viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Your Libra June Horoscope Says To Risk It All For Love—Will You?

Given that we’re all still social distancing, it’s possible no one is feeling it more than you right now, dear Libra, and your Libra horoscope for June 2020 reflects that. With Venus—your ruling planet—retrograding through your ninth house of expansion, travel and adventure, it’s no surprise that all you want to do is go out and create some beautiful memories! Right now, it probably feels like you’re hitting limitations left and right, but don’t worry. You’re not going to be in this strange cosmic lockdown forever, so don’t be surprised if you’re feeling stuck until Venus stations direct on June 25. Fortunately, this will give you ample time to plan for the future and dream big, while practicing gratitude for all the small things you’ve been taking for granted in the meantime. When you’re finally set free, you’ll be living by the words “carpe diem”!

Fortunately, you won’t even have much time to think about the fact that you’re not living out your summer dreams of surfing in Oahu or climbing Machu Picchu, because a lunar eclipse on June 5 will require virtually all of your attention. Landing with a splash in your third house of communication, expect to have a life-changing conversation with someone or finally get a massive secret off your chest. However, you might also spend the weeks surrounding the eclipse feeling like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done. Don’t be discouraged! Let this eclipse teach you how to implement firmer boundaries and be honest about your daily needs and capabilities.

STYLECASTER | libra zodiac sign

When a bright and exciting solar eclipse launches you into the next phase of your career on June 21, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity may present itself to you. However, with Mercury retrograding through your 10th house of career as of June 18, take some time before you make up your mind. Just know that whatever happens during an eclipse was always meant to happen. All you can do is let go of your need for control and accept wherever you’re headed next. The cosmos know what they’re doing, after all.

Either way, your summer is primed to be one of love, commitment and trust. When courageous Mars activates your relationship sector on June 27, you’ll find the courage within to open your heart to someone special. There’s no reason to be scared of love! It’s always worth the risk.

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