lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Says a Drama-Filled Lunar Eclipse Is Taking Your Life For a Spin

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the weight of life, your horoscope for the week of November 7 to 13 will validate everything you’re experiencing. The astrology slated to unfold this week is not for the faint of heart, but there will be high rewards for remaining open, resilient and ready.

You may be struggling to look on the bright side and appreciate the good things as this week begins. After all, Venus—planet of love, pleasure and luxury—will square off with cold and inhibiting Saturn on November 7, temporarily harshing your mellow. If you can’t seem to get comfortable and it feels as though your cup is not being refilled, know that every chink in your armor is soon to be smoothed out.

However, high highs and low lows may reach tipping points by November 8. This is when a total lunar eclipse will reach its peak at 6:02 a.m. ET. Taking place at exactly 16 degrees Taurus, it will bring each of us to the brink of change, kicking and screaming. This blood-moon-lunar-eclipse will align with the North Node of Destiny, which means it could result in a major course-correction if you’ve been following the wrong path in life. Fate always has a way of finding you, no matter how much you feel like you’re running in the opposite direction. Stay tuned for what this eclipse entails, because it’s showing you what you’re meant to leave behind and what you’re destined for next. Don’t be surprised if it feels like you’re literally purging negativity, because eclipses can “eclipse” something out of your life.

StyleCaster | Zodiac Signs Most Affected by Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

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It may feel easier to forgive both yourself and others for some of the disappointment by November 10. Venus will trine sensitive, imaginative and compassionate Neptune, allowing you to heal yourself by healing others. By extending kindness toward others, you’re also extending it toward yourself. We’re all feeling the struggle and we’re all doing our best.

You may find yourself battling some ego issues by November 11, especially if you haven’t been cracking under the weight of so many responsibilities. As the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn—planet of karma and discipline—in Aquarius, you may feel guilt for not being able to reach a certain standard you’ve set for yourself. Don’t let it discourage you from trying; let it to motivate you to do even better.

Healing conversations and heavy heart to hearts will be incredibly beneficial by November 12. As chatty Mercury forms a trine with empathetic Neptune, it will be the perfect time to talk about what hurts and tap into the way nurturing and reassuring words can be a cure-all.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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You’re reframing your understanding of self-esteem this week. As a lunar eclipse darkens your second house of money and self-worth on November 7, you’re leaving behind unhealthy attachments and remembering the true value of being self-sufficient. Prepare for unexpected changes in your financial status to arrive along with it.

As you strengthen your foundation and embrace inner stability, Venus will form a trine with Neptune in your forgiving 12th house on November 10. Let go of money squabbles and forgive yourself for any mismanaged funds. You are so much more than a number in your bank account, because your spiritual powers extend far beyond the rigid realm of material concerns.

By November 11, the sun in Scorpio will square off with Saturn in Aquarius, which may leave you feeling as though you’ve been struggling to manifest your ideal reality. Don’t judge where you’re going based on where you are now. There is so much more yet to come in this story.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re giving off some major main character energy this week, Taurus. After all, it begins with a total lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8. So many of the struggles and failures you’ve experienced are culminating to this very moment, showing you the results of your resilience and your restraint. Now, you’re ready to break free from what’s holding you back. Go for it!

Venus—your ruling planet—will provide you some relief from the heavy-handedness by November 10, forming a trine with Neptune in your friendly and idealistic 11th house. Take a step back from the issues you’ve been experiencing with someone and allow your community to step in when needed. You don’t have to carry all of this all by yourself. Togetherness can save the day.

By November 11, the sun in Scorpio will square Saturn in Aquarius, which could bring scrutiny to your relationships on a level that feels vulnerable. Imperfections may appear to be amplified, which can show you where the root of the problems lie (and how you should correct them).

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re breaking away from unhealthy lifestyles and uninspiring habits, Gemini. As a blood moon lunar eclipse takes place in your 12th house of spirituality and forgiveness, you’re learning how to live in the present moment and let go of the weight of your past. Set your ego aside and embrace oneness with your community, loved ones and the world at large.

By the time Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your 10th house of public image on November 10, you may gain a lot by opening up to others about your struggles and experiences. Being of service to others will not only gain you the respect of people who matter, but it will also bring you a level of satisfaction that’s incomparable to anything else.

However, when the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on November 11, it could lead to a crisis of faith. Don’t lose hope in all the beautiful work you’re pouring into making the world a better place for yourself and for others. It’s always right when you feel like giving up that you’re closest to the finish line.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re embracing a whole new team dynamic, Cancer. As a blood moon lunar eclipse blossoms in your 11th house of social experiments, you may be setting aside your creative and emotional differences with others and realizing you have *way* more in common than you thought. You’re remembering the magic that happens when people come together.

However, romantic energy will guide you back toward your own passion projects by November 10. As Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your adventurous ninth house, you’re remembering that this journey is just as exciting as it is unpredictable, so you might as well dive into inspiration when it strikes.

The week comes to a close as the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on November 11. This could bring up some of the fears holding you back from truly expressing yourself and giving into your artistic will. Remember—fear is just a reflection of how badly you want something. It’s by ignoring that fear that you can achieve it.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For November 2022

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You may be feeling antsy about your career lately, Leo. It’s all culminating to a point on November 8, when a blood moon lunar eclipse brings the ruckus in your 10th house of social standing. What do you want to be known for? What do you want to be remembered by? This eclipse wants you to walk away from what’s standing in your way.

By November 10, Venus will form a trine with Neptune in your eighth house of trust and intimacy, deepening your need for security and emotional understanding. By knowing when to lower your guard and when to tighten your boundaries, you’re allowing a deeper and more meaningful love to enter.

However, the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on November 11, which could exert pressure on a relationship. You may be asking yourself if you’re truly ready to make certain compromises in order to make your relationship work. There’s no need to rush into a commitment before you’re absolutely sure.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For November 2022

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You may find yourself embracing a higher ideal and fulfilling a long-term goal this week, Virgo. After all, a blood moon lunar eclipse is shaking up your ninth house of education, publishing and travel, prompting you to explore the great beyond and lean into your desire to be a truth-seeker. Don’t be afraid to go the distance.

By November 10, Venus will form a trine with Neptune in your seventh house of partnerships, encouraging you to pour your attention, love and focus into someone who matters to you. A higher level of empathy and openness will make it easier to bridge the gap and make each other feel safe. Prepare to understand each other in new and beautiful ways.

As the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on November 11, you may feel overwhelmed with the process of keeping up with all your many priorities. Something’s gotta give, but it shouldn’t be your sanity or your physical wellbeing. Remember to take care of #1, Virgo.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re learning how to detach yourself from what’s no longer your responsibility, Libra. However, you’re also learning how to strengthen your roots and make a commitment. As a blood moon lunar eclipse activates your eighth house of death and rebirth, you’re undergoing a personal transformation, so go easy on yourself as you embrace this inner adjustment. After all, it may come with just as much loss as it does gain.

When Venus—your ruling planet—forms a trine with Neptune in your sixth house of service on November 10, you may feel compelled to lend a helping hand this week. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes will show you a deeper form of generosity that leaves your faith in humanity at least somewhat restored.

However, once the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on November 11, you may find yourself struggling to enjoy the simple things. What’s holding you back from expressing yourself in the way you need to? How can you gently begin rebuilding a deeper confidence?

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re leaving behind a former version of yourself this week, Scorpio. And although shedding your skin may be an intense and overwhelming process, the blood moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 ultimately has your back. Activating your seventh house of partnerships, this eclipse is bringing you closer to the type of relationship you’ve always wanted.

As Venus in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune in your fifth house of creativity, romance and self-expression on November 10, you’re in for a beautiful moment. Your imagination is becoming more vivid and your heart is becoming more open, leading you toward a deeper love and a brighter joy.

However, as the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in your fourth house of roots and upbringing on November 11, you may be struggling with some of the cards you’ve been dealt. The weight of your origin story may weigh heavy, but you’re also rediscovering the way it has also given you an immense strength of character.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For November 2022

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Prepare to get your hands dirty, because you’re rolling your sleeves up and doing the hard work yourself this week. As a blood moon lunar eclipse brings your attention to your sixth house of productivity and wellness, you’re finding comfort in the habits and rituals that keep you grounded and whole. The more effort you put into something, the faster you’ll see results.

Once Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your fourth house of home and family, you may feel inspired to reconnect with the people who remind you of yourself. Taking place on November 10, this is a beautiful time to pour love into your family dynamic as well as your sacred space. Oh, and make sure you set aside enough solitude to really soak up in the process.

However, as the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in your third house of communication and close friends, you may feel alienated by words that remain unsaid. Do you feel as though you’re not being heard? Are you struggling to keep up with communications? Don’t be afraid to unplug for a while, because you don’t always have to know the right thing to say.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2022

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You’re being guided towards a more joyful, creative and romantic existence this week, Capricorn. Remove some of that pressure you put on yourself, because you deserve the freedom to explore and express yourself under the blood moon lunar eclipse of November 8. However, in order to fully embrace your talents, you may need to distance yourself from a few frenemies or haters!

Luckily, Venus will form a trine with Neptune in your third house of communication and close friends on November 10, reminding you who truly has your back. Don’t be afraid to talk about what’s on your mind, because speaking with kindness and understanding can make all the difference in how warmly your words are received.

However, when the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in your second house of money and self-worth on November 11, you may become more aware of where your limitations currently lie. You may feel inclined to temporarily cut back on expenses for the sake of something even better than short-term gratification.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For November 2022

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As this week begins, you may be preparing for some major changes in the place you choose to call home and the people you consider family. As a blood moon lunar eclipse activates your fourth house of personal matters and domestic spaces, you’re building the life you deserve while learning how to start caring less about about what people think. Let your heart light the way, Aquarius.

As Venus forms a trine with Neptune in your second house of money and self-worth on November 10, you’re embracing an abundance mentality and opening yourself up to financial opportunities. Dreaming of big bucks can remind you that life can taste as sweet as it should. All you have to do is remember that you deserve it.

By November 11, the sun in your 10th house of career will square off with Saturn in Aquarius, which can leave you feeling hypercritical of yourself and hyperaware of the way people are treating you. Remember—never take anything personally, because someone’s perspective of you is always indicative of their perspective of themselves.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For November 2022

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It’s time to start to speaking your mind and leaning into your intellectual curiosities, Pisces. As a blood moon lunar eclipse brings change to your third house of communication and local politics, you’re feeling inspired to speak about more important things than petty gossip and meaningless small talk. You’re making developments in your abilities as a writer, a speaker and a friend.

When Venus in your open-minded ninth house forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on November 10, you may feel a desire to explore the great unknown and get out of town for a while. Discovering a new place or a new experience is always a precursor to discovering yourself. What haven’t you tried yet, Pisces?

As the week comes to an end, you may feel reminded of some of your fears and doubts. As the sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in your 12th house of isolation and inner thoughts, you may be struggling to truly believe in what you want to believe in. However, your fears always sound the loudest right before they lose power over you.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For November 2022

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