viernes, 10 de junio de 2022

Full Moon Horoscopes: The June 2022 Full Moon Wants You To Embrace Your Wild Side

When the moon is full, you can literally *feel* its magical energy vibrating through the air. And although its power may not always make sense, your full moon horoscopes will guide you in the right direction. Beautiful and foreboding, the full moon is a climactic event that always leaves you feeling changed in some way. As a full moon increases the tension and heightens your emotions, it always brings you to a breaking point (one way or another)!

Taking place on June 14 at 7:52 a.m. ET, the upcoming full moon will take place in wild, untethered and free-spirited Sagittarius. This mutable fire sign is famous for choosing the beauty of the adventure over the certainty of the destination, so allow this full moon to help you remember what makes life worth living. Instead of following GPS every step of the way, Sagittarius will always opt for getting lost on the scenic route. As long as you’re taking risks, immersing yourself in new experiences and learning every step of the way, you’re doing the full moon in Sagittarius right!

This full moon has the power to be incredibly ground-breaking and motivating. Jupiter—planet of growth and expansion—happens to be the planet that rules over Sagittarius, which means Jupiter is making a grand entrance on this full moon. Right now, Jupiter is currently moving through fellow fire sign Aries, boosting the energy and encouraging you to fight harder for what you want! Aries stops at nothing until it achieves its desires while Sagittarius is motivated by the hunger to experience life. On this full moon, you have the power to do both!

STYLECASTER | Full Moon Dates 2022

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However, it’s vital that you stay grounded during this full moon, because it may also feel difficult to control and make sense of your emotions. This full moon will also form a challenging square with Neptune—planet of illusions and delusions—making it difficult to differentiate truth from fiction. Although your imagination may run away from you, remember that you can daydream your way to success just as easily as you can think yourself into a hole!

Don’t let doubt interfere with the life you know you want to live. This full moon is a beautiful time to get a running start and pour some of your energy into a project you’re passionate about. Embrace the courage of this full moon, because it’s lighting a fire in your heart!

If you want to understand how this full moon will affect you, read the horoscope for your sun sign, moon sign and rising sign. It will give you a more three-dimensional understanding of how it will impact your life, one way or another.

How The Full Moon In Sagittarius Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

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This full moon could lead to some major breakthroughs in your whole perspective, Aries. Taking place in your ninth house of wisdom and open-mindedness, this full moon is encouraging you to take a step back and look at the big picture. Instead of worrying about the if’s, and’s or but’s, stay positive, because the world is full of opportunities ripe for the taking. Instead of obsessing over the minuscule details and the tiny little mistakes, keep the end goal in mind. Chances are, you’re working on something *much* bigger than this one little screwup! Your job during this full moon is to travel, learn new things, introduce yourself to new people and make memories. After all, isn’t that what life is really all about?

Related: Aries June Horoscope For 2022: You’re In The Mood For Love

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If this full moon leaves you feeling heavy-hearted and pessimistic, don’t worry, because it won’t last forever. You may be facing some dark realities during this full moon, thanks to the fact that it’s taking place in your eighth house of death and rebirth. During this time, you may feel as though you’re reaching the end of a journey and you’ve outgrown your current circumstances. Transformation is never easy, but it’s a nonnegotiable aspect of life. Without it, you would remain stagnant and unwilling to let go of the past! This full moon may also force you to set some boundaries in your relationships, especially if an energy vampire is siphoning too much of your peace of mind. Protect your energy at all costs, Taurus.

Related: Taurus June Horoscope For 2022: Taking Big Risks

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This full moon could be a life-changing experience for you, Gemini. After all, this full moon takes place in Sagittarius while it opposes the sun in Gemini, making you one of its prime targets! But don’t worry, because this full moon is showing you who has your back and who doesn’t. And at the end of the day, don’t you want to know who your true allies are? Taking place in your seventh house of partnerships, you may be rethinking your relationships and how they function. Do you communicate with each other honestly and respectfully? Do you share the same goals and values? Do you feel supported by your partner? If you don’t like the answers to this questions, this full moon may be what forces you to have an honest conversation with someone you care about.

Related: Gemini June Horoscope For 2022: Your Solar Return Has Arrived

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This full moon will remind you to take care of yourself, Cancer. No matter how busy your schedule is, making time for your physical and mental wellbeing is nonnegotiable. Taking place in your sixth house of health and work, this full moon is encouraging you to get organized! If you feel scatterbrained or behind on your tasks, this full moon will be a source of motivation as you redesign your daily routine and remember what your priorities are. Just remember, stamina is finite and constantly forcing yourself to keep going when you’re running on empty is a recipe for burnout. Rest is not lazy, Cancer. It’s necessary!

Related: Cancer June Horoscope For 2022: You Wear That Crown Beautifully

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You’re in for a beautiful experience, Leo! This full moon is bringing you so much inspiration, because it takes place in your fifth house of fun and pleasure. You might feel like partying up and dancing the night away, because this full moon is reminding you how amazing it feels to let go and let loose. However, this lunation is about so much more than having a good time. In fact, you may reconnect with your inner child and remember the beauty of expressing yourself without fear of being judged. Ignore the self-doubt. Put your inner critic on “do not disturb” mode. Instead of letting fear stand in the way, give yourself permission to sing terribly in the shower, write corny love poetry and color outside the lines. Creativity not about being perfect, Leo. It’s about expressing yourself without inhibition!

Related: Leo June Horoscope For 2022: You’re The Main Character, Babe

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A climactic moment may be unfolding in your life, Virgo. In fact, you may notice a shift taking form in your personal life; a shift that forces you to protect your heart and give yourself what it needs. This full moon is shining a light on your fourth house of home and family, bringing your awareness to conflicts and complications that may be lingering behind closed doors. You deserve to feel safe and understood in your home environment, so let this full moon guide you back to your roots; back to the place that welcomes you whenever you’ve been gone for too long. And remember—home is not always a place, but a state of mind!

Related: Virgo June Horoscope For 2022: Things Are Changing For The Better

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This full moon is bringing you a rush of intelligence and intellectual stamina, Libra. Taking place in your third house of communication, this full moon is inspiring you to socialize and speak your mind! Start a dialogue with people who share your interests and get a brainstorming session going. A stimulating conversation may be what leads you to a brilliant, game-changing idea. This full moon may also bring gossip to the surface, shining a light on the interpersonal politics of your neighborhood. Take the scuttlebutt with a grain of salt, because you may *think* you have the latest scoop, but you have no way of knowing whether you’re spreading false information yet.

Related: Libra June Horoscope For 2022: Spreading Your Wings

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This full moon is reminding you where your priorities stand, Scorpio. Taking place in your second house of stability and values, now’s the time get off the emotional rollercoaster ride and cultivate the peace of mind you know you deserve! You may come to terms with a major financial transition, as the second house also rules over disposable income and material belongings. If you’re lusting after an item in your shopping cart, now may be the time to bite the bullet and snag it before the sale ends! However, if you’re spending too frivolously, this full moon may remind you to take things slow. Instead of using money for instant gratification, why not set some financial goals that have so much potential for long-term growth?

Related: Scorpio June Horoscope For 2022: Your Love Life Is On Fire

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This full moon has got your name written all over it, Sagittarius. If you’re feeling confident and powerful, you have every reason to! Take a look in the mirror and honor yourself. Instead of pointing out your flaws and picking yourself apart, why not pay extra attention to what you love about yourself? The more you indulge on self-love, the more beautiful this experience will be! In the days leading up to and away from this full moon, you may start to feel different, as though you’re letting go of the person you used to be and getting to know a whole new side of yourself. Growth is a constant process of peeling back the layers of your soul and seeing what you find, Sagittarius. And on this full moon, you may just strike gold!

Related: Sagittarius June Horoscope For 2022: Step Into Your Best Self

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You might feel somewhat sensitive and emotional during this full moon, Capricorn. You’ve mastered the art of staying strong and remaining calm, but keeping your feelings bottled up for too long is a recipe for disaster. Because this full moon takes place in your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious energies, you won’t be able to ignore the truth for long! Set aside time for solitude, therapy and introspection. Even a day of meditation, journaling and going for walks while listening to your favorite sad music playlist will leave you feeling *so* rejuvenated. If some uncomfortable emotions come up, let it all out and don’t judge yourself. Your feelings are not you; they’re just temporary rushes of emotion that deserve to be felt!

Related: Capricorn June Horoscope For 2022: You’re A Creative Genius

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This full moon is rejuvenating your whole understand of teamwork and leadership, Aquarius. In fact, you may feel a desire to network with people who share your interests and converse with intention! Because this full moon takes place in your 11th house of community and innovation, it’s shining a light on the social circles you run in, bringing your awareness to how you feel in the social situations you immerse yourself in. Do you feel inspired by the people you spend time with? Are you contributing to your team and doing your part? Are you avoiding your destiny to be a leader for a great cause? This full moon will encourage you to introduce yourself, because you’ll never know whether it could spark a life-changing friendship!

Related: Aquarius June Horoscope For 2022: Take A Long Vacation

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All eyes are on you, Pisces. After all, this full moon is shining a spotlight directly upon you! Taking place in your 10th house of public image, you may be releasing some earth-shattering news surrounding your career and your current professional pursuits. Instead of letting the world underestimate you, let them know exactly why you’re worth working with! This is a beautiful full moon to take your career goals into consideration. If you’re ready for a promotion, this may be when it finally happens. If you’ve been job-hunting with no luck, this full moon may be what leads you to the opportunity of a lifetime. And if you’re chasing pipe dreams, it’s time for you to buckle down and come to terms with what you *really* want to do with your life.

Related: Pisces June Horoscope For 2022: You’re Ready For Summer

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