viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Capricorn, Your June Horoscope Is A Reminder That You’re Only Human

You’re a sharpshooter, Capricorn, and everyone can always rely on you to give 110%. However, if you’re falling a bit behind during the beginning of June, don’t be so hard on yourself. Venus—planet of love and money—is retrograding through your sixth house of work and productivity until June 25, and you might find procrastination leaves you feeling overwhelmed. You’re only human, Capricorn! The more you punish yourself, the less you’ll learn from this experience. Work your way back to the top by doing away with your old daily routine and forging a new one instead; one that works much better for you and your current needs. BTW, don’t worry—your Capricorn horoscope for June 2020 isn’t all about work. In fact, this month will be majorly transformative in a myriad of different ways.

June is marked by a series of eclipses that will have a major impact on you. The first one is a life-changing blood moon on June 5 that blasts through your 12th house of spirituality. Buckle up, Capricorn, because your inner voice is speaking louder than ever, and you’re realizing so many important things about yourself and what you want.

When a solar eclipse takes place on June 21, it could indicate major shifts in your love life and social life. Whether you’re ending a relationship or feeling butterflies in your stomach because you’re starting a new one, this experience will be majorly significant. Could June be the month you work up the courage to let go of a partnership that’s no longer working? Or will it be the month you meet your soulmate and sparks fly? The latter certainly seems possible, but only time will tell.

STYLECASTER | capricorn zodiac sign

However, you might feel a little bit confused about where this relationship is going at first. You may even find yourself giving into temptations to reconnect with an ex, but stay strong! Thanks to Mercury retrograde taking a tour through your seventh house of partnerships as of June 18, you will find yourself haunted by people from your past, but look to the future, dear Capricorn. The universe isn’t toying with you, but instead, inspiring you to forgive and find closure. Eventually, it’ll all make sense!

You might want to stock up on a warm blanket, a bunch of beautiful candles and all your favorite flavors of tea, because as of June 27, Mars—planet of action—will retreat into your cozy fourth house of home and family. This summer, you don’t need to put so much pressure on yourself! Instead, spend your time healing relationships with close loved ones, chilling at home and making yourself comfortable.

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