jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020

Cancer, Your Horoscope Says September Is The Month You Finally Stop Procrastinating

Is that a lightbulb flashing above your head or is it just your Cancer horoscope for September 2020? You’re brainstorming with near-supernatural cognitive ability and coming up with genius ideas this month, because it begins with the sun is in your third house of communication. That makes September a month marked by intellectual discourse, rapid productivity, and lots of learning! In fact, when the new moon in Virgo charges your third house with power on September 22, you could find yourself adapting to a system that allows you to get tons done in such a short amount of time. Who says procrastination can’t be beat, Cancer?

But first, let’s talk about the full moon in Pisces that will blast through your ninth house of adventure on September 2, starting the month off with spontaneous shenanigans and philosophical journeys. This full moon will encourage you to have faith in the impossible; to open your mind to all sorts of ideas that may have once seemed ridiculous. You never know what can happen when you choose to believe in something beautiful.

However, when brainiac Mercury moves into your fourth house of home and family on September 6, your focus will begin to shift towards matters of the heart, encouraging you to nurture your universe with love and care. Now’s the time to ask for the love that you seek and to share that love with those who matter most to you. Create the home environment you’ve always dreamed of! And when Venus—planet of friendship and romance—enters your second house of finances, it will be time to find a healthy balance between budgeting and spending money on things that make your world feel more stable and beautiful. Solidify the ground you walk on!

The chaos begins when assertive Mars stations retrograde in your 10th house of reputation and social status on September 9. This could make you feel frustrated with the state of your career and stressed out that things aren’t moving fast enough (or that you’re not moving fast enough). Now’s not the time to compare yourself to others, Cancer, because everyone is dealing with the struggles of their own journey.

Give yourself permission to rest, especially when Libra season begins on Sept. 22, lighting up your fourth house of home and family. Leave public matters be and focus on improving the state of your private life. After all, that’s just as important!

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