sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2022

Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Says You’re About to Receive a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance! Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of November 7 to 13 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

A deck of Tarot consists of 78 cards, each one full of endless possibilities. Between the Tarot’s thought-provoking imagery and the symbolism associated with the Major and Minor Arcana, these cards always have a way of shining a light on something that needed to be brought to your awareness. And believe it or not, Tarot is used by people who come from all walks of life and follow all sorts of different belief systems. Whether you see the Tarot as an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides or as a lighthearted tool for stimulating your intuition and making decisions, this form of divination is always at your disposal. And since you don’t always have the time to pull out your deck and give yourself a full reading, your weekly Tarot horoscope can be a quick source of insight whenever you need it! And remember, the future is never set in stone, so think of a Tarot card reading as a chance to understand something from a different angle and ponder a unique possibility you hadn’t considered before.

Related: Get A Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Knight of Cups Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.

Card Of The Week

Knight of Cups

While every zodiac sign is receiving its own Tarot card pull, we’ve also pulled a card that will describe the overall energy that is impacting the collective. And for this week, that card is a reminder is a sign that you’re making some major headway, because it happens to be the Knight of Cups. The Knight of Cups is a card of vision and advancement. This week, there’s a possibility that you are going to receive some sort of invitation or proposal that you may not have been expecting. This card wants you to be open to this new possibility and take advantage of it, but it also wants you to exercise caution as you move forward. The Knight warns against getting too caught up in fantasies. Evaluate this situation before proceeding to ensure everything will be as you think it will be and that you will benefit from it.

If you’re searching for answers regarding your past, present and future, your weekly Tarot horoscope has got you covered. Here’s what the universe wants you to know about your current situation, according to your zodiac sign:

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope

Nine of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


9 of Pentacles

This week the 9 of Pentacles is inviting you to savor the fruits of your labor. You’ve been putting your blood, sweat, and tears into your goals, and you are now seeing deserved success as a result of your efforts. This is the time to take advantage of the material comfort you’ve created for yourself. So, go ahead and book an expensive spa package. Take yourself on a trip. Buy that expensive bottle of wine you’ve been eyeing. You’ve more than earned the right to splurge!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For November 2022

Two of Wands Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


2 of Wands

The 2 of Wands is urging you to spend time in the present planning for what’s going to happen in your future. You have a whole world of possibilities in front of you right now, but this isn’t the time to act on impulse or instinct. This week you’re being called to weigh all your options, carefully considering the pros and cons of each path. But this doesn’t mean you should be afraid of going outside of your comfort zone! Uncharted territory can lead to long-term success if you go into it with realistic expectations and a clear plan in place.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For November 2022

Four of Swords Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


4 of Swords

Rest, reflect and recover. That is the message the 4 of Swords has for you this week. You may have faced a difficult situation recently, such as the loss of a job, the ending of a relationship, or issues related to money. This matter took a lot out of you, and now you might be feeling mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained. Take some time to recuperate and recharge. It’s important to give yourself this opportunity to reactivate yourself—it helps you go back into the world with a rejuvenated spirit and a new perspective.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For November 2022

The Chariot Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


The Chariot

The Chariot is a card that encourages willpower, action and self-control. This week, you’re being asked to step into your power and bravely take the reins as you propel yourself toward a goal you have. This is no time to passively wait for good things to happen to you. This card knows that anything worth having requires hard work and discipline. By strapping on your emotional and mental armor, you allow yourself to charge into your future, undeterred by whatever obstacles pop up along the way.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For November 2022

Nine of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


7 of Swords

You can run, but you can’t hide this week! The 7 of Swords acknowledges you may be trying to avoid or escape a situation you’re better off confronting head-on. Have you been putting off a tough conversation with a friend? Not yet ready to talk with your partner about where your relationship is headed? Are you letting professional tension build rather than dealing with it? Remember, dodging this issue won’t make it better. In fact, it could even make it worse. The time to deal with this matter is now.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For November 2022

Judgement Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.



You could be on the verge of a decision that will have a long-lasting impact! You’ve been at this crossroads for a while, unsure of which path to go down. The Judgement card knows the best choices come from the perfect blending of head and heart. This will require you to look to your past for tangible lessons you’ve learned, but you must also connect with your inner self and listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you. This is the week to make your decision—and you already have everything you need to do so.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For November 2022

The Hermit Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


The Hermit

It’s time to take a break from your everyday life! The Hermit is indicating that you may have a need to withdraw and reflect this week. It could be that you’ve been immersed in many new experiences or spent much of your time recently socializing. Now it is necessary to go for a walk in the forest, take a long bath, book a weekend getaway, or anything else that helps you disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with your inner world. Recharging your spiritual batteries will help you re-emerge with a renewed perspective.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For November 2022

Strength Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.



The Strength card is signaling that you have the inner fortitude needed to gracefully navigate a difficult situation in your life. It’s easy to get lost in emotions like anger, sadness, fear, or shame, but you’re being called to rise above that this week and remain calm in this time of adversity. Don’t act on your base instincts. Instead, embrace your more compassionate and forgiving side. This allows you to become a silent warrior who remains in control not only of yourself but the situation as well.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For November 2022

8 of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


8 of Pentacles

This week, the 8 of Pentacles is encouraging you to put your creative talents to good use and work hard at them. The more you create and hone your craft, the more others will take notice of what you’re doing—and the more inspired you will become. By putting yourself out there, you give others the opportunity to recognize your unique abilities, and this can serve as the motivation needed to continue to produce things you’re really proud of. So, get out there and become the master of your domain!

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2022

Three of Swords Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


3 of Swords

The 3 of Swords wants to recognize the grief or heartbreak you may be suffering from currently. Perhaps you’ve been betrayed, or it could be that you’re experiencing some sort of mental anguish. This week, this card is asking you to persevere and stay in control of your emotions so that you can move forward without falling apart. Just be sure that you don’t become permanently detached in your efforts to remain strong. If you remain in touch with your emotional side, you could come out on the other side of this situation capable of loving even more deeply.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For November 2022

9 of Cups Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


9 of Cups

Receiving the 9 of Cups could signal that this is the week when your stars will finally begin to align. When this card appears in a reading, it is a signal from the universe that everything in your life is as it should be. This dose of fortunate energy could mean feeling perfectly content in your job, your relationship, your friendships—your emotional cup could truly runneth over! Take the time to stop and appreciate the abundance of blessings life is offering you right now.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For November 2022

queen of swords tarot horoscope

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


Queen of Swords

Get ready to sit high upon your throne this week! The Queen of Swords is incredibly perceptive, embodying an intellectual sharpness and maturity that helps her tune out the noise of emotion and outside opinion. You could be facing a decision now or in the near future, and this card is serving as a reminder to rely on your logic and to look at all the facts before proceeding. You have an abundance of experience and wisdom that you can draw upon, so make sure to utilize it.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For November 2022

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