sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

When’s the Next Full Moon? | Full Moon Calendar 2019

Unlike the new moon, which represents a new beginning (It’s aptly named!), the full moon represents a time of completion, creative outpourings and reaping the benefits of everything you worked for throughout the lunar cycle. While, yes, it’s nice to start fresh and put everything behind you, welcoming a full moon can be just as satisfying as a new beginning. There are still several full moons left on the 2019 calendar, and each one is an opportunity to take a breath and finish strong. Whether you’ve had a productive month or not, a full moon can give you what you need to find a sense of completion and accomplishment before moving onto the next lunar cycle.

Each full moon throughout the year is, of course, in a different zodiac sign. That means that while each full moon brings the close of a lunar cycle, each one has a different energy based on the zodiac in which it’s located. Regardless of their location within the zodiac, though, these full moons can help bring about clarity to projects on which you’ve been working, decisions you’ve been trying to make or just a feeling of conclusion and completion.

horoscope cancer Whens the Next Full Moon? | Full Moon Calendar 2019


Full Moon on July 16 (Cancer Season)

Creative and sentimental Cancers will know this full moon is the perfect time to finish up any artsy projects you’ve been meaning to complete.

horoscope leo Whens the Next Full Moon? | Full Moon Calendar 2019


Full Moon on August 15 (Leo Season)

Leo season means taking charge, so go ahead and reap the benefits of a month of leadership during this full moon.



Full Moon on September 14 (Virgo Season)

Virgos are practical and intelligent, so get in the spirit by completing any tasks you’ve been avoiding this season.



New Moon on October 13 (Libra Season)

Make like a Libra and end that feud or unnecessary tension that’s been plaguing your harmonious spirit.



New Moon on November 12 (Scorpio Season)

Finish out this lunar cycle with a bang. Follow the lead of statement-making Scorpios, and your full moon on November 12 is sure to be one you’ll remember



New Moon on December 12 (Sagittarius Season)

The full moon puts everything out in the open, so for the truth-telling Sagittarius, this is peak honestly season, baby.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2XdiI95

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