lunes, 7 de marzo de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Encourages Intuition Over Logic

Your weekly horoscope for March 7-13 2022 is here, and the reign of Saturn finally comes to an end this week. Last Saturday, Venus and Mars (the planets of love and action, respectively) ended their sojourn in cold Capricorn. However, before we jump for joy, keep in mind that Aquarius is also traditionally ruled by Saturn, so don’t expect a whirlwind romance during the next few weeks, but do expect to be a bit more socially active.

Perhaps devoting yourself to a cause or even just doing a little volunteering might suit the collective, as Aquarius is a fairly humanitarian sign.

The rest of the week brings forth a bit of mysticism as Wednesday finds Mercury (the planet of communication) pushing into Pisces. So, for the next few weeks, lean more into intuition over logic, as Mercury in the sign of the Fish doesn’t tend toward standard communication methods.

But the real cherry on top comes on Sunday when the sun in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in the same sign. In short, enjoy the chill vibes!

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on a dreamy, nostalgic note when Mercury enters Pisces on Wednesday. Moving through your privacy zone for the next two weeks, it’s an ideal time to stay in and do some mental spring cleaning and remove any negative thought patterns that are keeping you from your dreams. Live creatively, Aries!

While you’re spending most of your time by yourself, be careful about what you post online when Vesta enters Aquarius and your social zone on Thursday. While it’s tempting to go off the rails and put some wild stuff online, posting impulsively can hurt your important friendships, so show some restraint.

Finally, spend a lazy Sunday chilling in bed when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces. This is the perfect day for daydreaming, meditating, or visualizing what you truly desire. Just don’t move too fast today. You might hurt yourself if you rush.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on an idealistic note when Mercury enters Pisces and your social zone on Wednesday, shifting your thoughts from yourself to the greater good. Over the next two weeks, listen to others and take in new ideas that come to you. They could even lead to unexpected windfalls.

Continue to commit to your goals with dedication and aspiration when Vesta enters Aquarius on Thursday. The asteroid will be encouraging you from your career zone, telling you that with a little focus and your famous endurance you can reach your goals. Keep going and you’ll soon receive the recognition you deserve, Taurus.

End the week by hanging with your friends and doing some good in the world when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Invite your friends to join you in some volunteer work for your community. You can lend a hand and make some memories at the same time.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Use the next two weeks to your advantage, Gemini, because it could be life-changing. Mercury enters Pisces and your career zone on Wednesday, so now is a perfect time to present the best version of yourself to achieve your dreams. Start by asking for a promotion, signing up for a class, or looking for a new job. Just be realistic about your goals.

Speaking of goals, make expanding your mind one of them when Vesta enters Aquarius and your expansion zone on Thursday. Whether you’re thinking about going back to school, taking an important trip, or committing to a new journey, you’ll be an inspiration to others.

Then, put your best foot forward when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. This is an ideal day to apply for jobs, shop for interview outfits, or restyle your wardrobe for your dream job. Go for it!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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If you’ve been dreaming about going back to school or learning something new, the time to do it is when Mercury enters Pisces on Wednesday. With the planet of communication in your expansion zone, spend the next two weeks furthering your education by taking an art class, studying tarot, or just learning by the water.

Then, constant change is here to stay when Vesta enters Aquarius and your transformation zone on Thursday. While change can be uncomfortable, Cancer, it’s better to let go of something that isn’t working than to hold on too tightly. Embrace the change!

End the week by going on a short adventure when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Whether you’re going on a trip, reading a book, or rediscovering your city, allow your imagination to take the wheel. This whimsical attitude can lead you to some magical places if you let it.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Communication could become very intimate over the next two weeks once Mercury enters Pisces and your intimacy zone on Wednesday. Get ready to talk about dreams, fantasies, and even sensitive subjects that can help you bond with others and transform relationships. Big conversations can happen gently overnight.

Especially when they’re about romantic relationships as Vesta enters Aquarius and your partnership zone on Thursday. Relationships are in full bloom, but you’re going to need some serious dedication, discipline, and inner strength to make yours last without falling apart. Try to resist temptation as best you can, Leo.

Spend the weekend thinking about dreams when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. You might spend the time dreaming about the legacy you want to build but aren’t sure how to achieve. While you indulge in these fantasies, look for ways to manifest them into life.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Love is in the air and in your words, as Mercury enters sweet Pisces on Wednesday. With your ruling planet in your partnership zone for the next two weeks, it’s an ideal time to build lasting relationships based on empathy and compassion. With plenty of opportunities for business collaborations, rental agreements, and creative partnerships, make sure you read the fine print before signing anything.

While your head is in the clouds, Vesta brings you back down to earth when the asteroid enters Aquarius and your habit zone on Thursday. Stay committed to your health by trying a new fitness workout even if it’s a little unusual.

Then, spend Sunday partnering up with your better half when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces. Virgo, whether you’re taking your romantic relationship to the next level or starting a creative collaboration, it’s an ideal day to make your dreams come true.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Start the week by checking in on your loved ones to see how they’re doing when Mercury enters Pisces on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your caretaking zone, encouraging you to focus on the needs of others. Send “how are you?” texts, drop off food, or just be a shoulder to cry on when things get tough.

While you’re taking care of others, make sure you take care of yourself too. Especially when Vesta enters Aquarius and your creative zone on Thursday. This is an ideal time to commit yourself to your talents and find self-expression in learning a craft or medium. Have fun!

If you want to become your dream self, you’ll need to start some better habits when the sun forms a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Make small but productive changes to take care of yourself, Libra, even if it just means getting more sleep.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Expressing your feelings doesn’t come naturally to you, Scorpio. Fortunately, you get some help in that department when Mercury enters Pisces and your creative zone on Wednesday. This is an ideal time to let your imagination run wild and find self-expression in painting, poetry, or interpretive dance. Whatever works for you!

While you’re exploring your feelings, search for emotional security when Vesta enters Aquarius and your home zone on Thursday. Commit yourself to finding and developing a place you can call your own by buying a home, moving into an apartment for one, or creating your own family traditions.

Spend the weekend relaxing with your creative hobbies again when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Allow yourself a day to indulge in your artwork, a good TV show, or your daydreams. You don’t need to take life so seriously.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Think with your heart, Sagittarius, not your head when Mercury enters Pisces on Wednesday. With the planet of communication in your home zone, your thoughts drift more toward nostalgia. While this can be a restful period, try to ground yourself as much as possible. It’s easy to act on impulse.

Instead of being impulsive, try focusing on learning something new when Vesta enters Aquarius on Thursday. The asteroid will be in your communication zone, encouraging you to commit yourself to taking an online class or attending lectures. Just don’t let your blunt way of speaking get you into some serious trouble.

Sunday is family day when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces. Invite your loved ones over for a big dinner at your place. However, before you set the table, make sure you clean up a bit to make it seem like a dream home and not just clutter.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your imagination is ready to come out and play for the next two weeks once Mercury enters Pisces and your communication zone on Wednesday. As you tap into your creative side, you can easily find solutions to small problems just by looking at them from another perspective. There are no bad ideas here, Capricorn!

While you’re at it, you might want to solve some of your money problems this week when Vesta enters Aquarius on Thursday. The asteroid will be in your value zone, encouraging you to tighten your spending. Stick to your budget no matter what!

Finally, speak your dreams into existence when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces on Sunday, because they have a strong possibility of coming true. This is an ideal day to write down your goals, meditate to mantras, or take a short trip in nature to allow yourself to relax and dream.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your season may be over, but you still need to be kind to yourself, Aquarius. Especially this week when Mercury enters Pisces and your value zone on Wednesday. For the next two weeks, you’ll have opportunities to change your self-perception as you find nicer ways to assert yourself in the world.

Use that kindness to change your life for the better when Vesta enters your sign on Thursday. This is an ideal time to control the persona you wish to project into the world. Commit to making yourself a little better and you’ll see the results very soon.

Finally, spend the weekend putting your money where your mouth is as the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Use your time and money to help people in need in your community. Building a better world costs money, so make sure you’re ready to invest.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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After a lot of teasing and tempting, Mercury finally enters your sign on Wednesday, bringing you two lovely weeks of confidence, creative intelligence, and being at ease in your own skin. However, make sure you don’t get so lost in your big ideas that you forget to make them a reality.

Take a step back when Vesta enters Aquarius and your subconscious zone on Thursday to focus on your healing. Now is the time to end relationships that are no longer working for you and walk away for good. Stop going back to the people who hurt you.

Especially because the weekend brings opportunities for new beginnings when the sun conjoins Neptune in your sign on Sunday. Now is the ideal time to get yourself that haircut you’ve always wanted or buy the outfit you’ve been longing for. Dress for the life you want.

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