lunes, 9 de mayo de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Challenges, But Also Opportunities

Be kind to yourself, because your weekly horoscope for May 9 through May 15 is testing your will to succeed. Alas, we the collective now find ourselves in the thick of things. Retrograde season is nigh — or rather, now. Almost two weeks ago, Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn went retrograde. On Tuesday, Mercury (planet of communication) follows the lead of the planet of transformation and begins its own retrograde motion. Fortunately, Mercury ‘s Rx period is not nearly as long as Pluto’s. However, being in the sign of Gemini, Mercury’s sign of its rulership, this retrograde season will be especially heavy on the miscommunication, confusion, and general mishaps.

On the same day, Jupiter (planet of expansion) ends its sojourn in watery Pisces. While the sign of the Fish had us dreaming of a better life, Jupiter in Aries encourages us to get out and fight for what we desire. Each of us is the master of our reality, and this transit is here to remind us of that!

This week ends on a powerful note with the full moon in Scorpio. As was the case for the new moon in Taurus, this lunation falls on an eclipse. Though, this one is lunar rather than solar, as was the case a few weeks ago. All I can say is: prepare for intensity! And if you’re searching for further clarification, check out your May 2022 horoscope for a more detailed overview of what this month has in store.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Better watch what you say (and how you say it) when Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday. Mercury will be moving backward in your communication zone this week, so don’t make any major decisions right now. You’ll be acting on impulse rather than logic, so stay put and try to stay calm.

Fortunately, you’ll get a major boost of luck when Jupiter enters your sign on Tuesday. Over the next few weeks, everything just seems to work out for you, so go after new opportunities with confidence and optimism. Just remember to look before you leap into anything.

Especially when it comes to your financial situation. The lunar eclipse in your shared finances zone on Sunday could force you to handle any lingering debt or unpaid bills that you’ve been ignoring. Take care of this situation before it gets worse, Aries. You don’t want to go into the summer with debt.

Related: Aries May Horoscope 2022: You’re On Top Of The World Right Now


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Keep a tight hold of your money this week as Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday. Mercury will be moving backward in your value zone this week, encouraging you to reevaluate what deserves your time, energy, and money. Paychecks could arrive late, so spend your money wisely.

Be brave, Taurus, because the next few weeks could be a time of radical healing. Jupiter enters Aries and your subconscious zone on Tuesday, so it’s time to let go of your old fears and find confidence in the deepest parts of yourself. It’s a period of healing and endings, but the endings can bring your dreams to life.

One of those endings might come in the form of a breakup during the lunar eclipse in your partnership zone on Sunday. An important relationship could be tested, and you could feel emotionally disconnected as you find out if this relationship is worth fighting for.

Related: Taurus—Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts A Major Change In Your Life


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on a rough note when Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on Tuesday. With your ruling planet moving backward and creating some serious drama, it isn’t a great idea to meet new people because you could give them the wrong impression. Fortunately, it’s only retrograde in your sign for a week, Gemini, so hang in there.

Then Jupiter gives you some relief when it enters Aries and your friendship zone on Tuesday. While you might not make any “real life” friends, you’ll be very popular online creating content, getting likes, and making new friends with your witty posts.

Take it easy when the lunar eclipse is in your health zone on Sunday. It would be very easy to injure yourself or get sick today. Stay home and stick to your routines so you don’t get hurt. Trust us here.

Related: Gemini—Your May 2022 Horoscope Is Here & You’re Experiencing Déjà Vu


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Loose lips sink ships (among other things) when Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and your privacy zone on Tuesday. Mercury is encouraging you to keep to yourself this week, Cancer. Any secrets you let slip could come back to haunt you, especially if you get caught up in petty gossip.

Especially since you’ll be focused on your career and social reputation for the next few weeks after Jupiter enters Aries and your career zone on Tuesday. You’ll be very popular, so this is a great time to make waves in your career. This is an ideal time to go after a promotion, get a raise, or take the lead on a big project.

After a stressful week, find ways to relax when the lunar eclipse is in your pleasure zone on Sunday. Stream a movie or listen to an audiobook and focus on creating something that puts you in a good mood.

Related: Cancer, Your May 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Basking In Popularity


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’ll find out who your real friends are this week when Mercury goes into retrograde on Tuesday, and it won’t be pretty. Mercury will be moving backward in your social zone, shining a light on a two-faced person who’s spreading gossip in your friend group. Time to cut them loose, Leo.

Escape the drama and go on an adventure for a few weeks after Jupiter enters Aries and your expansion zone on Tuesday. You’ll have unique opportunities to travel, study, and meet new people from all walks of life. Keep your mind open to all things, including the zaniest ideas.

However, you’ll be sticking close to home during the lunar eclipse in your home zone on Sunday. Family matters might be a little draining, so remember to take time to practice self-care so you don’t completely burn out. Remember that it’s okay to need your space.

Related: Leo, Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts A *Major* Development In Your Career


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Be very careful about what you say at work this week, Virgo. Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and your career zone on Tuesday, and saying the wrong thing to the wrong person could damage your reputation, causing a possible career setback. Yikes!

Tuesday also brings a potential spiritual awakening when Jupiter enters Aries and your intimacy zone and stays for the next few weeks. Hidden truths finally come to the surface, creating a spiritual rebirth as you discover what you need in life and what you don’t.

However, don’t let your important tasks slide during the lunar eclipse in Scorpio and your communication zone on Sunday. The moon is encouraging you to call a friend or sibling to help you out even if it’s just for moral support. A little encouragement can help you run those errands with ease.

Related: Virgo—Your May 2022 Horoscope Urges You To Watch Your Words


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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This week could bring up a serious existential crisis when Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday. Mercury will be going backward in your expansion zone, making you reexamine your overall philosophy when new information comes to light. This could be a confusing time as you examine your moral code.

However, while you might be experiencing inner turmoil, your relationships have never been better when Jupiter enters Aries and your partnership zone on Tuesday. This is an ideal time to take your relationship to the next level. Whether you’re moving in together, getting married, or just taking a leap of faith together, you got this.

Stick to what’s comfortable when the lunar eclipse is in your value zone on Sunday. After a week of dramatic changes, you could be feeling a little emotionally drained. Stick with what makes you feel good, Libra, even if it means doing some shopping.

Related: Libra, Your May 2022 Horoscope Says Open Your Heart To Intimacy


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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This week begins on an intense note as Mercury goes into retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday. Mercury will be moving backward in your intimacy zone this week, bringing secrets and hidden information to the surface and changing how you see the world, for better or worse.

In fact, you might have to start focusing more on your health when Jupiter enters Aries and your health zone on Tuesday. Over the next few weeks, creating a healthier lifestyle will be a top priority. This is a great time to start any fitness or health habit. It will lead to more satisfaction later. Trust us.

The week ends on a lonely note when the lunar eclipse is in your sign on Sunday. With the intensity of this eclipse, you could struggle to figure out your identity. Focus on the person you’re becoming, Scorpio, and nurture that person with great care.

Related: Scorpio—Your May Horoscope Says The Lunar Eclipse Will Rock Your World


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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This isn’t a great week to make deals or sign contracts as Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and your partnership zone on Tuesday. Read the fine print carefully because someone may not have your best interests at heart. Focus on contracts that are fair for everyone, not just for the other person. Negotiate, Sagittarius.

Luckily, you’ll have opportunities for fun over the next few weeks once Jupiter enters Aries and your pleasure zone on Tuesday. This is an ideal time to have a spring fling that might not lead anywhere but will still be fun. It’s also a great time to try a few hobbies and reignite your creative spark.

However, you might want to spend time by yourself to rest when during the lunar eclipse in Scorpio and your privacy zone on Sunday. Now is the time to recharge after an emotionally draining week.

Related: Sagittarius, Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts An Emotional Rollercoaster Ride


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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This is a great week to get organized because things could get a little messy once Mercury goes into retrograde in Gemini and your habit zone on Tuesday. Your energies might be scattered, and you could have a difficult time focusing on important tasks. Just go with the flow right now, Capricorn.

Especially when you have family matters to deal with as Jupiter enters Aries and your domestic zone on Tuesday. This is a great time to visit family members, buy a new home, or decorate your space. Jupiter gives you the confidence to live in your truth and embrace your full self.

Reconnect with your friends during the lunar eclipse in Scorpio and your social zone on Sunday. If life has made you feel distracted and disconnected, call or text one of your friends to see how they’re doing. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

Related: Capricorn, Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts Shake-Ups In Your Social Life


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on an unpleasant note when Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and your pleasure zone on Tuesday. Throughout the week, you might suffer with a creative block. You could have a hard time coming up with new ideas and be easily bored with most things. Fortunately, Aquarius, it only lasts one week.

Thankfully, you’ll have opportunities to speak your truth with confidence and success over the next few weeks after Jupiter enters Aries and your communication zone on Tuesday. This is an ideal time to learn new skills, take a class, or go on a short trip.

By the end of the week, you’ll be pretty burned out when the lunar eclipse in Scorpio is in your career zone on Sunday. After all that time at work, you might want to reevaluate your goals to discover what’s really important to you and what is just noise.

Related: Aquarius—Your May 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Taking On A New Responsibility


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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This could be a difficult week for you, Pisces. Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and your home zone on Tuesday. You might feel stuck inside and not be happy about it, especially if you’ve been having issues with certain family members. Try to find ways to get along without destroying your connection.

Fortunately, you’ll enter a period of great abundance when Jupiter enters Aries and your value zone on Tuesday. Over the next few weeks, money and prosperity could come easily to you, from getting a promotion to finding money by chance. Use this cash to invest in your future.

Your personal beliefs get tested during the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday. This eclipse in your expansion zone encourages you to do some serious thinking about your spirituality and try to reconnect with yourself and your important beliefs.

Related: Pisces, Your May 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Bursting With Brutal Honesty

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