jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020

Gemini, Your Horoscope Says September Is All About Self-Love & Care


You’re deep in your feelings this September, Gemini, and there’s nothing wrong with that! You might even feel like cancelling plans, purchasing some luxury sweatpants and baking up a sugary storm, because your Gemini horoscope for September 2020 begins with the sun in your fourth house of home and family. Wrapping yourself up in a warm blanket and nurturing yourself with love and care is pretty much all you want to do this month, Gemini!

However, you might want to break out the arts and crafts while you’re at home, because on September 5, Mercury—planet of logic—enters your fifth house of self-expression and play. This will bring so much color and music into your world, so infuse your daily life with culture, art and creativity! This energy is only bound to increase when Libra season begins on September 22, jump-starting a season of fun, flirtation and frivolity. And don’t worry about your social life, because Venus—planet of love—enters your third house of communication on September 6. Prepare for long Zoom calls about intellectually stimulating topics (or at least the latest hot gossip!).

All jokes aside, your career will reach a trailblazing conclusion when this month’s full moon dawns in your 10th house of social status on September 2. The month may start off with major success that validates everything you’re doing right, but it may also be accompanied by mistakes that you can learn from, ones that will put you on the right path going forward. As long as you’re not giving up when the going gets tough, you’re doing it right!

And that’s not even the toughest part of your horoscope, dear Gemini, because Mars—planet of passion and aggression—stations retrograde in your 11th house of friends on September 9. Yikes! This may put you at odds with your social circle. You may feel as though you’re not being heard or valued amongst your community, but it’s best not to jump to conclusions during this time, as you may not have the whole story.

When a new moon in Virgo replenishes your fourth house of roots on Sept. 17, it will be time to organize your closet, invite your family over, and get back in touch with your definition of “home”. Your heart is craving a deeper sense of comfort! In the end, all you go through this month will be worth it—just make sure you set aside some Me Time to give yourself a little TLC.

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