lunes, 11 de abril de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Warns Of Tidal Waves From This Super Rare Conjunction

Welcome to the first full week of April, and to your weekly horoscope for April 11 to 17.  For those in the northern hemisphere, I hope those April showers haven’t been raining too hard on the collective’s parade. Astrologically, the forecast is fraught this week. Multiple planets are moving or recently have moved from one sign to another, and the full moon in Libra finds us later in the week.

Prepare to be a little on the move this week, but keep your eyes open, especially when Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Neptune (the planet of illusions) in Pisces conjunct on Tuesday. Now, the creative juices will be flowing for sure—expect tidal waves. But amid these chill vibes, there’s an opportunity for confusion and getting “lost in the sauce,” so to speak. Everything is not what it seems with Neptune, and Jupiter tends to add fuel to the fire. So, there’s a distinct possibility of a runaway train situation.

As the week proceeds, Mars (the planet of action) joins beautiful Venus in Pisces on Thursday, shifting the focus from the self to selflessness. Bleeding hearts are nearly a given over the next few weeks, softening the otherwise individualistic nature of Aries season.

Finally, as the first full moon of the astrological year, Saturday’s full moon in Libra shines a light on our relationships. Now, no one’s telling you to hash it out with your lover (and especially not with the sun and Mercury in Aries), but it’s a chance to contemplate your partnerships. You know the deal—rest and reflect.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


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Start the week by being the change you wish to see in the world when the sun in your sign forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. While you might not see big changes overnight, you will eventually see the fruits of your labors.

Be gentle with yourself over the next six weeks after Mars enters Pisces and your privacy zone on Thursday. Life will be moving at a much slower pace than you’d like, encouraging you to pause and reevaluate the journey your life is taking.

The weekend is all about balance as you try to find harmony in your relationships when the full moon is in Libra on Saturday. The moon is in your partnership zone, so you might have to bend a little to find peace in your relationship. Put your ego aside, Aries. You’ll be much happier that way.

Related: Aries April Horoscope 2022: You’re On Fire & No One Has The Extinguisher


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Tuesday is your lucky day because you might receive something you’ve been dreaming about when Jupiter forms a conjunction with Neptune in your social zone. This aspect brings windfalls as you achieve anything you want with ease. Share these good vibes with your friends to make them last.

You’re typically a grounded person, Taurus. However, you could have your head in the clouds when Mars enters Pisces and your social zone on Thursday. Mars can make even impossible things happen like magic right now, but don’t let it go to your head. You might not be seeing the full picture.

If you’ve been living a less than healthy lifestyle, you’ll get the equilibrium you’ve been craving during the full moon in Libra on Saturday. With the moon in your health zone, it’s time to find a balance between work and pleasure to live your best life.

Related: Taurus—Your April 2022 Horoscope Predicts A Major Change In Your Life


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Start the week with a stimulating brainstorming session with your friends when the sun in Aries forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Whether you’re forming a study group, planning a collective vacation together, or tackling a major problem, you can solve anything together!

Thursday brings some shake-ups when Mars enters Pisces and your career zone and stays here for the next six weeks. After finally reaching one of your most ambitious goals, you might discover that it isn’t giving you the sense of pride you thought it would. It might be time to rethink your objectives, Gemini.

The week concludes on a fun note during the full moon in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your pleasure zone encourages you to do something fun and exciting. From playing a game to planning an impromptu date, just make sure you’re doing it with people you care about.

Related: Gemini—Your April 2022 Horoscope Is Giving Money, Power & Glory


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Your week begins with the possibility of adventure when Jupiter forms a conjunction with Neptune in your expansion zone on Tuesday. This aspect makes it a great day to take or plan the trip of your dreams and create some memories that will last a lifetime.

The opportunity for new experiences continues when Mars enters Pisces on Thursday, moving through your expansion zone for the next six weeks. As you dive into deep emotional depths, Cancer, this is a great time to learn more about the world outside the familiar.

Spend the weekend at home during the full moon in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your family zone encourages you to find balance in your domestic life. If you’ve been away from home or ignoring certain responsibilities, it’s time to take care of them now, especially if you’ve been fighting with a family member.

Related: Cancer, Your April 2022 Horoscope Is Filled With Adventure, So Buckle Up


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Tuesday brings an extra dose of maturity and culture when the sun in Aries forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius. This aspect is helping you learn, grow, and become more of an adult. Seek out mature relationships that fit with your new personal growth, Leo.

Then start making some serious emotional changes to your life when Mars enters Pisces on Thursday. With Mars in your intimacy zone for the next six weeks, your feelings could become more complex and hard to untangle. As you take care of your own mental health, make sure you donate money and time to those in need.

Finally, the full moon is in Libra and your communication zone on Saturday, so spend the day crossing off lingering errands on your to-do list. If you still can’t find the motivation, invite a friend to tag along with you. Everything’s better with a partner in crime.

Related: Leo, Your April 2022 Horoscope Spells A Relationship Upgrade


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Start the week lucky in love when Jupiter forms a conjunction with Neptune in your partnership zone on Tuesday. Relationships will be easy and smooth as you find companionship with others. This is a great time to get married or sign contracts that have been in the works for a while.

Compromise is the key to happiness for the next six weeks after Mars enters Pisces on Thursday. Mars in your partnership zone increases your compassion and empathy to help you see all sides of a situation. Let your guard down and make peace with the people you care about, Virgo, but keep your healthy boundaries in check.

The balance of give and take continues during the full moon in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your value zone encourages you to collect on debts that people owe you and pay your own in return to break even.

Related: Virgo—Your April 2022 Horoscope Could Reveal Your Soul Mate



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It’s time to grow up in your relationships when the sun in Aries forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Whether you’re teaming up with someone on a creative project, having someone hold you accountable, or finding a teacher to focus your efforts, your relationships will make you better at your craft.

Start working on yourself when Mars enters Pisces on Thursday. It will be moving through your health zone for the next six weeks, so this is an ideal time to work out your body and mind as you practice keeping emotional boundaries and nurturing yourself.

Find the balance between autonomy and dependency when the full moon is in your sign on Saturday. If you need something important in your relationships, don’t be afraid to ask for it. If they can’t provide it, don’t be afraid to walk away. You deserve what you need, Libra, and you’re willing get it yourself.

Related: Libra, Your April 2022 Horoscope Wants You To Follow Your Heart


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The start of the week brings creativity and romance when Jupiter forms a conjunction with Neptune in your pleasure zone on Tuesday. Your dreams can be achieved with some luck, Scorpio. This is an ideal time to pursue a creative project, fall in love, or make a wish.

Continue to follow your artistic passions when Mars enters Pisces on Thursday. Your ruling planet will be in your creativity zone for the next six weeks, giving you an outlet to express your emotions. Whether you’re making art professionally or as a hobby, you’ll derive plenty of pleasure from it.

If you’ve been feeling a little burned out, use the weekend to take a mental health break when the full moon is in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your subconscious zone brings hidden issues to light as you deal with heavy emotions instead of ignoring them. Feel those feelings!

Related: Scorpio—Your April Horoscope Is Brimming With Joie De Vivre



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There are strong possibilities of finding your dream home when Jupiter forms a conjunction with Neptune in your domestic zone on Tuesday. With a little luck, you can have the space of your dreams and start settling down, especially as family relationships become more peaceful. Practice self-care and put down roots.

And there’s no place like home when Mars enters Pisces and your family zone on Thursday. Put your travel plans on hold as you go back to your roots. From taking care of family to feeling nostalgic about the past, you’ll be longing for a place to call your own.

However, you will leave your home to help a friend during the full moon in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your social zone encourages you to help a friend in crisis or invite one to stay with you. Be a shoulder to cry on, Sagittarius.

Related: Sagittarius, Your April 2022 Horoscope Is Reminding You That Home Is Where The Heart Is



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You can indulge in a little retail therapy this week if you budget for it when the sun in Aries forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Invest in yourself and your home because you might be able to put a down payment on your dream home or save money for your future.

Your imagination and intuition will help you sell any ideas you may have after Mars enters Pisces on Thursday. Mars will be in your communication zone for the next six weeks, encouraging you to pitch ideas, convince your boss to agree with you, or just get people to notice you.

Your work ethic pays off during the full moon in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your career zone puts you in the spotlight. From an important business partnership to public recognition, this is a great time to celebrate, Capricorn—after you sign the paperwork.

Related: Capricorn, Your April 2022 Horoscope Means You’re On The Verge Of A Brilliant Idea


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New ideas and thoughts encourage personal growth when the sun in Aries forms a sextile with Saturn in your sign on Tuesday. Reading a book or article or listening to a speaker could change your opinion on an important issue. Keep exploring these new ideas by doing more research.

Money is on your mind and it’s going to drive you crazy when Mars enters Pisces on Thursday. Mars in your value zone for the next six weeks means spending and money will be a big part of your life. If you’re going on a buying spree, Aquarius, make sure you hide your credit cards.

If life has gotten a little boring, take a leap of faith to expand your horizons when the full moon is in Libra on Saturday. The moon is in your expansion zone, so grab your besties and take a spontaneous road trip. Anything to shake things up.

Related: Aquarius—Your April 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Glistening With Luxury



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s your lucky day when Jupiter forms a conjunction with Neptune in your sign on Tuesday. This is a powerful aspect because you can get a major boost of confidence and stamina to help you achieve anything you desire. Don’t be afraid to reach for your dreams today, Pisces.

Keep the good vibes going when Mars moves into your sign on Thursday. Over the next six weeks, you’ll have an abundance of energy that spills into every part of your life. This is the ideal time to try new things, start new projects, and go on adventures, but it might be difficult to finish what you start.

Finally, end the week by balancing the scales in your relationships when the full moon is in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your intimacy zone brings transformation and bonding to your relationships as both parties lose a little to gain a solid bond.

Related: Pisces, Your April 2022 Horoscope Wants You To Shine Brighter Than Ever

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