lunes, 14 de febrero de 2022

Lover, Your Weekly Horoscope Has Valentine’s Day Predictions & More

Happy Valentine’s Day, lover! Your weekly horoscope for February 14-20 2022 is here. While we traditionally think of February 14 as being a day of romance, passionate declarations of love, and chocolates, this one is going to be a little different when Mercury enters Aquarius on Monday.

Aquarius is not the most romantic sign, with its detached, unemotional style. Expect a night of alien-hunting and talking about crypto rather than pillow talk. Fortunately, you’ll have a romantic do-over the rest of the week, starting with the full moon in Leo on Wednesday. The energy of the full moon gives all signs a chance to express your feelings with dramatic flair so you can win back your valentines.

After a cold, gray month, get ready to feel again when the sun enters tender Pisces on Friday. Over the next four weeks, our lives start to thaw and we get in touch with our emotional side, making us both empathetic and extra sensitive. Tread lightly.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Spending Valentine’s Day on dating apps sounds depressing, but it could lead to amazing connections when Mercury enters Aquarius and your social zone on Monday. The next two weeks are a great time for video chatting, texting, or using the power of technology to make a difference.

However, if your V-day is a tad lackluster, make up for it during the full moon in Leo and your pleasure zone on Wednesday. The moon here encourages you to have some fun by going to a concert, starting a new hobby, or leading a creative production.

You need to relax after a stressful month, especially when the sun enters Pisces and your privacy zone on Friday. It’s time to take a step back from your many commitments and rest. We know, Aries, not your thing, but being mindful and practicing meditation will be good for you. Trust us.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Spend Valentine’s Day doing some serious networking when Mercury enters Aquarius on Monday. Mercury will be in your career zone for the next two weeks, encouraging you to use your connections to help find a new job, get a promotion, or start your own company. Play the long game, Taurus.

If you want to achieve greatness, take a look at your strengths and weaknesses when the full moon is in Leo and your habit zone on Wednesday. The moon here encourages you to look at what you can improve. Don’t be too stubborn to change.

Don’t let the cold winter keep you at home when the sun enters Pisces and your social zone on Friday. In fact, your social calendar will be packed for the next four weeks. While you’re out with friends, remember to spread the joy by helping others.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Spend Valentine’s Day hitting the books, Gemini, because you could be doing more studying than romancing when Mercury enters Aquarius on Monday. The next two weeks are an ideal time to enroll in school, learn new information (about things like aliens or coding), or take a different approach when it comes to new experiences.

With the new year, retrogrades, and Valentine’s Day, you might have let more mundane errands slide. However, when the full moon is in Leo and your communication zone on Wednesday, you need to get all your errands done. Spend the day catching up by paying bills, doing paperwork, and shopping for groceries.

Start putting all your time and attention toward your big goals when the sun enters Pisces on Friday. The sun will be in your career zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to seek better career opportunities and even do some manifesting to achieve your dreams.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Valentine’s Day marks a period of increased intuition, something you’ll need when intimate conversations come up during your date. That’s because Mercury enters Aquarius on Monday, moving through your intimacy zone for the next two weeks. Trust your gut when you’re discussing shared finances, moving in together, or breaking up.

After an intense V-day, reach for your comfort items during the full moon in Leo on Wednesday. The moon in your value zone is an ideal time to enjoy some self-care instead of trying to take care of everyone else. Treat yourself to some candy on sale while you’re at it!

Fortunately, Cancer, things get brighter when the sun enters Pisces and your expansion zone on Friday, making it a month of discoveries. Whether you’re making travel plans, going to school, or being open to new ideas, you’re expanding your mind and your heart.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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After last month’s stressful retrograde, Mercury entering Aquarius on Monday is an ideal time to resolve any major miscommunication issues with loved ones. The planet of communication enters your partnership zone, so use Valentine’s Day as an excuse to mend hurt feelings and even rekindle a love affair.

The spotlight is shining on you during the full moon in your sign on Wednesday, allowing you to soak up all the attention. However, while your heart is resting comfortably on your sleeve, avoid big outbursts if someone isn’t paying attention to you. Be chill!

The sun enters Pisces and your transformation zone on Friday, so the next four weeks are going to be filled with emotional changes. These changes could make you extra sensitive, but they’re necessary to get you on the right path. Have a little faith, Leo.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Finally out of all those retrogrades, you can now organize your life after the chaos as Mercury enters Aquarius and your habit zone on Monday. Over the next two weeks, Virgo, learn how to work smarter, not harder, even if you have to use unorthodox methods to do it.

The full moon in Leo and your subconscious zone on Wednesday brings a day of self-reflection and relaxation. This is an ideal night to get in touch with what’s brewing below the surface and deal with your less-than-stellar qualities. Work through your discomfort to become better.

Push your Valentine’s Day date to Friday if you can. The sun enters Pisces and your partnership zone on that day, making it a great time to start a romantic relationship or creative partnership. You’ll be extra sensitive to people’s needs, and that empathy will bring you closer together. Feel the love!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Big creative energy comes back into your life on Valentine’s Day as Mercury enters Aquarius and your pleasure zone on Monday. Start by planning a unique date night to express yourself to your crush. Whether you’re falling in love with a person or a new art form, Libra, it’ll be an exciting two weeks.

After a pleasurable date, hang out with your besties during the full moon in Leo on Wednesday. The moon in your social zone encourages you to spend quality time with your friends and make some memories.

Friday gives you a boost of empathy when the sun enters Pisces to shine in your caretaker zone. Over the next four weeks, you’ll be spending your time taking care of others, from nursing a stray animal back to health to helping a friend during a tough time. However, don’t forget your own emotional well-being in the process.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Valentine’s Day is supposed to be for lovers, but you’ll be thinking about your family when Mercury enters Aquarius and your home zone on Monday. For the next two weeks, you might come up with solutions to family issues that have been recurring since early January and finally find some peace.

Fortunately, you get a chance in the spotlight when the full moon shines in Leo and your career zone on Wednesday. You’ll finally start getting the recognition you deserve, whether it’s in the form of public praise or a promotion. Enjoy the applause and stay gracious, Scorpio.

Then get ready for a very creative four weeks when the sun enters Pisces on Friday, shining its light in your pleasure zone. Use this time to express yourself in any artistic medium you choose to help you work through any big emotions you’re dealing with. Put those feelings into your art!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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When Mercury enters Aquarius on Monday, spend Valentine’s Day holding your own in any conversation, from a hot date to gossiping about exes with your friends. Mercury in your communication zone gives you the gift of gab over the next two weeks. Whether you’re texting, typing, or video chatting, you’ll be very popular online as you gab about anything and everything.

Wednesday brings a serious case of wanderlust when the full moon is in Leo. With the moon in your expansion zone, you’re itching to do something—anything! This is a great time to go on an adventure, even if it’s just a small one!

However, Sagittarius, home will be where your heart is when the sun enters Pisces and your family zone on Friday. You’ll spend a lot of your time making your nest as comforting as possible as you get lost in your feelings during the winter chill.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re not really a romantic, Capricorn. In fact, you could be spending Valentine’s Day doing your taxes when Mercury enters Aquarius and your value zone on Monday. Over the next two weeks, you’ll be going over your budget and picking up some discounted candy to save some cash.

Sharing is caring, but it can be hard to give the spotlight to others during the full moon in Leo on Wednesday. The moon in your shared resources zone encourages you to be generous with your time, money, and attention, but don’t go broke doing it.

Spend Friday getting in touch with your feelings when the sun enters Pisces. It will be shining its light in your communication zone for the next four weeks, making this a great time to start journaling, take a psychology class, or visit your siblings. Use logic and emotion to improve your life in amazing, unexpected ways.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Back for round two, the planet of communication moves into your sign on Valentine’s Day after a rough retrograde. For the next two weeks, your confidence and curiosity will get a boost, though it might be hard to focus on anything other than fantastic ideas. Stay grounded, Aquarius.

Especially during the full moon in Leo and your partnership zone on Wednesday. This is an ideal time to look for balance in your life, especially when you’re dealing with big personalities. Try to reach an agreement by compromising, even if you have to bend a little.

Pay close attention to your wallet when the sun enters Pisces and your value zone on Friday. Don’t make retail therapy the sole means of your self-care. Spending all your money will only cause more issues, not solve them. Instead, spend some time thinking about what you value in life and work from there.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Spend Valentine’s Day getting lost in your feelings about the romantic past when Mercury enters Aquarius on Monday. With the planet of communication in your subconscious zone, you’ll be doing a lot of thinking. However, Pisces, don’t get so lost in nostalgia that you forget about the future.

Take care of your emotional and mental health during the full moon in Leo and your health zone on Wednesday. You’re really going through it right now, so it’s important to get in a better headspace by establishing a solid routine, such as yoga, meditation, or practicing gratitude.

After a difficult month, you’re finally ready to face the world again when the sun enters your sign on Friday. This is an ideal time to spoil yourself with a new haircut, tattoo, or outfit to raise your confidence. However, your ego could be a little fragile, so handle with care.

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