domingo, 21 de agosto de 2022

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week, Because They’re Finally Getting What They Want

Time to hunker down and get organized, because the sun is officially entering Virgo! Also—not that there’s ever been such a thing as coincidences in astrology—what are the odds that Virgo season starts around the same time as the hustle and bustle of going back to school? If you’re wondering who the zodiac signs who will have the best week of August 22 to 28 are, it comes as no surprise that they happen to be earth signs.

There’s a seasonal shift at play this week, so be sure to pay attention to synchronicities! If you wnat to get to the bottom of how Virgo season will affect you, find out which astrological house belongs to Virgo in your birth chart. Is it your second house of spending habits, or perhaps your seventh house of one-on-one relationships? Either way, this is where the sun will energize and revitalize you from now until September 22.

On another note, Mercury—Virgo’s ruling planet—will be making a powerful trine to Pluto—planet of transformation and resurrection—the same day the sun enters Virgo on August 22, which can be just as insightful as it is productive. Let’s say you’re seeking clarity and guidance on a particular situation, for example. This investigative synergy will help you compartmentalize the facts and tap into your inner detective, discovering the truths you’ve been looking for in the process.

STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

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You might want to use your words this week, because it will feel *so* good. If there’s something you’d like to get off your chest and you have a desire to set the record straight, this one’s for you. Uranus will also station retrograde on August 24, which is always a plus as this transit will help us make more sense of the chaos in our lives. Despite the disruptions and unexpected changes you’ve experienced in the past year, Uranus retrograde will be here to help you see the beauty in the breakdown, so to speak.

On August 25, our friendly neighborhood Mercury will also be entering the justice-seeking sign of Libra, which is where the clever messenger planet prefers compromise over confrontation. This is always a breath of fresh air, especially after overanalyzing the details with Mercury in Virgo. However, when a new moon in Virgo takes place on August 27 at 2:27 p.m. ET, it will inspire you to absorb all the wisdom this organized and productive earth sign has to teach you.

If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of these earth signs, here’s why you’re loving this week’s astro forecast to such a high degree:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’re back in your element and you’ve never felt better, Taurus. As the sun shifts into your sister-sign Virgo and brings energy and vitality to your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure and self-expression, you’re not only feeling yourself, but you’re also indulging in the creative process.

Some of you may even feel the urge to relay an important message, because Mercury will trine Pluto on August 22, strengthening your perception and ability to identify important details. Uranus will also station retrograde in Taurus on August 24, which may feel like the calm after the storm. You’re grounding your ideas and finding practical solutions in the changes that have occurred recently. Are you ready to follow your heart’s desires, or solidify a creative skill?

The new moon in Virgo on August 27 is a wonderful opportunity to start, so be sure to set your intentions. Last but certainly not least, your celestial ruler, Venus, will be making a direct opposition with Saturn retrograde on August 28. This means it’s time to investigate what is and isn’t working in your professional life and your personal life. What is genuinely fulfilling you? Bring more of that into your life.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re the reason for the season, Virgo! Now that the sun is now glimmering through Virgo, you have the passion, enthusiasm and confidence to move forward (and feel highly productive in the process). On August 22, Mercury—your celestial ruler—will harmonize with transformative Pluto which will present you with an opportunity to pursue a more taboo desire you might have. This could even catalyze a journey you’ve been resisting, luring you deeper into the unknown.

Many of you are also transforming your whole perspective and learning how to let go of a fear-based mindset. Other Virgos may willingly submit to a creative idea you’ve been secretly working towards. Moreover, Mercury will be making its debut in justice-seeking Libra, activating your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances and value systems. Cha-ching! In addition to seeing a positive change in your money situation and an increase in your momentum, this is also an excellent time to brainstorm practical methods to organizing and strengthening your finances.

The new moon in your sign on August 22 marks the beginning of a new chapter with regards to your emotional foundation, and innermost feelings. It’s time to move forward, creating distance from your former self without forgetting the memories and the wisdom they’ve brought you. Get ready for another chapter to begin.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For August 2022

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


It’s onward and upward from here on out, Capricorn! The sun is now glimmering through Virgo and bringing magic to your expansive ninth house of wisdom, worldly pursuits and personal philosophy. This will allow for clarity in your personal and professional life, but it will also pave the way for an exciting turn in your spiritual journey. What’s next on your bucket list? Have you started planning ahead?

On August 22, Mercury—Virgo’s planetary ruler—will link up with Pluto in Capricorn, which means you are likely being called to transform your identity, especially if you’ve been holding onto the past too tightly. It may be time to confront your shadow, because you truly have nothing to fear. If your belief systems are currently being shaken up, it’s time to see the world in a whole new way. This next chapter of your life depends on it.

Speaking of which, rebellious Uranus will station retrograde on August 24, highlighting the many changes you had no choice but to endure this past year. Look back on everything that has happen, because you’re finding logic in the chaos. How have these changes influenced your authenticity and/or creative musings? Many of you have a story to tell, so write your thoughts down somewhere in the meantime. The new moon in Virgo marks the beginning of a new adventure, one that may require you to venture into the unknown. You’re ready.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For August 2022

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