behind Ben and Jen’s relationship speaks for itself. After all, the compatibility between their birth charts proves the spark has never truly fizzled out. As a matter of fact, they were always meant to get back together and no astrologer was surprised to hear that they finally tied the not in Vegas on July 16.

Is it any surprise that both of these red-carpet icons happen to be Leos? That’s right—Ben Affleck was born on August 15, 1972 in Berkeley, California at 2:53 a.m., making him a Leo. J-Lo was born on July 24, 1969 in New York City at 5:49 a.m., which also makes her a Leo. Bold, creative and courageous are adjectives that describe a Leo best, as this fixed fire sign is famous for stepping on stage and stealing the show. And although you might think that that two Leos in a relationship is one diva too many, here’s why the astrology of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s relationship is actually incredibly deep and complex:

STYLECASTER | Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck

Photo: AP Images.

Ben And Jennifer Are Both Leos

You don’t need astrology to tell you that Ben and Jen have chemistry, but the stars don’t lie. After all, Jennifer’s moon in passionate, loyal and enigmatic Scorpio falls into Ben’s fifth house of pleasure and lust, which speaks to a romantic connection that’s incredibly deep! In fact, when they’re together, they probably feel like the only two people left in the world. There’s an intense, spiritual connection between them that no one else understands. However, their relationship also has its funny, sweet and lighthearted side, as Ben’s Jupiter in adventure-seeking and free-spirited Sagittarius falls into Jennifer’s creative and fun-loving fifth house, which not only speaks to his major crush on her, but also how happy he feels in her presence.

Ben and Jen were always destined to get a second shot at love! In fact, their relationship is teaching them all about patience.

Beyond their romantic feelings for each other, these two feel right at home when they’re together. Not only are they both Leo suns, they’re also both Scorpio moons, which means they’re cut from the same emotional cloth! Plus, Ben’s moon sits in her fourth house of home and family, which shines a light on his desire to lay down roots with the Jenny From the Block-singer. Make no mistake—J. Lo feels familiar to Ben, giving him a feeling of safety and belonging, like he’s right where he’s meant to be.

STYLECASTER | Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck

Photo: AP Images.

What Brought Them Back Together?

According to their relationship compatibility, Ben and Jen were never really over! After all, Jennifer’s Venus is in Gemini, forming an exact conjunction with Ben’s Saturn—planet of longevity—which means that when they called off their engagement in 2003, their relationship didn’t truly end with it. After their breakup, they remained in each other’s orbit and stayed in touch. And because Saturn is also the planet of karma and restrictions, this planetary alignment speaks to a major hurdle that the couple was forced to overcome. However, Saturn also loves to take care of unfinished business, which is why they were always meant to return to each other and work through their karma together.

When you look at the astrology of their breakup in 2003, it makes sense why they felt the need to part ways when they did. Their first engagement took place during November 2002, while Venus—planet of love—was *literally* retrograding through Scorpio, the zodiac sign that both of their moon signs are in! This speaks to a rocky start to their engagement, as evidenced by Ben’s claim that intense public scrutiny contributed to their decision to break things off. In astrology, Scorpio is quite possibly the most secretive zodiac sign of all, which reveals how much the media’s obsession with this couple affected them negatively at the time.

It’s important to note that Ben and Jennifer broke up while the North Node of Destiny was moving through grounded, reliable and devoted Taurus, testing their ability to commit to each other. And now, around 18 years later, the North Node has returned to the same position in Taurus once again, which means that Ben and Jen were always destined to get a second shot at love! In fact, their relationship is teaching them all about patience. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that knows good things come to those who wait, which is exactly what Ben and Jen had to do before they were ready to find their way back to each other. And this time, there’s a strong chance they’ll be more than happy stay there.

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