lunes, 2 de mayo de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Says To Make Way For Action & Passion

Ready or not, welcome to the month of May and your weekly horoscope for May 2 through May 8. This week, we shake off some of the last vestiges of Piscean energy as Venus leaves the sign of the Fish for that of the Ram on Monday. The past few weeks may have seen the collective dreaming of our true love’s kiss and fairytale endings. Now, Venus (the planet of love) in Aries demands that we chase after the love for which we’ve been yearning—no more daydreams! Make way for action and passion, but don’t expect longevity, as Venus in Aries brings with it a “here for a good time not a long time” sort of energy.

Beyond Venus’ hijinks, we can expect quite a few astrological happenings. Wednesday finds Mars (the planet of action) in Pisces in a sextile with Uranus (the planet of sudden change) in Taurus. But there’s no need to sweat the usually disorienting effects of Uranus. Expect the unexpected, but don’t fear it. Get oriented and set the tone for the month by reading your May horoscope, and drill down to the specifics of this week below.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


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Summer is a month away, but you’re feeling the heat when Venus enters your sign on Monday. Now that the planet of love is in Aries, this confidence boost only intensifies your fiery passion. This is a great time to have a spring fling, change your wardrobe, or just take chances. They will pay off.

Start taking chances when Mars in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. The things you’ve been manifesting are finally becoming reality. Whether you’ve been longing for a new car, bigger house, or raise, you might get it if you go for it.

Come up with a solid game plan when the sun in Taurus sextiles Mars in Pisces on Saturday. If you’ve been hoping to go on vacation or purchase your dream home, Aries, you might finally have the funds to make it happen.

Related: Aries May Horoscope 2022: You’re On Top Of The World Right Now


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Venus helps you get out of your comfort zone over the next few weeks after Venus enters Aries and your subconscious zone on Monday. You’ll be interested in trying new things, though you might want to try them out in private first. You don’t want too many people watching you.

Go your way and make some positive changes in your life when the sun conjoins Uranus in your sign on Thursday. This is a great day to start something new by yourself, such as your own business or a project, because it will have a great chance of success.

However, don’t forget about other people when the sun sextiles Mars in Pisces on Saturday. Help out your community through volunteer efforts, spreading useful information about a humanitarian cause, or bringing up ideas that improve the whole neighborhood. Remember to think globally and act locally, Taurus.

Related: Taurus—Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts A Major Change In Your Life


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Pull up your calendar now, because things are about to get busy when Venus enters Aries and your social zone on Monday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be able to make new friends, get invited to events, and happily volunteer in community efforts. Put your best foot forward, Gemini!

Tuesday brings possibilities for success and achievement when Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. You might get that promotion you’ve been hoping for or that job you want. This career success could transform your life in new ways, from increasing your bank account to improving your reputation.

Friendships continue to grow when Mercury in your sign sextiles Venus later in the week. Your wit and gift of gab make it easy to talk to anyone. A random conversation could lead to a lasting friendship, so don’t be afraid to start chatting.

Related: Gemini—Your May 2022 Horoscope Is Here & You’re Experiencing Déjà Vu


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Your focus will be on your career for the next few weeks after Venus enters Aries and your career zone on Monday. With the passion of Aries, you can tackle your goals with new boldness. This is an ideal time to network with other professionals and dive into your project with new energy.

Start by making important social connections when Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Tuesday. Use your empathic nature to find common ground with your co-workers and colleagues. With understanding, you can create strong partnerships, Cancer.

Continue to expand your social circle when Mars in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. Put yourself out there and make new friends with people who have your same passions and interests. Even if they can’t help you with your goals, it will be nice to chat about something other than work.

Related: Cancer, Your May 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Basking In Popularity


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Your heart will be open to new adventures over the new few weeks once Venus enters Aries and your expansion zone on Monday. Your wanderlust comes out and you’re itching to hit the open road. You might meet people from all walks of life who can give you new ideas to explore.

Start making a name for yourself when the sun conjoins Uranus in your reputation zone on Thursday. This is a great day to mold your image the way you want. Don’t be afraid to take the spotlight, especially at work. You’re the star, Leo.

You’ll continue to grow through career changes at the end of the week when the sun sextiles Mars in Pisces on Saturday. Your new job or business might transform other areas of your life, from financial benefits to how you see yourself. Explore these new feelings and identities.

Related: Leo, Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts A *Major* Development In Your Career


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Your personal life becomes fiery and passionate when Venus enters Aries and your intimacy zone on Monday. Things start to heat up in all personal matters of your life. Whether you’re burning a bridge or forging a bond, this isn’t going to be a mild month, Virgo, so try to enjoy the ride.

If you’ve been keeping your romantic relationship a secret, the time to make it official is when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Venus later in the week. Tell everyone your current relationship status, whether it’s single, taken, or “complicated.” The answer could make waves in your private life.

End the week by expanding your mind and heart when the sun in Taurus sextiles Mars in Pisces on Saturday. Whether you’re trying something new, going on a weekend getaway, or just talking with your partner, it can put the spark back in your love life.

Related: Virgo—Your May 2022 Horoscope Urges You To Watch Your Words



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Love is in the spring air for you when Venus enters Aries and your partnership zone on Monday. If you’re single, ask out your crush or start a burning-hot relationship. If you’re taken, your relationship might take on new heat. Whatever it is, Libra, it’s more than just a spring fling.

So get your flirt on! Make a bold move when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Venus later in the week. Ask out that cutie at the coffee shop, tell a lover you want to take things to the next next level. You might even be brave enough to use the L word.

After getting some financial help from others last month, you can finally start working to pay back debts when the sun in Taurus sextiles Mars in Pisces on Saturday. Sharing the bills with another person can help you get back on your feet.

Related: Libra, Your May 2022 Horoscope Says Open Your Heart To Intimacy


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Start the month by taking care of your health when Venus enters Aries and your habit zone on Monday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be thinking about healthy habits that can put you in peak physical condition. Make sure you find a fitness buddy to help you cross that finish line.

Remember to have fun this week as well when Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Tuesday. Look for new creative outlets that can help you express yourself. Feel those feelings and release them.

In fact, you’ll be feeling so creative that you might be looking for a partner to help you develop your passions when Mars in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. We know that you’re typically a lone wolf, Scorpio, but a creative partner can help you take things to the next level. Go for it.

Related: Scorpio—Your May Horoscope Says The Lunar Eclipse Will Rock Your World



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Spring fling season is just heating up this month when Venus enters Aries and your pleasure zone on Monday. You might meet a new romantic partner who starts a fire in your heart, or you could rekindle the spark with your current flame. Pour your heart into your creative projects if you want the full benefits, Sag.

Hard work starts to pay off when Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Tuesday. After all of that saving and investing, you’re finally seeing the financial results of your new budget. Your new work habits could bring you a promotion or raise as well.

It’s a lovely day for relationships when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Venus later in the week, especially if you’re asking someone out or popping a big question. Just having an honest conversation could lead to some good vibes about your future.

Related: Sagittarius, Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts An Emotional Rollercoaster Ride



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We’re in the heart of spring, and after spending the winter looking at the same four walls, your home might need a little upgrade when Venus enters Aries and your home zone on Monday. This is an ideal time to redecorate your home with bold designs. Try out new styles and see what flows.

You’ll be at your most conversational when Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Pluto in your sign on Tuesday. This is a great day to meet new people, flirt a little, network, or even start a social media channel.

Then get creative when the sun conjoins Uranus in your pleasure zone on Thursday. This is a great day to express yourself and be creative. Make some funky art to hang in your home. Don’t worry about what looks good, Capricorn, just focus on what feels good.

Related: Capricorn, Your May 2022 Horoscope Predicts Shake-Ups In Your Social Life


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This is a great week to take the lead in all areas of your life because you’ll be able to communicate with ease when Venus enters Aries and your communication zone on Monday. This is a great time to share your ideas and perspective, Aquarius. Speak your thoughts with confidence and it will pay off.

Use that extra drive and passion to build a life you can be proud of when Mars in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. Work hard and save your money so you can start living independently without any financial support from others.

In fact, you might even reach it when the sun conjoins Taurus in your home zone on Thursday. You might have the opportunity to get your own place where you can make your own choices and start your own traditions, a place where you can be free.

Related: Aquarius—Your May 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Taking On A New Responsibility



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Summer is almost here, which means it’s a good excuse to shop for your summer wardrobe when Venus enters Aries and your value zone on Monday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have the urge to do some impulse buying in the heat of the moment. A new outfit is fine, but don’t blow your budget carelessly.

Spend Tuesday doing some networking when Jupiter in your sign sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. Use your confidence to make new friends and powerful allies. Luck is on your side today, and a major windfall could lead to some of your dreams coming true.

Speak with passion when Mars in your sign sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. A great idea of yours could lead to your own project and prove how well you can thrive on your own. Just keep putting yourself out there, Pisces, and you can thrive.

Related: Pisces, Your May 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Bursting With Brutal Honesty

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