domingo, 30 de junio de 2019

Pack Your Snacks, Because July’s New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Pack your SNACKS, because July 2’s new moon in Cancer is going to be a doozy. We already know that new moons represent new beginnings and fresh starts. This is the time to set your intentions for the month, and give yourself everything you need to succeed. But then we’ve got an EXTRA! BONUS! SITUATION!

See, every zodiac sign has a ruling planet. A ruling planet has the most influence over its corresponding sign in the zodiac. (For example, Neptune rules Pisces.) This is one of the cornerstones of astrological theory—that planets can have a strong and direct influence on not only the characteristics, but how people born under the sign ruled by that planet behave. Which, truly, is some wild shit.

And this new moon, we are riding dirty in Cancer. Cancer’s ruling planet is the moon (which isn’t a planet but a satellite—though really, who am I to question the universe as it chooses to be?, etc.) This means a lot for our feminine energy, emotional intuition and home/space activities. And while society loOoOOoves to play it off like these ‘domestic tasks’ are unimportant or require unskilled labor—this shit is real-deal necessary. Making a safe place and home for yourself (physically, emotionally, spiritually—all the things, you know?) will prove to be more key than usual in the coming days.

It’s also worth noting that Cancer is the sign of the crab, something we associate with our home and quick emotions. This can lead to subjectivity and ego-driven narratives that ultimately don’t reflect the whole story. Your friend didn’t forget your birthday because she’s a big jerk—she just has a lot going on right now. (And honestly, when she does remember, she’s gonna feel real bad.)

There is something to be savored about big emotions, and washing the floor and folding your laundry while thinking about every embarrassing thing you wore in middle school. There is power in curating your life and space and taking up a lot of room in the world. I mean, dudes literally invented the premise of witches because they were so terrified of things like cooking (think: cauldrons) and housework (broomsticks, HELLO).

So let’s scare those who are weak of heart and wear all the leopard prints our hearts desire.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Aries –

Cancer’s def gonna go full swing on your emotions this month, Aries. Avoid impulsivity as much as possible, and really think things through. Sleeping on major decisions is the human equivalent to turning your computer on and off when it crashes. Most things can wait for 24 hours. Except plane tickets. Buy the plane tickets.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Taurus –

Get ready for a ~career breakthrough~. This breakthrough can take many forms—more money, a promotion, or even leaving a company that sucks eggs (yay, capitalism!!). Whatever form this career change takes, try to remain as professional as possible while still being, you know, a person. The new moon in Cancer may heighten your emotions, positive or otherwise, but you’re still in control.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Gemini –

This summer will be full of one of your favey things—social engagements, whoooo. But people inevitably come with their Own Stuff™, and in order to save your heart from crying sessions in various parking lots, avoid drama and don’t stir the soup. Avoid gossiping or talking about other people—even if it’s positive. You have more than enough to discuss without people’s names in your mouth.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Cancer –

With your ruling planet in charge, you will feel more yourself this month. Pay attention to what that means. So often we define ourselves by what we like, but it can be just as instructive to remember the things we don’t like. If you notice that you always feel shamey and weird after a night of drinking with your high school friends, maybe limit that. Or if you know that going to the zoo makes you feel like you’re dying, don’t go to the zoo. Not everything has to be sunshiney rainbows shooting out of your butt. It’s OK to not like things.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Leo –

This new moon is the time for you to take a proactive approach to your life. Instead of putting out fires as they come (Quick—pay the bills! Oh no—every single pair of jeans I own is stained with BBQ sauce! Why am I a monster?!, etc.), try and find a sustainable way to prevent issues so you’re not reacting more than acting. This might mean more calendar reminders, or putting a little more into your savings account each month.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Virgo –

Sometimes the hardest thing to do with family is to actually occupy the space around them. No one brings out our weird, flinchy high school selves like our siblings and aunts and uncles. No one reminds us of our disappointment more than our parents. But short of being actually abusive, try to celebrate your family for all its quirks and stories and strange, unspeakable tensions. These are the most enduring relationships of your life. Savor the strange.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Libra –

This new moon coupled with the Neptune retrograde will bring your issues with financial strain—or impending financial strain—to light. Yikes. That’s never fun. But avoid making quick, fear-based decisions. Seek advice from people you trust—people who are good with money. Choose what’s important to spend on, and scrimp everywhere else.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Scorpio –

Listen, no one is *great* at dealing with rejection. I’m pretty sure you have to be a serial killer to be totally fine with the idea. But! We could all use a little practice with not taking rejection personally. And you especially, dear Scorpio. A ‘no’ is not the same as ‘I-hate-you’. Notice your patterns when you deal with real or perceived rejections. Don’t change, necessarily. Just notice. The rest comes later.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Sagittarius –

Omg get BIG this new moon, Sagittarius. Think expansion! It’s time to take up space, time and energy. Don’t be afraid of being ‘a lot’. For reference, I am constantly referred to as ‘a lot,’ and guess what? It’s GREAT. Ask a lot of questions. Sit in the window seat, and overpack for an overnight trip. Don’t apologize. Say exactly what you think and let it be silent after.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Capricorn –

Don’t rush, Capricorn. Through life, or your problems. Your initiative to solve stuff is one of your strongest traits, and while it’s super amazing most of the time—sometimes problems go away when we don’t make them huge and hairy and a bigger deal than they are. Parties we are dreading get cancelled. Bad haircuts grow out. People realize that platform sneakers are a true and ungodly abomination.

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Aquarius –

This new moon aligns perfectly with a new era of your life. This could be something as life-changing as a pregnancy, marriage or degree. Or even something less subtle, like a new friendship. One thing is for sure: This new moon is the beginning of a big shift in your life. Get excitey!

STYLECASTER | Pack Your Snacks, Because July's New Moon in Cancer Is Gonna Be a Doozy

Pisces –

This new moon is the time to deal with your insecurities. Yes, everyone has them, but not letting them control you or make you feel shame is a huge, valuable life skill that we all have to learn. As the moon heightens your emotions, you may feel yourself retreating back into a dream state or avoiding dealing with body issues. But you don’t have to. Positive self-talk can go a long way in breaking down the terrible way that society makes us look at ourselves.

This new moon can serve as a chance for all signs to heal a little bit. Progress isn’t always linear, and perfection is not only impossible, but deeply uninteresting. I hope this new moon gives you whatever permission you need to go to sleep without stress or guilt. We all deserve to dream about good things. Because they are always coming.

Love, love, love, N.

from StyleCaster

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