domingo, 16 de octubre de 2022

Your Weekly Love Horoscope Says You May Be Playing Mind Games, But That Doesn’t Mean It Won’t Be Sexy

Your love horoscope for the week of October 17 to October 23 is filled with complications, but that doesn’t mean they won’t lead to sexy misunderstandings! Whether that’s good or bad is up to us, which is why you need to play your cards right.

Passions are running high this week, and on October 18, Venus in flirty Libra will form a trine with Mars in dirty-talking Gemini. This could lead to several turn-ons being activated and unveiled, so make sure you’re taking advantage of this pleasure-seeking moment.

However, by October 20, Venus will square off with dark and insatiable Pluto, deepening your hunger for love. There may be some (hopefully metaphorical) blood drawn, so be mindful of where your desires are taking you. In other words, in order to feel convinced that someone truly loves you—and vice versa—extreme measures must be taken. All or nothing is the name of the game! This week, you may be craving want, obsession and possession. You might want things to feel messy, and if there isn’t enough drama as it is, you may be unable to resist the urge to create it yourself, especially if your love life is starting feeling stale. Pluto loves to play games of manipulation and control, but that doesn’t mean each chess move won’t lead to consequences.

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Related: Get A Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

On top of it all, Venus enters Scorpio on October 23, which is a zodiac sign the planet of love often feels uncomfortable in. However, that’s only because Scorpio adds a goth twist of darkness to Venus. Most days, Venus asks the bartender for a cosmo. But when it’s in Scorpio, Venus orders a manhattan. This transit never fails to bring a layer of passion, complexity and obsession to our love lives! Fortunately, it should go hand-in-hand with increased sensuality.

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of October 17 to October 23 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

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You’re playing for keeps this week when it comes to matters of the heart. The problem, however, is that you might not be playing by the rules. As Venus picks a fight with Pluto, you’ll probably want to do whatever is necessary to achieve your goals for a love scenario—even if you have to twist someone’s arm in the process. There is a definite bite along with your bark, fierce Aries, so be careful how you wield your power. You just might scare off your lover or a potential love interest! Venus enters your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources on Sunday. Love is costly, but sacrifices should be worth it.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For October 2022

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You might be pushing too hard to get what you currently want in love. Remember the art of attraction, and let Venus guide you to seductively draw the object of your affection your way. Without her in your corner, you might want to give ultimatums to someone you care about, only to realize that this approach mainly just drives a wedge between you and your lover. Luckily, once charming Venus enters your partnership sector on Sunday, you’ll have a cosmic edge in love and relationship matters. If single, this is an excellent indication that a mystery person has their sights set on you. This could get intense!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For October 2022

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You might not trust someone you’re dating. If this happens, you may want to go with your gut. Venus will be in your romance sector at a harsh angle to Pluto on Thursday, strengthening your intuition. Perhaps your gut is telling you that this person is shady—if so, you may want to listen before you get hurt. This romantic interest might be trying to use you for money or sex, or even hiding a questionable past. Venus enters your work sector on Sunday, making you better equipped to prove your love to someone through acts of service. Obsessive tendencies could even attract a new love connection!

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For October 2022

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Power struggles regarding domestic matters are likely in love affairs of all kinds this week— especially if you’re already in a committed relationship. Your partner could be acting like they want to get their way no matter what. At one time you may have been the person going out of your way trying to keep the peace, but now the cosmos is showing you how to fight back if you feel bullied or talked over. It won’t be pretty, but it is necessary to stand your ground. Single? Venus moves into your romance sector on Sunday, changing the rules in the game of love. Finally, they are decidedly in your favor!

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For October 2022

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Balancing your love life probably isn’t going to happen this week, no matter how hard you try. On top of that, romantic stress might even lead to a health issue—particularly if you’re not willing to verbally address any problems with your love interest or mate. Bottling up what is bothering you won’t lead to a healthy, loving connection. Instead, it will only lead to resentment, and in this case, it could also make you sick. It’s not worth it! If you’re single, you might feel mentally overwhelmed with negativity about love. Either way, try talking to a counselor about what’s bugging you. You could be surprised by how much it helps.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For October 2022

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Motivations are more important than ever in matters of the heart. It’s time to ask yourself how you’re getting what you what out of your relationships—and why you’re using those methods. Are you using sex or sexuality as leverage with someone, even if you aren’t in a current relationship with them? If you’re guilty of doing this, don’t hesitate to think about the future consequences of those actions. Upon deeper reflection, you’re likely to realize the only payoff is a false sense of control over something you don’t actually have a ton of control over. Either way, this is not healthy for you or your relationship potential. You’ve got the power to make a change!

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For October 2022

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Romantic advice from a family member is likely to rub you the wrong way at the moment. Perhaps they seem very invested in telling you how they feel about your current romantic choices—and their feelings probably aren’t positive. This relative might also try to sabotage a new love connection. Once you realize what’s happening, you can definitively put a stop to it! Depending on how severe this person’s behavior is, you may even decide to break ties. In other news, if you’re in a long-term relationship, your sweetheart might make you feel like a million bucks this weekend, specifically on Sunday. It’s nice to be deeply loved and valued.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For October 2022

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A secret crush might start to feel outright obsessive. If you have a romantic interest in someone, it’s time to honestly assess how far you’re willing to go to find out information regarding them. You might be violating this person’s privacy without intending to—and they might even feel like you’re stalking them! It’s one thing to check out the social media pages of a pal you have a crush on, but it would be another thing entirely to try and figure out their frequent hang-out spots and just ‘happen’ to show up there. Question your motives to ensure that they’re healthy. More fortunately, loving Venus will enter your sign on Sunday. You’ll ooze sex appeal!

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For October 2022

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One of your friends might be sending you mixed messages about their intentions. If there is the slightest indication that you’re attracted to this person, the pal in question could begin trying to use that as leverage in order to get something from you. Venus is in your friendship sector, and she’ll tip-toe into a tense angle with manipulative Pluto on Thursday. In this alignment’s darkest expression, it’s possible that your friend will try to get money or some other favor from you. Be aware of their potential intentions—it’s not okay to play games like this with someone’s emotions. Fortunately, romance can take on more soulfulness after Sunday, and gain some healthy innocence.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For October 2022

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Getting ahead at any price might cost you—big time. In fact, it’s possible that your romantic relationship will suffer this week because of your ambition. Venus is at the top of your chart and will run into an abrasive square to Pluto on Thursday. You might be so power-hungry that you aren’t paying attention to your relationship needs, and your partner will be sure to let you know if there’s a problem. In other news, if single, your social life becomes filled with romantic opportunities when Venus dances into your friendship sector on Sunday. Let a friend set you up with someone! You may be pleasantly surprised.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For October 2022

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You might face a moral dilemma this week connected to your love life. Discovering that you’re involved in a love triangle or that you have feelings for someone who is already fully spoken for are both all too plausible. This could get messy very quickly! The worst part about it could be your head and your heart tugging you back and forth with logic and emotion. Another possibility is that, as Venus in your 9th House of Morals argues with Pluto on Thursday, you will intentionally say or do something manipulative in order to try to hold onto a person. That won’t end well—and you already know it.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For October 2022

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It’s not an easy week for love, but it is absolutely a passionate one. Venus will be in your 8th House of Intimacy until Sunday and will square Pluto on Thursday, intensifying her seductive powers. Unfortunately, you might find yourself going overboard in romantic scenarios to try and get your desires met. Erotic moments are likely—but they can quickly escalate to the dark side. You may find yourself so focused on devouring your lover or love interest that you’re not paying attention to potential consequences. Don’t go down that rabbit hole! Ask yourself if the temporary pleasure is worth all the pain that might come after.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For October 2022

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