domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2022

How the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of November 2022 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Hanging in there? After October’s solar eclipse in polarizing Scorpio, we were left with no choice but to do the intense shadow work that came along with it. If you’re currently pondering about how the lunar eclipse of November 2022 will affect each zodiac sign, there’s no need to fret. However, that doesn’t mean you should get your hopes up

Not only are we dealing with a nail-biting Mars retrograde, but also a gut-wrenchingly transformative blood moon in Taurus. In astrology, eclipses are catalysts for change. These changes unfold on both an individual and collective level, which is why this celestial phenomenon is so intimidating. After all, they usher in life-altering changes that could seem too abrupt for your liking. Their spiritual influence often quite a disruptive one, but instead of fearing a wild and unfamiliar unknown, it’s helpful to look at these shake-ups as divine intervention. After all, these eclipses are precisely what propel us toward our destiny, as they are part of something greater in the divine plan.

The universe is working for you, not against you. Otherwise, it’d be up to you, and whether you have the courage to *actually* start over. Rejection is protection. Bottom line? You are exactly where you need to be at this very moment. 

Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon

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Related: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel the Lunar Eclipse the Most

As for the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse series, this intriguing dance began back in November 2021, which is why you should take a moment to consider how much you’ve evolved since the beginning of this spiritual journey. More importantly, reflect on the themes surrounding this fixed axis: life, death, ownership, exchange, security, intimacy, value systems and power dynamics. Where do these energies come to life in your birth chart? This is where you’ve been doing the most work, whether you realize it or not. Besides, Scorpio represents everything that’s hidden beneath the surface; it is symbolic of the deeper and darker parts of our psyche. So much so, we are more likely to sweep these shadowy energies under the rug, as a way to resist the changes that need to take place. 

Taurus, on the other hand, speaks to our definition of abundance, stability and self-worth. It represents everything from our money-making abilities to what makes us feel secure. The halfway point between both of these energies is where we combine the psychic and penetrating essence of Scorpio with Taurus’ desire for stability, pleasure and comfort. You have access to both vibrations—how do you harness their power? Without balance, there would only be chaos.

StyleCaster | Zodiac Signs Most Affected by Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

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There will be a blood moon lunar eclipse on November 8 at 6:02 a.m. ET—at 16 degrees of stability-seeking Taurus—bringing an end to a significant chapter in our lives. For reference on your full-circle moment, think back to the solar eclipse that took place back in April 2022

The blood-moon-lunar-eclipse in Taurus takes place on November 8 at 6:02 a.m. ET.

Expect the unexpected, as this eclipse will conjunct change-maker Uranus—the planet of chaos, breakthroughs and unexpected change—which means things can be enlightening, liberating and incredibly shocking all altogether. Sitting just a few degrees from the North Node of Destiny, the good news is we are being divinely guided and supported on this new journey. Again, this doesn’t mean it’s going to be smooth sailing, especially with the sun, Mercury, Venus and the South Node lingering in the shadowy depths of Scorpio. In fact, this moment of clarity will likely require you to confront, release and purge an energy that’s no longer aligned with your highest good. 

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming total lunar eclipse in Taurus, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Lunar Eclipse Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

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Keeping your head held high during significant periods of change is easier said than done, but it’s important to keep reminding yourself that you made it this far, and you did it all on your own. You’re confronting the shadow side of your comfort zone and sense of security under this lunar eclipse. And though these lunar epiphanies are bound to catch you off guard, it’s shaking things up in your world in order to liberate you from the toxicity of your attachments, power dynamics and relationship fixations. The same goes for those of you who feel unconsciously indebted to others, and struggle with being discerning with your energy.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For November 2022

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The moon is being eclipsed in your name, signaling profound changes in your energy, personally and professionally. The Great Awakener planet is also being supercharged during this potent lunation, suggesting the possibility of there being surprise shake-ups and unexpected occurrences that propel you towards a brand-new world. This chaotic metamorphosis, however, will likely challenge your contractual agreements, committed partnerships and significant others, because you’re *literally* breaking free from an outdated persona that’s no longer resonating with your soul path. This could be a facade you carried on for the sake of your relationships… or worse, to maintain control. Be honest with yourself.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For November 2022

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Everyone has a unique way of coping and decompressing, but under these instigating eclipse rays, you’re unintentionally running into your shadow, and in ways you would never expect. Thanks to erratic Uranus, your psyche is supercharged, intuitive and electric with wisdom, highlighting everything from the dark side of your day-to-day surroundings to the driving force(s) behind your acts of service. Sure, this can feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but rest assured, there’s no denying what’s being brought to your attention at this time. If you’re overworking yourself, or perhaps fixating on something that’s no longer working in your favor, you will know.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For November 2022

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A new era is born in your social spheres, one that will enlighten, surprise and liberate you, but there’s some shadow work you need to do beforehand. After all, the celestial ruler of this eclipse, Venus, is sitting with the sun, Mercury and the South Node in Scorpio, highlighting the taboo side of your passion projects, romantic rendezvous and (extreme) desire to love, and be loved in return. The same goes for recognition from your community, and that of your talents, skills and abilities. Others of you, however, may struggle with expressing your unique gifts with the masses, opting to remain inhibited instead. 

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For November 2022

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There’s nothing wrong with keeping things private but, by that same token, whatever goes on in your personal life will eventually reflect onto your professional world, and the same goes for your sense of authority. If you’re going out of your way to avoid a relative, emotion and/or long-overdue conversation, this could potentially influence your reputation with a loved one. With this in mind, it’s important to reflect on what is no longer in alignment when it comes to your work vs. life balance. Fixations, polarizing emotions and intrusive behavior in the family unit is likely, but this is where the cosmos helps you get free.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For November 2022

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The doors of your perception are opening, perhaps unexpectedly so. However, this newly found outlook and opportunity for expansion will more than likely challenge your default mindset, as well as the dynamic of your immediate surroundings. A new belief system, entrepreneurial venture and/or journey to self-discovery could catch you off guard, as it will challenge you to confront everything from the shadows of doubt that keep you inhibited to your desire to maintain the upper hand. The North Node is guiding you towards this new beginning, so don’t be afraid to keep an open mind, even if that means financially or in terms of your relationships.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For November 2022

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To merge, or not to merge, that is the question. Although, despite the discomfort stemming from these unexpected changes, it’s important to remember that the North Node is, indeed, guiding you towards a brand-new foundation of exchange, whether it be personally or professionally. The same goes for those of you who have been feeling insecure and/or fixating on financial burdens; an exciting opportunity for new streams of income could be presented to you, but it may require you to surrender indulgence, as well as the fear of commitment in the process. What you wholeheartedly value in a partnership can no longer be denied.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For November 2022

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Do you feel neglected, or are you unconsciously denying yourself of what you’re really worth? The shadow work continues, but you were born for this. And while the truth surrounding your loyalties and attachments isn’t always the easiest to accept, you’re being called to reflect on the shadow side of these connections, as well as your definition of compromise. The same goes for your fixations, obsessions and/or fears surrounding other people. Let’s say you lack trust in another; this is where the cosmos is challenging you to confront what’s actually driving this low vibrational pattern. The more you’re willing to face the truth about a situation, the sooner you will break free from this.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For November 2022

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Got a secret? With a stellium of energies in Scorpio lighting up your 12th house of privacy… the real question is, who’s counting? Despite the strategy you may have in place with regards to the logistics of your lifestyle and/or the dynamic of your habits, some unexpected shake ups are bound to catch you off guard under these erratic eclipse rays. The same goes for the shadow side of your coping mechanisms and life behind the scenes, whether consciously or unconsciously. Others of you could be avoiding taking responsibility for the sake of keeping something yourself, but rest assured, the last thing you have is “control.”

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2022

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Is Keeping Up With The Jones’ really worth you compromising your happiness, and individual expression? If it’s not a group dynamic and/or community affair you no longer resonate with, then it could be something as silly as an obsession with social media, as opposed to exploring other hobbies. Others of you could’ve been choosing the more challenging route, for the sake of social acceptance, as opposed to taking a practical approach and following your bliss. The universe wants to make your life easier, Capricorn. Besides, don’t you think you’ve paid your dues? Consider this an unexpected opportunity for growth.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For November 2022

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When you go within and reflect on what emotionally fulfills you, and brings you an innate sense of stability, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Does it align with the professional path you’ve chosen to commit to? Maybe you’re living somewhere that’s a distance from your place of employment, but you’re choosing to remain committed, even though it’s a burden. Whatever the case may be, this unexpected shakeup in your personal life is precisely what is liberating you from outdated traditions, and toxic attachments surrounding your desire for authority and notoriety. Release the fear; there’s no reason to be paranoid. Follow your gut.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For November 2022

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What you think about on a regular basis will eventually manifest in your reality. That said, when thinking about your worldly pursuits and longterm vistas, it’s important to be honest with yourself about the shadowy layers surrounding your future goals, not to mention the lack of faith you have in the rest of the world. After all, this lunar eclipse will be sitting alongside the Great Awakener planet, bringing unexpected changes to your environment, some of which could benefit you greatly in the longterm. That is, if you’re willing to venture into the unknown, and explore other horizons, of course. Transcend the fear, and take a leap of faith.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For November 2022

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