viernes, 19 de agosto de 2022

Your Weekly Love Horoscope Is Predicting Fear Of Commitment, But It’s Only Temporary

Astrology is currently influencing and impacting your relationships on a major level, which makes your love horoscope for the week of August 22 to 28 that much more relevant to your life. Even though challenges are presenting themselves and conflicts feel inevitable, you’re learning so much about what is and *isnt* working in your social life as a whole.

For better or worse, the cosmos are calling attention to the way you perceive love this week. The sun enters selfless and practical Virgo on August 22, shifting the temperature from sexy Leo heat to a more down-to-earth vibe. Instead of relying on romance and desire, Virgo season challenges you to have common sense when it comes to improving and maintaining your relationship. Mercury—planet of communication—enters Libra on August 25, encouraging a cosmically balanced mindset when it comes to matters of the heart. Embrace diplomacy and compromise, because it could be what bridges the gap in a relationship that’s becoming more and more distant.

A new moon in Virgo takes place on August 27, encouraging you to make acts of service your most fluent love language. Virgo doesn’t need over-the-top displays of affection, because they often believe doing your laundry and picking you up at the airport is even more romantic! This will help you manage the details in your love life with care and reduce doubt about each other’s intentions.

However, Venus—planet of love and friendship—will also square off with erratic Uranus on August 27, reducing the level of reliability and increasing your need for freedom. This could quickly create drama or sudden shifts in love—especially for the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). Luckily, if you’re single, this could spark a surprise connection with someone who isn’t typically your “type”. That said, once Venus opposes strict and inhibiting Saturn on August 28, you could realize that you’ll never truly get what you want from the person you’re in love with. Remember—there’s no such thing as a perfect significant other, but that should never mean settling for less than what you deserve.

Related: Get A Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of August 22 to 28 is trying to tell you, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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You may develop an uncanny ability to see things from a partner’s perspective over the course of the week. Mercury enters your relationship sector on Thursday, instantly improving the lines of communication between you and your mate. You can make decisions together more harmoniously and could find yourselves wholeheartedly agreeing that great minds think alike. If single, you can start to think more about what you’re able to offer a potential mate instead of what you want to get from a partner. This shift in perspective could change everything—instead of focusing on taking, you’re capable of highlighting all that you can give. That might be all you need to attract new love!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For August 2022

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There are glorious prospects in love ahead for singles this week, but coupled people may have more troubles. A new moon lights up your romance sector on Saturday. This lunation’s placement in service-oriented Virgo could signal a romantic connection beginning through your job or while you’re out and about running errands. This person will be practical and grounded—it could be a match made in heaven! Unfortunately, those in relationships might have more trouble. Venus will argue with Uranus in your sign before opposing stern Saturn this weekend. You and your partner might not agree on how to achieve work/family balance. 

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For August 2022

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Romantic plans may take up all your mental space this week, keeping you focused on getting your heart’s desire met! Mercury enters your true love sector on Thursday, inspiring you to strike up meaningful conversations on dates with potential love interests or in discussions with a long-term partner. Unfortunately, while you are technically able to communicate well, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you and someone else will be on the same page. In fact, with fussy Venus in your communication sector at odds with both changeable Uranus and stubborn Saturn this weekend, you and your sweetheart may have to agree to disagree.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For August 2022

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Meaningful conversations about a family matter or with relatives could be about to occur between you and your sweetheart. Mercury enters amiable Libra and your home and family sector on Thursday, suggesting a favorable outcome if you and your mate need to make a vital decision about domestic matters or real estate. Single Libras could have enlightening conversations as well, especially if you talk to one of your relatives about your love life. This person might offer words of wisdom about what it takes to create and sustain a lasting love connection. Listen carefully to these sentiments—they’re probably gold. 

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For August 2022

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Romance may have felt like anything from a relaxing Sunday drive all the way to a roller coaster ride lately — either way, you may want to keep your seat belt on this week. Venus, now in your sign, will square Uranus, the ruler of your partnership sector, on Saturday, and then clash with sobering Saturn on Sunday. This might create a sudden rebellious moment between you and your mate. It could even lead to a breakup or a decision to take a temporary break from each other. If you’re single, you might vacillate between wanting your freedom and yearning for a connection. Try to just go with the flow.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For August 2022

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New opportunities are now opening up in your love life, because you’ve decided it’s time to write the next chapter yourself. A new moon in Virgo on Saturday sets the stage for this next phase in your romantic situation. You deserve a relationship that is not only durable, but one that functions in a practical way for as long as it lasts. It’s possible that you typically lean on your partner to soften your rough edges and help you believe more in fairy tales and possibilities. This week, however, both single and coupled Virgos may decide that the better path to long-term love is to focus on relationships where both partners have their feet on the ground.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For August 2022

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You may have a way with words this week, one that can help you communicate about anything that needs to happen in your current or a future love connection to invite fairness and harmony. Mercury enters Libra on Thursday, granting you this boost in communication. Use it well! Single? This is a great time to think about and write down a detailed, fair list of what you want in a partner and why you want a partnership to begin with. You could also jot down ideas to ensure that you don’t lose yourself in your next relationship. Whether you’re normally prone to doing that or not, it’s better to be prepared in advance.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For August 2022

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Unexpected developments could impact your love life situation at any moment! Uranus, the planet of sudden change and liberation, will enter its retrograde phase in your partnership sector on Wednesday. While you might think that this would give you a reprieve from any chaotic unpredictability in your current relationship or with potential love interests, that isn’t likely to happen just yet. Passionate Venus will square Uranus by Saturday, possibly leading to a whopper of an event. Things might get really topsy-turvy, whether or not you’re already coupled. No matter what you think will happen in your love life, think again—try to be ready for anything!

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For August 2022

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Friends may now have a more balanced perspective about relationships than they usually would. You can thank Mercury’s entry into partnership-oriented Libra and your 11th house of friendship on Thursday for this. If you’re in a romantic connection and having difficulty, a pal can help you see the other side of the situation. Viewing things through your partner’s lens should help tremendously. If single, one of your buddies might help you view your current bachelor or bachelorette status in a new light. There’s a reason for everything, and your pal could have the perfect insight. Talking to your friends about your love life is the best thing you can do this week!

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For August 2022

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Healing any family wounds or past trauma is the key to your love life becoming everything you want it to be. Fortunately, the place you’re in at present is one where you can both dive into this type of healing and potentially even transcend your emotional pain for good. Venus and Jupiter are guiding you along your healing journey, thanks to their trine on Thursday. Regardless of what your current love life scenario might be, addressing those core wounds is sure to help you open your heart and make your love stronger than ever. You might also break a family karmic cycle that is related to this. Healing is possible!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For August 2022

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No matter how much you want harmony in your current love life, circumstances beyond your control may get in the way. Feisty Venus remains in your partnership sector, which should pave the way for support in matters of the heart. Unfortunately, Venus will square fickle Uranus on Saturday and then oppose solid Saturn on Sunday. This can manifest as a sudden problem in your domestic life that causes you and your partner to fight over the limitations in your relationship. If single, tons of chaos in other areas of your life might not leave any room to even try to date. Make an effort to have patience—this will pass eventually.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For August 2022

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Conversations about money and intimacy can be extremely delicate, even in the best circumstances. Fortunately, this week should have those beneficial circumstances! Thanks to Mercury entering soothing Libra, you and any potential partner can find a way to soften rough edges and share meaningful dialogue together. You’re also able to create a safe and inviting space for both of you to be honest and vulnerable with each other. In other news, a gorgeous New Moon in your partnership sector on Saturday could pave the way for a brand-new relationship to develop for singles. If you’re casually dating someone, then you and your sweetie might be ready to go exclusive. Take advantage of these gorgeous opportunities.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For August 2022

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