viernes, 25 de febrero de 2022

Pisces, Your March Horoscope Has *So* Much To Look Forward To

Get ready to experience everything you’ve been pining for, because your Pisces March 2022 horoscope does *not* disappoint. Pisces season is here and no one’s living up to the hype more than you are! On March 2, the New Moon in Pisces will help you clarify your intentions as you approach this next chapter of your life.

As you celebrate your birthday season, think of all the things you want, because you’re manifesting them and making them real! However, as Venus and Mars join forces with Pluto in Capricorn on March 3, you’ll feel the rising tension in your social circles. If you’re up to the challenge, overcoming your differences and getting to the core of your love will bring you so many rewards.

And on March 5, the rewards will just keep on coming! This is when the sun will join forces with Jupiter in Pisces, elevating you to your highest vibration and making you feel more alive than ever. Live life to the fullest, because there’s no one who brings what you bring to the table!

Follow your instinct to explore hidden realms and embrace adventure wherever you can, because on March 13, the sun will also form a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, deepening your connection with the spiritual world. You’re already an incredibly intuitive zodiac sign—and this month, your psychic downloads are off the charts!

By March 18, you may embrace a turning point in your relationships. With how much excitement you’re experiencing, it’s only natural for it to ripple throughout your connections with others. The Full Moon in Virgo will send magic to your seventh house of partnerships, urging you to focus on the intentions you have with others. If someone loves you exactly as you are, then that person is definitely a keeper!

However, as the month comes to an end, you may feel like you’re grappling with an emotional dilemma that doesn’t have an easy answer. As Venus joins forces with Saturn in Aquarius on March 28, it will bring a sobering truth to your 12th house of spirituality. As you embrace alone time and explore your dreamworld, you may discover that’s it’s time to deepen your connection with your inner voice. It’s what you were born for!

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