jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020

Your September Horoscope Is Here—And So Is Virgo Season

Sharpen your pencils and crack open those books because September begins with Virgo season, and your September 2020 horoscope is officially here. Whether or not you’re actually going back, school is technically in session, and so is Virgo season. Virgo is the zodiac sign of logic, order, analysis, learning and data, so use this season to brush up on topics that interest you and clean out your messy closet, too. Leo season was an adventurous blast, but it’s time to to start organizing, writing out those to-do lists and setting goals!

However, Virgo isn’t the only zodiac sign dominating this month. All the signs will get the chance to embrace charismatic and intellectual conversations when communicative Mercury enters air sign Libra on September 5, helping us view things with a fair and objective mind. Libra is always aiming to uplift the underdog and engage in diplomatic exchanges, so let this energy widen your social circle and help you get to know a few new people.

When Venus—planet of love and luxury—enters fiery Leo on September 6, it will drive up the romance and splendor. Time to wear your sparkliest outfit for no reason other than that it makes you feel happy. Feel free to hold a boom box over your head and stand outside your lover’s bedroom window while blasting your favorite song. These are total ~Venus in Leo~ things, and you deserve to embrace them!

Virgo season starts out powerfully, because a full moon in dreamy, magical, soulful, and empathetic Pisces radiates throughout the cosmos on September 2. This full moon will inspire you to align with the universal good, so let kindness and compassion be your guiding light. Your imagination will be sparkling with vivid colors and you’ll probably have some interesting dreams! Light some candles, meditate, and explore your inner consciousness, because the full moon in Pisces calls for it.

Things will get rather chaotic and intense when Mars stations retrograde on September 9 in competitive and hot-headed Aries. In astrology, Mars is the planet of drive, courage, aggression, and vitality. When this planet stations retrograde, roadblocks may get in the way of your plans and disagreements can reach boiling points. If things aren’t moving forward during this time, try not to sweat it! Some things can’t be forced, nor can they be beat, so cut everyone some slack.

When the new moon in Virgo starts a new chapter on September 7, it will be time to get practical and think of your goals in terms of what actually needs to get done. Even the wildest ideas have the greatest potential for success if you’re willing to break them up into step-by-step moves. Use this new moon to plan ahead!

All of this will prepare you for a Libra season filled with social butterflies, witty banter, flirty exchanges and (OK, a few) compromises. Beginning on September 22, Libra season will sprinkle the universe with charm, aesthetic beauty, and so much friendship, you’ll hardly miss Virgo season when it’s gone. Enjoy it while you can, though!

Read on for a peek at how each zodiac sign will handle August, and follow the link to your full monthly horoscope below.


STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’re thinking a lot about self-improvement and banishing procrastination this September, Aries, and you should feel proud! Virgo season lights up your sixth house of work and health, inspiring you to break bad habits and follow a routine that brings out the best in you. Read your full Aries horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

People may be gearing up for autumn, but for you, summer’s just getting started! Virgo season sends so much magic to your fifth house of fun and pleasure, dear Taurus, inspiring you to tap into your creativity, delve deep into romance and play around with your inner child. Read your full Taurus horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’re deep in your feelings this September, Gemini, and there’s nothing wrong with that! You might even feel like cancelling plans, purchasing some luxury sweatpants and baking up a sugary storm, because your month begins with the sun in your fourth house of home and family. Read your full Gemini horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’re brainstorming with near-supernatural cognitive ability and coming up with genius ideas this month, because it begins with the sun is in your third house of communication. That makes September a month marked by intellectual discourse, rapid productivity, and lots of learning! Read your full Cancer horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Rake in that extra cash, budget like a boss and make that purchase you’ve been lusting after, because your month  begins with the sun in your second house of self-worth and possessions. This is encouraging you to build a stable life for yourself filled with luxury, security and beauty. Read your full Leo horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Happy birthday, Virgo! In astrology, your solar return is more than just a time to blow out your candles and make a wish. It’s when you’re meant to acknowledge how far you’ve come in the last year, honor your successes and remember everything you’ve learned from your failures. Read your full Virgo horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The month begins with the sun sending magic to your 12th house of dreams and subconscious, opening your third eye and allowing you to see deeper truths. You may even feel like treating yourself to some solitude, because truth be told, you really are your own best friend! Read your full Libra horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’re feeling more passionate about taking on the world than ever before, Scorpio! The month begins with the sun in your 11th house of philanthropy, encouraging you to link arm in arm with others, work together to fight injustice and create a world marked by peace and love. Read your full Scorpio horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Don’t be afraid to compete, because even if you fail, it’s all a part of the process! And, when the Virgo new moon launches a new chapter in your career on September 17, you may just commit to a project that takes you all the way to the top. Read your full Sagittarius horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your month begins with the sun surging through your spontaneous ninth house of expansion, opening your mind and granting you the chance to infuse your perspective with something far more worldly. Get out of town, learn new things and meet new people! Read your full Capricorn horoscope here.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your month begins with your sun in the eighth house of death and rebirth, making this a month marked by transformation. In order to spread your wings and grow, some things must be sacrificed. In order for something to begin, something else must come to an end!  Read your full Aquarius horoscope here.



STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’re not just thinking about yourself this month, Pisces. You’re thinking about others and how you can be better to the people in your life! Your month is all about relationships, because the sun is moving through your seventh house of partnerships. Read your full Pisces horoscope here.


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