lunes, 28 de febrero de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Has The Tea On A Gentle (But Powerful!) New Moon

Monday is here—and so is your weekly horoscope for February 28-March 6 2022! A new month means a new moon as we kick March off with a Pisces new moon on Wednesday. This gentle water sign allows us to smoothly enter the month with positivity as we get ready for spring. Spend the day doing random acts of kindness for others.

Mars moves into Aquarius on Saturday. After six weeks of hard work, we push practicality aside and take the road less traveled when it comes to our ambitions. Sure, our energy levels will be erratic and our methods unconventional, but at least things won’t be boring!

Also on Saturday, Venus finally leaves Capricorn and enters the sign of the Water Bearer. While happy to be out of deliberate Capricorn, the planet of love and beauty won’t find much relief in aloof and unemotional Aquarius. While it isn’t the most romantic month, this is an ideal time to make new friends and go to spontaneous social events. Have fun!

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s a brand-new month, Aries, so kick things off by doing some emotional spring cleaning when the new moon is in Pisces and your subconscious zone on Wednesday. Your season will be here soon, so this is an ideal time to get rid of the emotional baggage that is no longer serving you.

You’ll need a clear headspace when Mars forms a conjunction with Pluto in your career zone on Thursday. Your hard work over the past six weeks might finally pay off in the form of a promotion, fancy job title, or starting your own career.

Your social calendar is about to fill up when Mars enters Aquarius on Saturday. With your ruling planet in your social zone, you’re eager to say yes to any invitation you receive, especially if it’s to a networking event. However, this attitude can quickly lead to burnout. Balance is key.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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As your social calendar starts to fill up, you might find yourself feeling freer than ever when the sun in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in your sign on Tuesday. Meeting new people allows you to make the best first impression and dazzle them with your own unique charm.

Continue making friends when the new moon is in Pisces and your social zone on Wednesday. Networking events can help you make one of your dreams come true as long as you actually let people help you. You’ll be grateful in the long run, Taurus.
vKeep it up, because making social connections will be very important to you when Venus enters Aquarius on Saturday. Your ruling planet will be in your career zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to focus on relationships that can help you professionally, from finding a new mentor to attending networking events to updating your online profile.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’ve got some big dreams, Gemini, but if you want to achieve them, you’ll need to have a good reputation. The new moon is in Pisces and your career zone on Wednesday, encouraging you to boost your reputation by helping others, giving compliments, and smooth-talking your boss to get what you desire.

Thursday brings love and transformation when Mars and Venus form a conjunction with Pluto in your intimacy zone. The people you meet today could completely change your life as you join forces in your most intimate relationships. Things could get very serious very quickly when it comes to love.
vEnd the week by starting some intellectually stimulating projects when Venus forms a conjunction with Mars in your expansion zone on Saturday. Whether you’re planning to study abroad, take classes, or debate with others, your quest for learning will take you to some interesting places.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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The winter has been making you a little restless, Cancer. As we get closer to spring, you might want to switch your routine. On Wednesday, the new moon in Pisces and your expansion zone encourages you to feed your spirit with tarot readings, mediation, and visualization to add some magic to your life.

Thursday gives you the chance to transform your important relationships when Mars and Venus form a conjunction with Pluto in your partnership zone. Whether you’re forming a creative, business, or romantic partnership, things are going to get serious. Today, be sure you make love, not war.

The week ends on an intense note when Venus forms a conjunction with Mars in your transformation zone on Saturday, creating a dramatic combination of passion and partnership. Relationships formed quickly can either grow stronger or fall apart, so get ready for the drama!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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If you want to be successful, you need to let go of old ways of thinking when the sun in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. There’s more than one way to be a success, Leo, so don’t stick with one path because you think it’s the “right” way.

Trust your gut, as your intuition will be increased when the new moon is in Pisces on Wednesday. With the moon in your intimacy zone, you’ll get an extra boost of empathy and compassion when it comes to the people in your life. However, don’t let their troubles become yours.

Passions run hot when Venus forms a conjunction with Mars in your partnership zone on Saturday, and you could easily fall in love or get into a fight. Partnerships of all kinds that are formed now can last for the long haul provided you start things off on the same page.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on an extra sensitive note when the new moon is in Pisces and your partnership zone on Wednesday. As the helper of the zodiac, you’re so used to being someone’s rock that you forget that you also need someone to lean on. Look for people you can count on for support and form relationships with them.

Especially since Thursday is a big day for romance as Mars and Venus form a conjunction with Pluto in your pleasure zone. Love affairs can turn into something deeper as you express yourself better without jealousy or possessiveness. Just have fun, Virgo!

Spend Saturday doing some much-needed spring cleaning when Venus forms a conjunction with Mars in your habit zone, whether you’re emptying closets or getting rid of relationships that no longer work for you. While it’s tempting to take care of everyone else, take care of yourself first to prevent burnout.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Spring is almost here, and you’re ready to come out of hibernation and be productive during the new moon in Pisces and your routine zone on Wednesday. The moon encourages you to start working on yourself and form better habits that will serve you well in the future.

Especially when family issues dominate your life as Venus and Mars form a conjunction with Pluto in your family zone on Thursday. Old hurts from childhood could shake your emotional foundation and make you realize that some of your family members don’t have your best interests at heart.

Fortunately, Libra, the week ends on a positive note when Venus enters Aquarius on Saturday. Your ruler in your creativity zone encourages you to do something new and exciting when it comes to your hobbies, pleasures, and romances. Whatever you’re doing, don’t forget to post a killer selfie!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins with a burst of creativity when the new moon is in Pisces and your pleasure zone on Wednesday. Whether you’re writing, reading, or watching an epic fantasy tale, expressing your feelings through art, or falling in love with someone dreamy, it’s going to be a very magical day.

Use your words to help you get what you want when Venus and Mars form a conjunction with Pluto in your communication zone on Thursday. Using logic and a level head, you can make some serious power moves that other people wouldn’t even think of, Scorpio.

Spring is almost in bloom, but you might not want to leave hibernation for a while when Mars enters Aquarius on Saturday. Your ruling planet will be in your home zone for the next few weeks, bringing some family drama that will keep you busy. Keep your sanity by making your home nice, cozy, and private.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Listen to your intuition, Sagittarius. It can guide you home when the new moon is in Pisces on Wednesday. The moon in your home zone encourages you to do some major self-care work as you cleanse your space of all negative energy to find safety and security.

You have your eyes on the prize, and nothing is going to stand in your way when Mars and Venus form a conjunction with Pluto in your value zone on Thursday—unless it’s a really great item! Don’t let material goods make you forget your important goals.

Your gift of gab will serve you well in all aspects of life when Venus forms a conjunction with Mars in your communication zone, from going viral on social media to flirting with attractive people to selling your amazing ideas to others. You might even have the energy to take a short trip!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on a busy note when the new moon is in Pisces and your communication zone on Wednesday. You have a million things you have to check off your to-do list. However, Capricorn, while you’re the most ambitious sign in the zodiac, remember to keep your goals realistic.

Especially since you’ll need your energy when Mars and Venus form a conjunction with Pluto in your sign on Thursday, making it an important day for first impressions. Make sure your temper is in check so you’ll come off as charming instead of a big jerk.

And those first impressions could lead to financial gain in your future when Mars enters Aquarius on Saturday. Mars will be in your value zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to look for interesting and unconventional ways to make money. There’s a possibility of investing in new technology, but do your research before you part with your money.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins with a potential move when the sun in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. There’s the possibility of moving into a new apartment, buying your own home, or breaking away from strict family traditions. Either way, this new freedom will be a major boost to your self-esteem. Enjoy!

If your money habits haven’t been great, you might have the opportunity to turn it around when the new moon is in Pisces and your value zone on Wednesday. A generous gift could help you out in big ways. Just remember to return the favor when your situation is more stable.

Saturday brings you plenty of energy when Venus forms a conjunction with Mars in your sign. You have a lot of power right now, Aquarius, so don’t be afraid to use it to your advantage and attract people to your side to reach your goals.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins with opportunities to express your thoughts to others when the sun in your sign forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. A pleasant surprise could stimulate your mind when you’re having a conversation with neighbors or siblings.

Wednesday brings a boost to your intuition and confidence when the new moon is in your sign, encouraging you to trust your gut in all decisions, from cutting your hair to going to a party. The decisions you make will set the tone for the whole lunar cycle, Pisces, so make them count!

Even though we’re getting closer to spring, you’re not feeling ready to embrace the outside world when Venus enters Aquarius on Saturday. Venus will be in your privacy zone over the next four weeks, making you more interested in doing your socializing online than in real life. Just make sure you still get some fresh air.

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