viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Live Large, Pisces—Your June Horoscope Predicts You’ll Be A Total Money Magnet

Being the dreamy and empathetic zodiac sign that you are, you probably love getting to spend time at home right now, especially when it’s with your chosen or blood-related family! However, Venus—planet of love and luxury—is retrograding through your fourth house of home and family until June 25, bringing up more than a few deep-seated issues that you don’t normally likes to talk about. Your Pisces horoscope for June 2020 might seem heavy at first, but don’t worry, there’s a bright side! While this experience might be unsettling, it will also give you the opportunity to finally deal with all the things you’ve been avoiding. Has your house been a disorganized mess? Use this energy to keep it sparkling clean! Are you on the outs with your fam-bam? Use this time to finally have a loving, but firm conversation about how you feel.

While you may be tending to your personal life during the beginning of June, your public life is shining especially bright when a transformative (and potentially life-altering) lunar eclipse lands right in your 10th house of career on June 5. Could this mean you’re finally getting that promotion you’ve been working so hard for? Maybe. Could it indicate a job change? Quite possibly! Trust in the cosmos, Pisces. Even if you feel like it’s all happening so fast, the cosmos put you in this position for a reason. After all, eclipses do bring you closer to your ultimate destiny!

STYLECASTER | pisces zodiac sign

If you thought one eclipse was one too many, get a load of this: There will also be a solar eclipse on June 21 that could mark the beginning of a great love story or even an artistic endeavor! Taking place in your fifth house of creativity and romance, this solar eclipse will certainly get your heart fluttering with passion. Whether you’re experiencing love at first sight or you’re feeling inspired to express yourself through creativity, this solar eclipse is taking you somewhere so exciting and new.

However, take your time before you arrive there! There’s no need to rush things, even though they might seem rushed already. Mercury retrograde will be messing with your heart by taking a trip through your romantic fifth house as of June 18, potentially resurrecting old feelings or landing you face-to-face with a long-lost lover. While this could be a beautiful time for closure (or maybe even reconnection), remember that said closure comes from within. Stay strong and ignore that “U up?” text from your ex!

Regardless of what happens, one thing’s for sure: When ambitious Mars activates your financial sector on June 27, you’re gonna be bringing home the bacon! This summer, you’re like a magnet for money, so don’t be surprised if it flows to your bank account like it was always meant to be there. Feel’s right, don’tcha think?

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