domingo, 30 de junio de 2019

Golde Founder Trinity Mouzon Wofford Has Mastered the Art of Chill

Though Golde launched in Sephora just a few months ago, the collaboration between Trinity Mouzon Wofford, her co-founder (and partner) Issey Kobori, and the beauty giant was a long time coming. “Sephora reached out to us when we were still in our first year of operations, at a point where it was the two of us out of a Brooklyn apartment. It was pretty wild and very much unexpected,” she told StyleCaster. “From there, there was definitely a lot of back-and-forth, sort of figuring out how the relationship was going to work. I think even a little bit surprising for us, they’re one of our favorite brands to work with. They’re super supportive and so excited about wellness.” (Fun fact: Wofford is the youngest Black woman to launch a line in Sephora.)

Today, the brand continues to thrive as it navigates the tricky balance of corporate partnerships and quick growth, while also remaining independently-owned. However, in the few minutes I had to chat with Wofford, I hardly got the idea that she was under any sort of pressure. Her aura is just as calm as I expected and I suspect it’s because she’s actually taking breaks; you know, not running herself into the ground (note to self).

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

“I think that self-care ultimately is really just about finding practices that work for you and help you feel your best self. So for some people that might be sort of like the classic, like taking a bubble bath. But it could be just checking in with yourself or calling a friend,” she said. “I think it’s definitely something that evolves. As I’ve launched this business and watched it grow and had to think a little bit more consciously about taking care of myself, it’s something that I’ve definitely had to give a little bit more thought to.”

So what does a totally zen, insanely friendly, and crazy smart brand owner do in her free time? Keep reading for her weekend wind-down. I feel relaxed already.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

I am definitely a morning person. I try to get up at like 5am and just get straight to work. I think that’s been really valuable and helpful for me. You kind-of find ways to make balance because it’s important. I really do try to be good about taking weekends off. But usually I’m never really fully off. I’m not doing the grind stuff, like getting into spreadsheets. It’s more of thinking about my product development and marketing initiatives.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Fresh to Death

Every weekend my partner Issey and I will go out to the farmers market either in Brooklyn or Union Square. We make sure to just stock up on veggies. I’m totally not the chef in the relationship. But I do just like a lot of whatever is in season and fresh. So I’ll just snack on whatever fresh raw veggies I can get my hands on. But also, I don’t really restrict myself. I’m definitely down to have a big bowl of pasta with mushrooms and veggies and everything in there.

My skin’s pretty sensitive and I’m honestly just too busy to do as much as I would like with all the different steps.

Staying Centered

I’ve never been much of an athlete, but I do try to do yoga every morning if I can. I just do it at home from YouTube…Yoga with Adriene. I met her in Austin a few months ago. She was as incredible in person as she is online, so it was really cool to have that connection.

Bare Skin Essentials

I try to keep my skincare routine as minimal as possible. My skin’s pretty sensitive and I’m honestly just too busy to do as much as I would like with all the different steps. So I always use our Superfood Face Mask; that’s huge for my skincare routine. And then outside of that, I’ll just make sure that I’m using some sort of a gentle cleanser, whether it’s cream or oil-based, and then some type of oil moisturizer, but that’s pretty much it.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Wash Day Release

I have to do my hair on the weekends. I can’t take that on during the week because it takes a long time. I feel like if I didn’t have to do it, I wouldn’t do it. I like to put it off, but then once you’re actually doing it, there is some sort of release in doing work like that, that sort of allows your brain to turn off a little bit. I have to go through and detangle my hair, and then put it in six to eight braids, and doing that motion is just sort of… it’s almost cathartic in a way to kind of just be there with yourself. I use one conditioner that I buy from Whole Foods and then I throw whatever oil I have around on top of that, and that’s it.

Keepin’ It Old School

We recently came into an old-school record player that was my dad’s. He’s a musician, so he helped us get everything set up and ever since then, we’ve been collecting records as we travel and from our parents. Issey is originally from Japan. Recently his family went back and brought back some old records from his mom’s collection. So we definitely like listening to some old-school stuff from the 60s and 70s.

When people come into our apartment they always say, ‘It feels so homey.’

The Long Way Home

We live in Bedstuy (Brooklyn), so we’ll do a good long walk around the neighborhood. Sometimes we’ll go all the way into Fort Greene and walk around. I really like to stop at Saraghina Bakery, which is pretty close by. So I’ll grab a loaf of bread there or something to stock up for the week. Relationships Cafe is also super cute. And then if I have more time then I’ll usually go upstate where I’m from, just to get some fresh air.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

A Cozy Sanctuary

We’ve got lots of plants and lots of keepsakes. I try not to have any plants that are too complicated because I can’t manage that. So we have a bird of paradise and a fig tree. We’ve also got a nice spread of aloe. I also got a mint plant which is really awesome because we can drink summer cocktails and put it on salads. Everything is mint now. We’re lucky that we have a friend that is a plant expert; he’s written a book on plants. So we’re constantly testing him, like ‘Is this okay?’

A lot of [Issey’s] artwork and photography is up on the walls plus all of our books. When people come into our apartment they always say, ‘It feels so homey.’ I’ve even had people say, ‘I feel more at home here than I do in my own apartment.’ So it’s cozy. We’ve got candles burning. We just really try to make it as ‘us’ as possible.

In our series “Operation Recharge,” we task celebrities and influencers with sharing what self-care means to them, as well as the activities, products and treatments they indulge in for downtime done right.

from StyleCaster

17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake

When it comes to Fourth of July desserts, flag cakes currently reign supreme. And they’re awesome, I know. The thing is, they’re also a whole lot of work—you need to bake several different color layers, cut certain ones into rings, and then assemble and frost everything. Great if you have a whole afternoon, but not so great if you have other things on your to-do list.

The good news is, there are so many easy Fourth of July desserts out there that stick to the patriotic theme without requiring hours of work from you. Some do take a little bit of skill, but most are just about gathering the ingredients and putting everything together. This time of year, there are all kinds of red, white and blue confections out there, so it’s really just a matter of taking advantage of them.

So make things easy on yourself this summer holiday season, and choose a Fourth of July dessert that won’t keep you in the kitchen for any longer than you need to be. Because when the weather is this beautiful, who wants to be stuck inside?

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Red, White, and Blue Poke Cake


1. Red, White and Blue Poke Cake

Like a flag cake, the real fun of this poke cake is under the surface. Unlike a flag cake, you can bake it all in one pan.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Firecracker Cake

Love Bakes Good Cakes.

2. Firecracker Cake

This firecracker cake is impressive inside and out.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Fourth of July Dessert Pizza

The Crafted Sparrow.

3. Fourth of July Dessert Pizza

This dessert pizza is really just a giant, patriotic cookie.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Red, White, and Blue Cookie Bars

Number 2 Pencil.

4. Red, White and Blue Cookie Bars

Colored M&Ms do all the decorating work in these dense, chocolatey cookie bars.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Patriotic Strawberries

The Girl Who Ate Everything.

5. Patriotic Strawberries

All you need? Red strawberries, white chocolate and blue sugar.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | S'mores Bars

Over the Big Moon.

6. S’mores Bars

No need to start a campfire while there are fireworks going off. Bake your s’mores, instead.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Hot Fudge Cheesecake Trifles

Recipe Girl.

7. Hot Fudge Cheesecake Trifles

These no-bake trifles are a great way to get younger family members involved.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Firework Sugar Cookie Cake

Crazy for Crust.

8. Firework Sugar Cookie Cake

Sprinkles make this sugar cookie cake even more fun.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Rice Krispies Treats

Lil Luna.

9. Rice Krispies Treats

Same Rice Krispies treats, new color scheme.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Patriotic Trail Mix

Lil Luna.

10. Patriotic Trail Mix

It’s a little bit of a stretch to call this trail mix—I’d say it’s more like puppy chow with candy tossed in.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Firecracker Popcorn

Spicy Southern Kitchen.

11. Firecracker Popcorn

This sweet, crunchy (patriotic!) popcorn is great as an after-dinner snack for your Independence Day party.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Patriotic Cookie Bars

Butter With a Side of Bread.

12. Patriotic Cookie Bars

Trippy cookie bars are the coolest way to stick to a red, white and blue theme, in my humble opinion.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Red, White, and Blue Bark

Life With the Crust Off.

13. Red, White and Blue Bark

This festive bark is as easy as melting chocolate and sprinkling candy on top.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Patriotic Pretzels

Craft Create Cook.

14. Patriotic Pretzels

So cute, you might be tempted to whip up these patriotic pretzels year-round.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Firecracker Marshmallow Skewers

Mama Cheaps.

15. Firecracker Marshmallow Skewers

No skill necessary for these patriotic marshmallow skewers.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Fruit Jell-O Cups

The First Year.

16. Fruit Jell-O Cups

Yep, there’s real fruit in these red, white and blue Jell-O cups.

STYLECASTER | 17 Fourth of July Desserts Desserts That Are Easier Than a Damn Flag Cake | Flag S'mores Dip

The Decorated Cookie.

17. Flag S’mores Dip

S’mores dip is equal parts easy and fun. Red, white and blue s’mores dip is totally party-ready, too.

from StyleCaster

Pack Your Snacks, Because July’s New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Pack your SNACKS, because July 2’s new moon in Cancer is going to be a doozy. We already know that new moons represent new beginnings and fresh starts. This is the time to set your intentions for the month, and give yourself everything you need to succeed. But then we’ve got an EXTRA! BONUS! SITUATION!

See, every zodiac sign has a ruling planet. A ruling planet has the most influence over its corresponding sign in the zodiac. (For example, Neptune rules Pisces.) This is one of the cornerstones of astrological theory—that planets can have a strong and direct influence on not only the characteristics, but how people born under the sign ruled by that planet behave. Which, truly, is some wild shit.

And this new moon, we are riding dirty in Cancer. Cancer’s ruling planet is the moon (which isn’t a planet but a satellite—though really, who am I to question the universe as it chooses to be?, etc.) This means a lot for our feminine energy, emotional intuition and home/space activities. And while society loOoOOoves to play it off like these ‘domestic tasks’ are unimportant or require unskilled labor—this shit is real-deal necessary. Making a safe place and home for yourself (physically, emotionally, spiritually—all the things, you know?) will prove to be more key than usual in the coming days.

It’s also worth noting that Cancer is the sign of the crab, something we associate with our home and quick emotions. This can lead to subjectivity and ego-driven narratives that ultimately don’t reflect the whole story. Your friend didn’t forget your birthday because she’s a big jerk—she just has a lot going on right now. (And honestly, when she does remember, she’s gonna feel real bad.)

There is something to be savored about big emotions, and washing the floor and folding your laundry while thinking about every embarrassing thing you wore in middle school. There is power in curating your life and space and taking up a lot of room in the world. I mean, dudes literally invented the premise of witches because they were so terrified of things like cooking (think: cauldrons) and housework (broomsticks, HELLO).

So let’s scare those who are weak of heart and wear all the leopard prints our hearts desire.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Aries –

Cancer’s def gonna go full swing on your emotions this month, Aries. Avoid impulsivity as much as possible, and really think things through. Sleeping on major decisions is the human equivalent to turning your computer on and off when it crashes. Most things can wait for 24 hours. Except plane tickets. Buy the plane tickets.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Taurus –

Get ready for a ~career breakthrough~. This breakthrough can take many forms—more money, a promotion, or even leaving a company that sucks eggs (yay, capitalism!!). Whatever form this career change takes, try to remain as professional as possible while still being, you know, a person. The new moon in Cancer may heighten your emotions, positive or otherwise, but you’re still in control.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Gemini –

This summer will be full of one of your favey things—social engagements, whoooo. But people inevitably come with their Own Stuff™, and in order to save your heart from crying sessions in various parking lots, avoid drama and don’t stir the soup. Avoid gossiping or talking about other people—even if it’s positive. You have more than enough to discuss without people’s names in your mouth.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Cancer –

With your ruling planet in charge, you will feel more yourself this month. Pay attention to what that means. So often we define ourselves by what we like, but it can be just as instructive to remember the things we don’t like. If you notice that you always feel shamey and weird after a night of drinking with your high school friends, maybe limit that. Or if you know that going to the zoo makes you feel like you’re dying, don’t go to the zoo. Not everything has to be sunshiney rainbows shooting out of your butt. It’s OK to not like things.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Leo –

This new moon is the time for you to take a proactive approach to your life. Instead of putting out fires as they come (Quick—pay the bills! Oh no—every single pair of jeans I own is stained with BBQ sauce! Why am I a monster?!, etc.), try and find a sustainable way to prevent issues so you’re not reacting more than acting. This might mean more calendar reminders, or putting a little more into your savings account each month.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Virgo –

Sometimes the hardest thing to do with family is to actually occupy the space around them. No one brings out our weird, flinchy high school selves like our siblings and aunts and uncles. No one reminds us of our disappointment more than our parents. But short of being actually abusive, try to celebrate your family for all its quirks and stories and strange, unspeakable tensions. These are the most enduring relationships of your life. Savor the strange.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Libra –

This new moon coupled with the Neptune retrograde will bring your issues with financial strain—or impending financial strain—to light. Yikes. That’s never fun. But avoid making quick, fear-based decisions. Seek advice from people you trust—people who are good with money. Choose what’s important to spend on, and scrimp everywhere else.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Scorpio –

Listen, no one is *great* at dealing with rejection. I’m pretty sure you have to be a serial killer to be totally fine with the idea. But! We could all use a little practice with not taking rejection personally. And you especially, dear Scorpio. A ‘no’ is not the same as ‘I-hate-you’. Notice your patterns when you deal with real or perceived rejections. Don’t change, necessarily. Just notice. The rest comes later.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Sagittarius –

Omg get BIG this new moon, Sagittarius. Think expansion! It’s time to take up space, time and energy. Don’t be afraid of being ‘a lot’. For reference, I am constantly referred to as ‘a lot,’ and guess what? It’s GREAT. Ask a lot of questions. Sit in the window seat, and overpack for an overnight trip. Don’t apologize. Say exactly what you think and let it be silent after.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Capricorn –

Don’t rush, Capricorn. Through life, or your problems. Your initiative to solve stuff is one of your strongest traits, and while it’s super amazing most of the time—sometimes problems go away when we don’t make them huge and hairy and a bigger deal than they are. Parties we are dreading get cancelled. Bad haircuts grow out. People realize that platform sneakers are a true and ungodly abomination.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Aquarius –

This new moon aligns perfectly with a new era of your life. This could be something as life-changing as a pregnancy, marriage or degree. Or even something less subtle, like a new friendship. One thing is for sure: This new moon is the beginning of a big shift in your life. Get excitey!

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Pisces –

This new moon is the time to deal with your insecurities. Yes, everyone has them, but not letting them control you or make you feel shame is a huge, valuable life skill that we all have to learn. As the moon heightens your emotions, you may feel yourself retreating back into a dream state or avoiding dealing with body issues. But you don’t have to. Positive self-talk can go a long way in breaking down the terrible way that society makes us look at ourselves.

This new moon can serve as a chance for all signs to heal a little bit. Progress isn’t always linear, and perfection is not only impossible, but deeply uninteresting. I hope this new moon gives you whatever permission you need to go to sleep without stress or guilt. We all deserve to dream about good things. Because they are always coming.

Love, love, love, N.

from StyleCaster

sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

If You Love Le Labo’s Santal 33, Give These Scented Candles a Try

I don’t know if it’s just a West Coast thing, but literally, about 75% of the Angelenos that I know (both male and female) call Le Labo’s ubiquitous Santal 33 fragrance their signature scent. In fact, I actually love it too — just not spritzed on my neck or the contours of my wrists. Instead, I like the sultry scent emanating throughout my apartment by way of musk-heavy candles that smell like Santal 33. While I’ll admit the unisex cologne smells pretty amazing on almost everyone, it’s not only kind of pricey, but it’s also a bit on the smokey side for an everyday scent, if you ask me ( and please, don’t @ me, I know people live for this beloved perfume, and I totally understand why).

You see, I’m very much into home fragrance lately, and candles just so happen to be easiest way to give your place a personalized aroma your guests will probably fall in love with. As I said, as much as I love Santal 33 like everyone else, I prefer it infiltrating through the corridors my apartment as opposed to radiating off my wrists and neck. Le Labo does make their own candle that smells like the beloved cologne, Santal 26 (the candle actually inspired the perfume, and not vice versa), but again, you don’t have to spend Le Labo-level sums of cash to give your interiors a dash of the niche cologne’s sandalwood-spiked sweetness. With that being said, I’ve rounded up a few affordable candles that smell similar to the luxe scent, but won’t break the bank.

If You Love Le Labo's Santal 33, Give These Scented Candles a Try | STYLECASTER


1. No. 13 Jasmine, Oud & Sandlewood Candle

This slow-burning soy candle will actually make your place smell like heaven on earth (pinky promise). It’s also offers an extra long burning time (up to 40 hours, according to the manufacturer) so you can enjoy the luxe aroma for hours on end. As a bonus, this made-in-America candle is also made of soy, making it an eco-friendly choice.

Buy: No. 13 Oud Sandalwood Candle $19.95
If You Love Le Labo's Santal 33, Give These Scented Candles a Try | STYLECASTER


2. Trapp Signature Home Collection Candle No.7

This top-rated scented candle is praised for its intoxicating fragrance that fills the room and burns smoothly for up to a whopping 50 hours. The blend of sandalwood, cedar and patchouli notes smells pretty darn close to Santal 33, and it’s much less expensive.

Buy: Trapp Signature Collection Candle $26.00
If You Love Le Labo's Santal 33, Give These Scented Candles a Try | STYLECASTER


3. Maison Louis Marie No.04 Candle

This luxe candle is a spot-on dupe that smells almost identical to Le Labo’s scent. One of my colleagues has been wearing the brand’s cologne in the same scent for years as an alternative to Santal 33. The similarity between the two fragrances is pretty uncanny.

Buy: Maison Louis Marie Candle $57.99

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale.

from StyleCaster

Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You’re the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 marks a solar eclipse in Cancer. This means that at approximately 7:16 P.M., the moon will obscure the sun as it passes on its typical rotation around Earth. This blockage will result in a complete lack of direct sunlight. Usually we get to see a cool, eye-of-Sauron type of diffused ring surrounding the moon, which is v dope.

Eclipses (solar and lunar) actually happen more frequently than we think—typically 4-6 times a year, though sometimes they throw in a curveball and we get an extra. I love that. It’s like a big, leap-year-in-space where sometimes you just get an extra day/event and have to roll with it.

Anyway, eclipses are a time for swift and decisive action. They inspire change, and speed up energy and demand attention. They bring to light our unsexy tendencies of resistance, procrastination and general anxiety. We stay in the pain we know because it’s so much easier to deal with the big, dark, scary unknown.

I mean, have you ever noticed that when the lights go out, we all change? As individuals, but also as a group. It’s like most of the existential-noise of being alive suddenly disappears. That’s why nighttime is the typical time we call up people that are bad for us and ask if they want to get a drink or send them pictures of VERY cute animals. Or we all crowd a little closer in a bar or at a house, and talk about things that don’t always have a punchline.

Darkness means change and truth. Eclipses force us to look underneath the bed for monsters. While the eclipse is set to last less than five minutes (4 minutes and 32 seconds, because let’s be PRECISE, OK?)—these effects and understandings we gain can last the rest of our lives.

Lights, camera, action. This solar eclipse, what will the darkness reveal?

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Aries –

One way to dissociate from Bad Feelings™ is to constantly live in the past. To stick to old routines and ways of doing things, and live in a constant cloud of nostalgia. This solar eclipse will show you that honoring the past is important—but the presence can be wildly and rewardingly different, if you let it. Don’t let fear and anxiety keep you on in a perpetual Groundhog’s Day loop. Good things are coming.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Taurus –

We spend the first 20 or more years of life learning. A lot of our knowledge is super helpful—like how much is reasonable to spend on a bag of apples or a really excellent pair of jeans. But a lot of it is bullshit. When the lights go off, let yourself unlearn everything else that makes you feel gross or unworthy. Your body doesn’t have to look a certain way, and you don’t need expensive beauty treatments or a new hairstyle in order to be happy.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Gemini –

Busybusybusy is a mantra for you, Gemini. But busyness is just another term for distraction. Face it: Half your schedule is obligations of your own making. You could downsize your business, feel lighter, and the world wouldn’t end. You already know that. So try doing less. It’s scary, and you’ll have to face the big stuff without the comfort of constant action. But you’ll be so happy you did.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Cancer –

TV and movies and media always make cool, calm and collected look like the sexiest way to be. It’s a way to try and get us to shut up and buy things and be complacent. I like your feelings, and the way you lean into them. This solar eclipse, I hope you like your feelings, too. How holding an old sweater can bring back memories and feel like a real-time poem. You don’t need to change how you see the world—just yourself.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Leo –

It’s human nature to label and categorize stuff. That’s left over from when we were all running around naked, trying not to get eaten by big hairy things that liked to chomp on meat. But now we just use labels to make buying clothes impossible (how can I be an XS in some stores and a L in others? What is my body?), and to usually box ourselves in. This solar eclipse, try to think of specific labels you’ve given yourself (unflexible, not photogenic, etc.)—LIGHT ‘EM UPPPP, and let ’em go.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Virgo –

Just because you’ve always been anxious/sad/fill-in-the-blank doesn’t mean you have to be. We all have different baselines. I require constant exercise and validation from loved ones and green vegetables in order to complete basic functions. That’s just my genetic code, and I’ve stopped apologizing for it. Understanding what you need is half the battle. Addressing your scary parts head-on will do more for your general well-being than any self-help book or well-meaning advice ever could. What do you need to function?

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Libra –

Being alone isn’t the same as being lonely. I think myself—and a lot of people—often feel the most alone when we’re in a big group of people and can’t find an honest connection. What makes you feel lonely or unsupported? Because that shit will literally kill you. Humans need other humans. So, what kind of connection do you need? Romantic, friendship, familial, etc. This solar eclipse, I want you to feel connected to something bigger than yourself.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Scorpio –

Don’t hide your scary parts. Being honest and sharing is the only way to really let go of your shit. When we just try to bury stuff, it always resurfaces. Everything we ever put in the ground will always come back. Bones or flowers, it doesn’t matter. Let it all see sunlight, even if you’re terrified. The good people won’t be afraid. They’ll face it all with you.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Sagittarius –

Sorry, Sagittarius, but sometimes you have to force yourself to do the things you know make you happy. And this solar eclipse will show you clearly what you need to be doing. It’s some real bullshit that it’s so hard to do things that fulfill us, (getting the energy to work out, see friends, clean our dirty kitchen, etc.) but that’s the real work! Doing the things that we know are good for us. That’s self-love. Knowing you are worth the momentary discomfort. So go fold your laundry and call your grandmother.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Capricorn –

It’s OK to not be OK sometimes. You don’t have to rush through the bad parts to a happy ending. As a goal-oriented person, middles can seem like the most terrifying thing ever. But I want to be done, you tell yourself. Too bad, Capricorn (sorry, I love you, mean it, promise, etc.). Nothing is ever really done. We come back to good and bad moments, forever. So if you’re not OK, then settle in. It will pass, but only after you’ve surrendered.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Aquarius –

When everything seems bleak and too hard, I try to just collect small moments of goodness and letting them permeate my life. I think about a cute, drooling baby I saw at Costco and I make my mouth do the smiling thing. I text my friend something dumb and funny even though it kind of feels pointless. This solar eclipse, I want you to collect those moments too. Let them build. Keep them in your pocket for when you need them.

STYLECASTER | Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse Might Force You to Realize You're the Monster Under Your Own Bed

Pisces –

Stop holding yourself back from life. Dreaming is not the same as doing. Because here’s the thing: Putting yourself out there hurts in the moment. It’s a sharp and stinging pain. But holding yourself back from everything to avoid that minute and manageable pain—that does lasting damage. It’s a paper cut versus deep tissue scarring. Take a baby step, but do something. Let this solar eclipse be a definitive moment where you let yourself move forward.

Why are we so afraid of the dark? What do we think is out there? I used to think it was three-headed dragons and our embarrassing moments and all the lies we tell both others and ourselves. But now, I think we’re just afraid of our own bodies and minds in the darkness. What they’re capable of, and how much we have learned to hide just to survive.

But I like your scary parts. Show them off. This solar eclipse, change everything but yourself.

Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster