domingo, 31 de julio de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Full Of Twists & Turns, But It’s All Leading You Somewhere Beautiful

Prepare for an explosive truth bomb, because your horoscope for the week of August 1 to August 7 is serving the unexpected! Jump right into the deep end of things, because twists and turns are a guarantee at this point. Something is exciting is brewing and *every* zodiac sign can feel it, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember—we’re in this together.

You’re making quite a splash this week, because on August 1, Mars—planet of drive—will join forces with innovative and rebellious Uranus, which would activate your wildest instincts. Make no mistake—you’re crash-landing into the future and there’s no way of knowing what it holds. Have faith in your ability to go with the flow! You may be adjusting to some pretty intense changes this as this week begins, but on August 2, you’ll have an opportunity to regroup. As Venus—planet of love and pleasure—forms a sextile with the Uranus-Mars conjunction, it will help you find reasons to enjoy the shifting tides. Glory is on the horizon, because you’re in the process of building a beautiful new normal.

You have the power to concoct brilliant plans and execute them with panache, especially once clever Mercury enters Virgo—the zodiac sign of its exaltation—on August 4. Mercury thrives when its moving through this mutable earth sign, increasing your ability to analyze important details, make smart decisions and stay productive! If you’re procrastinating on a project, Mercury in Virgo will push you to the finish line.

As romantic Venus forms a trine with dreamy and empathetic Neptune on August 7, it will remind you to take it easy and listen to your heart. In fact, you might find yourself daydreaming about someone and romanticizing your future together! However, pushy Mars will also square off with rigid Saturn, which might force you to pump the breaks. Great things take time and forcing things to move faster than they should might land you in hot water. Be patient, babe. Beauty takes time!

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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You may be walking on unstable ground, thanks to the fact that Mars—your planetary ruler—is joining forces with unpredictable Uranus on August 1. Chances are, you’re learning how to let go of what you used to rely on, knowing you’re ready to take the training wheels off and take a risk. You don’t need to know where you’re going next, just that you’re going.

When Venus forms a sextile with Uranus and Mars on August 2, it will courage you to have fun and enjoy spicing things up a lil. There’s never been a better time to throw caution to the wind and treat yourself! You deserve to have a good time, even if you are taking on tons of new responsibilities.

Don’t judge yourself too harshly if you’re not where you want to be. Mars will square off with challenging Saturn on August 11, which could leave you feeling even further away from your end goal. Instead of focusing on where you’re not, focus on where you are.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For August 2022

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By the end of this week, you might feel like a totally different person! After all, Mars will join forces with Uranus in Taurus on August 1, which is shaking up your whole sense of self. If your ego is bruised, that’s only because you don’t feel true to yourself. It’s time to own who you are, no matter what anyone thinks.

As Venus—your ruling planet—forms a sextile with Mars and Uranus on August 2, it will bring you comfort, nourishment and emotional security. Spend time with the people you trust the most and surround yourself with beautiful familiarity. It will reconnect you with your inner truth, Taurus.

As Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your 11th house of friends and associates on August 7, it’s opening you up to so many new connections. Think with a “we” mentality and you’ll have the power to bring so many people together that you become an unstoppable force!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For August 2022

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You’ve got a lot on your mind this week, Gemini. After all, on August 1, Mars will join forces with Uranus in your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious. You may find that repressed memories are resurfacing with intensity, prompting you to dive into introspection and walk away with some game-changing revelations.

When Mercury—your ruling planet—enters your fourth house of home and family on August 4, it will remind you to focus on what truly matters. You can have all the outer success and recognition you could ever want, but none of it will matter if you don’t have a personal life that truly feels enriching. Give yourself some TLC, Gem.

As Mars squares off with Saturn in your ninth house of perspective on August 7, you may have so many questions that need answering. And yet, nothing makes sense! Give these situations time to marinate, as more details are yet to come. Trust your instinct, because if something feels off, there’s a good chance it is.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re shaking up the stratosphere this week, Cancer! In fact, as Mars joins forces with Uranus in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, you’re ready to take a big risk if it means bringing your vision to life. Tap into your revolutionary side; the part of you that believes in a better world. You’re going places (and you’re taking people with you).

As Venus forms a sextile with Mars and Uranus on August 2, it will encourage you to make practical and realistic decisions with your goals in mind. If you’re willing to nurture something, it’s bound to grow. Feel free to share some of the wealth, knowing it’s all coming back to you ten-fold.

However, as Mars squares off with Saturn in your eighth house of merging energies on August 7, you may feel like your investments aren’t paying off as fast as you hoped. What were you expecting, an overnight success story? You know you’re committed to this for the long haul, so be willing to wait for something great.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re making waves in your career this week, Leo. In fact, you’ve *been* making waves, and on August 1, Mars will join forces with Uranus in your professional 10th house, pushing you down a different path. Feel free to take a sharp turn in another direction! It takes guts to correct course, even if that means throwing everything out and starting over.

As Venus in Leo forms a sextile with Mars and Uranus on August 2, you’ll gain some recognition for your tenacity at work from an unexpected admirer. You’re working hard and following your destiny! It’s time to forgive yourself for all the pressure you put on yourself and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

As Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your eighth house of longterm growth on August 7, you’re looking back on how far you’ve come with fondness. You may even feel somewhat emotional about the experiences you’ve built, knowing that none of it came easy. That’s a good thing! When you’re emotionally invested, nothing can stop you, Leo.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For August 2022

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’re causing a ruckus this week and you don’t care who knows it! On August 1, Mars will join forces with Uranus in your ninth house of spontaneity and wisdom, encouraging you to try something totally different; something that expands your horizons and shows you a new reality. Just remember to make your next move with intention.

Once Mercury—your ruling planet—enters Virgo on August 4, it will be a game-changing moment for you. If you’ve been dealing with brain fog and disorganization, this transit will change everything, reminding you how mentally tough you really are! Take advantage of your intellectual prowess, Virgo, because it’s shining so bright.

As Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your seventh house of partnerships, opening you up to magical experiences with your loved ones. In fact, you might even be crushing on a friend of yours, so it may be time to make your move.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re going through a deep and spiritual transformation right now, Libra. And on August 1, that transformation could really be heating up as Mars joins forces with Uranus in your eighth house of give and take. It’s time to redefine your boundaries firmly, especially if people try to cross you when you’re not paying attention.

When Venus—your ruling planet—forms a sextile with Uranus and Mars on August 2, you’ll be ready to choose your own success over a draining commitment. Set yourself free from a dead-end situation, especially because you’re *this* close to a major breakthrough in your career!

When Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your sixth house of service on August 7, you may be in a super charitable mood, prompting you to pour your heart into a project that benefits everyone. Find ways to infuse your career trajectory with your philanthropic instincts, because you’re feeling fulfilled by giving more than receiving.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For August 2022

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Your relationship may be taking a drastic turn as this week begins, Scorpio. After all, on August 1, Mars—your ruling planet—will join forces with Uranus in your seventh house of partnerships, which may be encouraging you to prioritize independence over codependence. Remember—you can’t rely on someone else to make you happy; not when you have the power to make yourself even happier.

As Venus forms a sextile with Uranus and Mars on August 2, it will take you to so may new places and show you so many new things. In fact, if you’re having relationship trouble, now would be a beautiful time to hear each other out and see things from their perspective. Open-mindedness is key, because you’re revamping your whole understanding of relationships.

However, when Mars squares off with Saturn in your fourth house of upbringing, you may find that you and your partner come from two very different backgrounds. It’s time for you to leave behind the bad things your parents taught you while embracing the good.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For August 2022

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Prepare for unexpected detours as this week begins. On August 1, Mars will join forces with Uranus in your sixth house of work and routine, which could cause major interruptions that throw you off course! Just because things aren’t going according to plan doesn’t mean it won’t go well. Instead of freaking out, look at these detours as opportunities to try something different.

As Mercury enters your 10th house of career on August 4, you’ll be in a beautiful position to project confidence and power. People are seeing you for what a hard worker you are, so continue build your way towards success and speaking with authority over your role. Your skills are not to be underestimated.

However, as Mars squares off with Saturn in your third house of communication on August 7, something may be blocking you from fully believing in your ideas. If you’re feeling extra anxious about voicing your thoughts with a superior, feed your plans to them slowly rather than forcing something to happen before you’re truly ready.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re on the verge of an incredible artistic breakthrough, Capricorn! After all, on August 1, Mars will join forces with Uranus in your fifth house of self-expression, prompting you to throw out the rulebook and color outside the lines. Don’t focus so much on how well your art will be received. Instead, focus on how much fun you’re having! If you’re not having fun, your art won’t be fun.

Luckily, as Mercury enters your ninth house of open-minded thinking on August 4, you’re learning how to embrace more adventure in your work. Embrace a free-spiritedness in everything you do, because you’re learning how to let loose and pave the way for inspiration to drop in on you when you least expect it.

However, the end of the week may leave you feeling stagnant, as though you’re running on empty. As Mars squares off with Saturn on August 7, it could leave you feeling depleted, as though you’ve used up all your juices. Don’t worry about getting your point across all at once, Cap.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re bound to experience shakeups on the home-front this week, Aquarius. After all, on August 1, Mars will join forces with Uranus in your fourth house of family and roots, which could lead to unexpected changes in your personal life. You may even be ready to move to a new place, because you’re ready to build the home that *you* want to live in.

As Venus forms a sextile with Uranus and Mars on August 2, it will give you a helpful boost as you get organized and ready to make yourself feel more comfortable. This is a great time to create a to-do list, rethink the way you manage your time and start getting the ball rolling. If your closet is a mess, start with one pile of clothes at a time!

When Mars squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on August 7, you may be feeling the pressure to change all at once. In fact, you may be pushing yourself beyond your limit, so respect your body when it tells you it needs a break. Life is not a race, but a marathon, Aquarius. Go at your own pace!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For August 2022

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Be careful what you say this week, Pisces. After all, on August 1, Mars will join forces with Uranus in your third house of communication, which could encourage you to say the wrong thing at the worst possible time. Remember, you can always say more, but you can never say less!

When Mercury enters your seventh house of partnerships on August 4, you’ll become much better at communicating, especially if you’re willing to reserve time for a one-on-one conversation. If harsh words were exchanged, your empathetic abilities will help you solve the problem and get to the core of the issue.

By the end of the week, you’ll be in a beautiful position to let bygones be bygones. As Venus forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on August 7, it will encourage you to forget about what you’ve experienced in the past and focus on what the future holds. A romance may be blossoming, so go into it without fear to hold you back.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For August 2022

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