miércoles, 26 de junio de 2019

Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Babies, it’s time to get LOUD. On June 26, Mercury enters Leo and its meaning will be felt by all. Mercury rules over communication, and its partnership with straight-shooting Leo is going to prove to be a great match, as communication and relationships become more direct and honest. But that’s not to say it’ll be boring. Expect deep conversations, interesting dialogue and yes, even disagreements as Leo makes its traits known.

Some situations could get sticky, as Leo isn’t one to hold back, and Mercury loves speed. Thinking before you speak would benefit all signs during this time, unless you like getting into knock-down drag-out fights with family and friends at the Outback Steakhouse, or wherever you like to go to get weird in public.  This is also an important time for those born with Mercury in Leo. These signs love to shine, and gravitate towards acting and entertainment. People are drawn to their joie de vivre, and this will only become amplified during this time. Which, while amazing—you make and keep friends with ease, and click with just about anyone—can also lead to trouble. Emotional vampires and those with low self-esteem can often be drawn into your life. Making sure to have clear boundaries and space is crucial with those who wantwantwant what you have.

Listen, “Twilight” is SUPER problematic and I’ll be the first one to tell you that—but at least he was self-aware enough to try and leave Bella alone, you know? A lot of people are afraid to face their issues head-on. It’s way easier to convince yourself that symptoms are the real problem. Like losing weight will somehow address your fear of failure, etc.

You are not the answer to anyone’s problems. No, one, shiny glossy thing is the solution to suffering. All you can do is handle your own shit with compassion, and give others that same space. Protect your sparkle. It belongs solely to you.

Be mindful that this is also the planets’s last direct station before Mercury goes retrograde on July 7, 2019. All signs should work to channel Leo’s enthusiasm and drive to create. Leo has us look at the bigger picture of our lives, and urges us to infuse joy and creativity and intention into it all. Really, it’s a beautiful time to be alive and make everything more than the sum of its parts. Now is the time for vision—what do you see?

Here’s how Mercury in Leo will affect each sign.


aries Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Normally confident, this planetary shift will have you feeling extra groovy. Take advantage of this time to really take on leadership positions, and trust that you know the way. Nothing every goes perfectly to plan, but you have everything you need to self-correct along the way. Take charge. We need your voice and action.

taurus Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


I love your patience and dependability. I love that you work hard at building a life that you love. And I want to challenge you to be enthusiastic about trying new things during this time. Routines are only as useful as vehicles for wellness and joy—otherwise, what’s the point?

gemini Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Like Leo, your charisma will have you meeting tons of new people and making new connections. Your love of the dramatic and novelty may be kicked into high drive this month with all this Leo energy—especially given that Mercury is your ruling planet. Work to stay out of toxic situations, and enjoy the limelight.

cancer Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Your maternal energy is going to be focused on a more authoritative role during this time. Lean into that leadership, and use it for the greater good. As a deep feeling sign, you are uniquely qualified to work with people. You get them, and their emotions, and your need to nurture make you an amazing mother, friend, and boss.

leo Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Lovely Leo, your energy is going to bring you direct satisfaction this month as your creative efforts come to fruition. Whether it’s a room remodel, a new project or trip—now is the time to sink your teeth into whatever is happening and make it your own. Remember that even small things can have a huge impact—dying the legs of your coffee table gold, or organizing your skincare. It’s up to you.

virgo Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


You can be very persuasive when you need to be, Virgo. Maybe it’s your meticulous nature or intelligence, but you’re skilled at getting what you want. Use this gift to the greater good, and work towards helping others this month. Celebrating the wins of your friends and family will only bring you closer, and lead to a greater satisfaction in life.

libra Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Your warmth is apparent to everyone in your life, Libra. It’s like a warm, yellow glow that shines all over everyone you love. This month in particular, you might be feeling a little extra flirty and extroverted. As long as this doesn’t dip too much into self-indulgence (spending too much on eating out, drinking excessively, etc.)—enjoy it. Everyone recharges their spiritual batteries in different ways. Yours just happen to be very fun.

scorpio Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


I know it’s hard for you to rest and recharge. But with Mercury in Leo, now is the time to stretch yourself—to be playful in life as much as possible. What did you enjoy doing when you were little? Do you make time for fun, frivolous things? On your deathbed, you will not be thinking—gee, I wish I worked myself to the bone more. Rather, you’ll think of the times when you were truly happy and content. It’s okay to pause and appreciate. Repeat that until you believe it.

sagittarius Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Your willingness to be in a good mood is one of my favorite things about you, Sagittarius. People born in this sign seem to instinctively know that happiness is a choice, and one that we can make without shame or guilt. Continue to value your happiness, and lead by example. Others are inspired by you, and I am too.

capricorn Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.



Ahh, perfectionism. It’s something most of us deal with eventually, and Capricorn, you’ve got perfection paralysis on speed-dial. Mercury in Leo should help be able to put a voice to these fears, and address them as much as possible. What are you afraid of? How are your fears manifesting themselves? Ask the hard questions, Capricorn. The answers will set you free.

capricorn Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.



This month, expect to experience ‘flow’—or that intense state where you are unaware of time or anything other than what your’e doing. It’s this state of flow that is often associated with amazing creative pursuits, breakthroughs in science and the arts, etc. This state of mindfulness and creativity is amazing, and has long term effects. So clear your schedule, and get down to it.

pisces Your Mercury in Leo Horoscope, Or How to Spend Your Last Hurrah Before Retrograde

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Do something for someone else this season, as your emotional depth and selfless nature really do thrive on being of service to others. When we get personal, and show others how we see them, we get closer. Giving is a gift just as much as receiving, and the joy you’ll experience doing an act of service is truly a gift to yourself.


from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2xhiLGl

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