lunes, 17 de octubre de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Says the Road to Scorpio Season Is a Bumpy One, So Buckle Your Seatbelt

Things are getting intense right from the jump and your horoscope for the week of October 17 to October 23 is no joke. It’s the last week of Libra season, and because this is the air sign of harmony and justice, it’s encouraging you to take major steps toward healing. If your relationship has been hanging by a thread, it’s time to do something about it!

It all kicks off with an emotional and high-stakes last quarter moon in Cancer on October 17, increasing your sensitivity and flaring your defenses. After all, this moon will form a combative t-square with relationship-oriented Venus and manipulative Pluto, bringing deep-seated fears and lingering resentments to the surface. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so be mindful of your impulses, as it’s not always easy to make decisions when your fight-or-flight response has been activated. While you may be drawn back into toxic patterns this week, you have all the power to overcome them.

Because the sun-Venus conjunction in Libra will form a trine with passionate and driven Mars by October 18, you have the courage to fight for what you desire. Even if things are a mess right now, you have the ability to create something stronger if you want it badly enough. Love is always worth fighting for, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a fight. And because Mars is currently in outspoken Gemini, communication is key!

STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs Horoscope Astrology

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There may be new rules and boundaries put into place by October 23. This is when Saturn—planet of karma, commitment and restriction—will finally station direct at 18 degrees Aquarius after being retrograde for the past four months. As Saturn begins to shift gears, you may be met with a sobering reality check, but only if you need it. As Saturn continues to move forward, you’ll gain stronger understanding of what you’re building towards.

October 23 is also the day that both the sun as well as Venus—planet of love and friendship—enter Scorpio. This fixed water sign is just as deep as it is misunderstood, which means Scorpio season can awaken your darkest depths and illuminate truths that have been lurking in shadows. Prepare to see what your life is *truly* made of, because a transformative solar eclipse in Scorpio is waiting for you next week.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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You’re entering the week craving safety and emotional comfort as the moon in Cancer lights a candle in your fourth house of home and family. However, deep-seated fears may arise if your defenses feel as though they’re breaking down.

This tension may last all throughout the week. As the moon forms a t-square with Venus in your seventh house of partnerships and Pluto in your reputation-oriented 10th house, you may feel torn between your feelings for someone else and your desire to maintain a certain image. The more you feel pressured to alter yourself to fit someone else’s criteria, the more you may feel like you’re being forced to give something up. Take a break from all the people pleasing and ask yourself one majorly important question—what do *you* want? Don’t reach out for someone else’s opinion before you’ve even taken the time to form your own.

Scorpio season begins on October 23, ushering in an era of transformation and deeper intimacy. As the sun smolders through your eighth house of death and rebirth, you’re learning when ripping off the band-aid is the only appropriate option.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For October 2022

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You may be having some emotional conversations this week and it all begins on October 17, when a Cancer moon stirs up controversy in your third house of communication. You may be spending a lot of time asking questions. You may even be attempting to connect the dots or make sure all the facts add up.

However, as the week progresses, you’ll may feel torn between taking action and sticking to your guns. As Venus in your proactive sixth house forms a square with Pluto in your ninth house of perspective, you may find yourself unsure of whether doing something is forcing you to compromise your beliefs. For now, the best course of action may be to stand back and allow things to unfold naturally. There’s always a decent chance the issue may solve itself, but not if you’re poking at a bruise before it’s had a chance to heal.

Your relationships will begin taking the center-stage as the week comes to a close. On October 23, the sun and Venus will enter your seventh house of partnerships, shining a light on the people you consider your other half. You’re approaching a significant turning point, especially if the intensity of your relationship has been ramping up lately. Expect a change!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For October 2022

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All you’re craving this week is some smooth sailing, and yet, you can’t help but feel tempted to shake things up. As a Cancer moon brings your attention to your second house of stability on October 17, you’re beginning the week in search of something that grounds you. However, letting go of the drama is often easier said than done.

You’re receiving a boost of confidence as Venus in your romantic fifth house forms a trine with Mars in Gemini on October 18. Prepare to feel overwhelmed with desire ravenous for some passion. Feel free to flaunt what you’ve got! However, as both the sun and Venus square off with Pluto in your 11th house of community, you’re feeling torn between doing what you love and doing what you think people expect of you. It may be time to come to terms with the fact that you can’t make everyone happy, and sometimes, doing what’s best for you is not always what’s best for you emotionally.

Scorpio season begins on October 23, shifting your focus toward your physical wellbeing and your day-to-day life. As the sun and Venus enter your sixth house of work and health, you’re feeling the urge to nurture yourself and organize your overall routine as the week comes to an end.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For October 2022

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You may feel empowered and emboldened by your emotions this week, as a last quarter moon in Cancer will kickstart the week on October 17. However, this moon carries the weight of the world on your shoulders, as you may be placing far too much pressure on yourself to succeed when other aspects of your life may be suffering.

By October 20, the sun-Venus conjunction in your fourth house of home and family will square off with Pluto in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships, which could cause you to feel as though you’re being pulled in different directions. You may find that the demands of a partnership are conflicting with your comfort zone. We all come from different backgrounds and upbringings, which may become a problem if you’ve formed different understandings of love and comfort. It may be time to take matters into your own hands, because trust is built through action.

You might feel completely over all the drama and seriousness by the end of the week. On October 23, Scorpio season will bring your fifth house of fun and pleasure back to life, activating your desire for some larger-than-life excitement. Just because you have a lot on your plate doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For October 2022

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You may feel tired, dreamy and sensitive to external stimuli as this week begins. On October 17, the moon in Cancer will spend time in your 12th house of solitude and spirituality, which could bring forth some unexpected emotions and heavy thoughts. Give yourself time to process them!

However, allowing these feelings to flow through you naturally may be easier said than done, because on October 19, the sun in your busy third house will square off with Pluto in your proactive sixth house. This could tap into your instinct to find a solution to every problem, but not every issue needs to be solved. Sometimes, pushing and prodding only further distances yourself from your destination, as frustration is always a symptom of forcing something that doesn’t want to be forced. Take a step back and consider the big picture, because the world won’t fall apart while you’re not paying attention.

When both the sun and Venus enter Scorpio on October 23, it will light a fire in your fourth house of home and family, encouraging you to nurture your sacred space. You’re gearing up for a new chapter in your personal life, so start thinking about where—and how—you plan to lay down your roots.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For October 2022

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You’re looking into the future this week and you’re trying to picture what it looks like. As this week begins, a Cancer moon will bring magic to your 11th house of innovation and community endeavors. You may be moving forward, but you’re also coming to terms with the fact that it may not be aligning perfectly with your vision.

However, your attempt to motivate and inspire everyone around you may be hard fought, especially as Venus in your second house of stability squares off with Pluto in your fifth house of passion and self-expression. You may feel like you’re giving more than you’re getting, which is why it’s important to have faith! Even if you’re not seeing immediate results, trust that the seeds you’ve been planting will eventually begin to grow. Remember—it’s always the most beautiful flowers that take the longest time to bloom.

By the end of the week, you may feel more energized and intellectually curious (thanks to the fact that Scorpio season begins on October 23. As the sun enters your chatty and social third house, you’re gearing up for an intellectual adventure. Do whatever stimulates that genius mind of yours, Virgo. Your brain is a muscle that needs exercising.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For October 2022

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As this week begins, you may be feeling extra concerned about the way you’re being perceived by others. On October 17, the moon in Cancer will highlight your 10th house of image and reputation, increasing your desire to be recognized for your efforts and honored in a way that makes you feel proud.

However, as the moon forms a t-square with the Venus in Libra as well as Pluto in your fourth house of home and family, you may feel like you’re unable to move forward when there’s still so much conflict holding you back. By the time Venus squares off with Pluto on October 20, you may feel as though you’re being pulled back into old patterns and forced to deal with skeletons in your closet that you’d much rather avoid. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially if you can spend time with someone who’s a neutral third party. Now’s the time to let your talent for fairness and diplomacy lead the way.

By the time Scorpio season begins on October 23, you may feel less concerned about figuring out who you are and more focused on giving yourself what you want. As the sun enters your second house of stability and self-esteem, it’s time to build a safety net of support that allows you to hold it together no matter what.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For October 2022

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You may be in the mood to shake things up and allow spontaneity to guide you through the week. On October 17, a last quarter moon in Cancer will light up your ninth house of expansion and open-mindedness, tapping into your desire for a bit of adventure.

However, as the moon engages in a challenging t-square with Venus in your sensitive 12th house and Pluto in your third house of communication, you may have trouble figuring out the logistics. There’s a chance that your idea of something may deviate from the real thing. You may even feel like everything you’re trying to say is coming out wrong. And as Venus squares off with Pluto on October 20, uncomfortable emotions may quickly turn into harsh exchanges. Instead of trying to intellectualize the situation and convince someone your perspective, allow your truth to shine through your actions. After all, actions always speak louder than words.

By October 23, both the sun and Venus will enter Scorpio, bringing your attention to who you are and who you’re becoming. This solar return carries immense magnitude, as you’re well on your way toward an eclipse that could change the way you see yourself altogether.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For October 2022

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You may feel intense and somewhat pessimistic as this week begins. With an uncomfortable last quarter moon in Cancer lighting up your eighth house of transformation, you may be feeling a desire to fill a void in your life. However, what you decide to fill it with makes all the difference in how whole it makes you feel.

As Venus in your social 11th house forms a trine with Mars in your seventh house of partnerships on October 18, you’re feeling enthusiastic about who you’re surrounded with. You have the power to bring people together that motivate each other. However, as both the sun and Venus approach a square with Pluto in your second house of money and resources on October 20, you may find it harder to trust others enough to allow yourself to be generous. Instead of being worried that you’ll be taken advantage of, give yourself permission to have fun. As you find the beauty in the exchange, the experience will ultimately be to your benefit.

When Scorpio season begins on October 23, it could mark the beginning of a major vibe shift. As both the sun and Venus enter your 12th house of spirituality, you may feel sleepier and dreamier than usual. Give in to your desire to withdraw from the world and embrace the rejuvenation of being a hermit for a while.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For October 2022

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You may feel the pressure begin to increase in a relationship as this week begins. On October 17, a Cancer moon will light up your seventh house of partnerships, shining a light on the “other person” in your life. However, there’s a chance you may not feel seen by whoever this person may be (at least not in the way you them want to).

As the moon engages in a fierce t-square with Pluto in Capricorn as well as Venus in your 10th house of public perception, you may feel as though you’re trying to project an image that reflects your true feelings, and yet, your intensity is severely lacking in subtlety. Instead of feeling the need to maintain your pride and protecting yourself from embarrassment, give yourself permission to be vulnerable. When you choose to be open and honest, it sets the tone for everyone else to be vulnerable too. And if you’re willing to open the door to emotional understanding, it will speak volumes about where your intentions lie.

By the end of the week, you may begin to feel more concerned about how you’re inspiring, sharing and connecting with others. As Scorpio season unleashes excitement in your 11th house of community, you’re on the verge of getting to know your team on a whole new level.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For October 2022

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As this week begins, you may feel overwhelmed by all the many tasks and regimens on your to-do list. As a last quarter moon in Cancer activates your sixth house of work and health, you may be feeling the pressure to maintain your state of being, especially if it comes with a 12-step skin care routine and a mountain of paperwork.

Make sure you set aside time to have fun, because on October 18, Venus in your adventure-seeking ninth house will form a trine with Mars in your passionate fifth house. This is the perfect energy for everything to go swimmingly with your crush, so make sure to set up a hot date. And if you’re single, make sure to buy yourself flowers. But as Venus squares off with Pluto in your 12th house of subconscious thoughts on October 20, you may begin to let your fears cloud your judgment. If you’re unsure of what’s going on or what someone may be feeling, don’t hesitate to talk it out. Communication is everything, babe.

When Scorpio season begins on October 23, it will set the stage for a major turning point in your career and your overall reputation. As both the sun & Venus enter your 10th house of public image, you’re getting ready to break the news and shape the narrative in your favor.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For October 2022

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Are you in the mood to party? Do you already feel like calling in sick to work and playing hooky? Now’s as good a time as ever, because the last quarter moon in Cancer is shooting fireworks through your fifth house of fun and pleasure on October 17. Make no mistake—you’re starting off this week feeling high on life!

As both the sun and Venus in your transformative eighth house form a trine with Mars in your protective fourth house on October 18, you’re also feeling inspired to help the process of healing along. Use your initiative to anticipate your deepest and most heartfelt needs. By nurturing your heart, you’re also refilling your tank. However, as Venus squares off with Pluto in your 11th house of community on October 20, you may feel as though jealousies and social politics are making you feel unsure of who to trust. Before you further entangle yourself in other people’s drama, set boundaries that protect your peace.

As the week comes to an end, you may start to feel pulled away from the monotony of your life and into the unknown. The sun enters Scorpio on October 23, which is also awakening your ninth house of freedom and adventure. You’re on the brink of a journey that could take you anywhere, so buckle your seatbelt.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For October 2022

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