viernes, 24 de junio de 2022

New Moon Horoscopes: The June 2022 New Moon Will Be So Healing For Every Zodiac Sign

Over the course of 28 days, the moon makes its way through every phase of the lunar cycle. Think of it like a journey with a beginning, middle and end. However, every story has to start somewhere, and your new moon horoscopes will set the tone for the kick-off to your next journey!

When the moon is new, it’s nowhere to be seen. Hiding behind the shadow of night, the new moon prefers to shut the curtains and call it a day. However, that doesn’t mean powerful things aren’t happening behind the scenes, because a new moon is the most powerful time to set the intention for whatever you’d like to accomplish next. Think of it as an opportunity envision your ideal future and then make the decision to bring that vision into reality.

Although the new moon always symbolizes the first few pages of the next chapter of your story, most stories do not begin the same way. Because the new moon on June 28 at 10:52 p.m. ET will take place in compassionate, caring and nurturing Cancer, you can expect that something sentimental is about to begin; something that hits close to home. After all, Cancer is also the crab of astrology, a shy creature that lives in a shell. And shells are something you collect and admire as keepsakes, like it’s gifts the ocean left you on the beach.

STYLECASTER | Full Moon in Cancer

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Related: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel The June New Moon The Most

And although the experience will likely be emotional, that doesn’t mean it won’t be beautiful. After all, not only is Cancer literally ruled by the moon—planet of your subconscious and your emotional inner being—but this moon will also form an exact square with Jupiter in Aries. This is likely to deepen the intensity of whatever you’re feeling, but not necessarily in a negative way. Instead, it might leave you feeling inspired.

If your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming full moon will rock your world. Here’s why:

How The New Moon In Cancer Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

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Light a fire, bake a pie and curl up on the couch with a loved one and some Netflix, because the new moon in Cancer will light up your fourth house of domestic affairs, making you feel right at home. It’s time to take stock of your needs on an emotional and physical level, so clean that messy closet, cancel your plans and spend time with your family (whether by blood or by choice). This new moon is helping you build a home that certainly feels sweet, so let it help you find your own version of cozy.

Related: Aries June Horoscope For 2022: You’re In The Mood For Love

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This new moon in Cancer is inspiring you to give your mind the stimulation it’s craving. Taking place in your third house of communication, it’s time to speak your mind, learn more about what interests you and to spend time reconnecting with your neighborhood! Rather than indulge in meaningless gossip, think of the deeper implications behind what you’re talking about. Does it reflect your true intentions? Or does it act as projection of your own social fears? Redefine the way you communicate, Taurus.

Related: Taurus June Horoscope For 2022: Taking Big Risks

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You’re putting your money where your month is, Gemini. After all, this new moon is taking place in your second house of cash flow, inspiring you to think of new ways to manage and produce the right amount of money. If ever there was a time to set financial goals or shop for items you know you’re ready to purchase, it’s now! However, this new moon isn’t just about money, but about stability and self-esteem as well. It’s time to consider building a stronger foundation beneath you and letting go of drama. It’s time to consider yourself worthy.

Related: Gemini June Horoscope For 2022: Your Solar Return Has Arrived

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This new moon is all about you, Cancer. Sending magic to your first house of the self, you’re on the brink of a brand new chapter in your life! You might want to celebrate the occasion by getting a haircut or maybe even a new piercing; anything to spice up your appearance in a way that leaves you feeling rejuvenated! However, beyond the superficialities, this new moon is also inspiring you to become your best self. What does the ultimate version of the person you are look like? Whoever that may be, it’s time to get to know them better.

Related: Cancer June Horoscope For 2022: You Wear That Crown Beautifully

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This new moon has the power to be an incredibly spiritual experience, Leo. After all, it takes place in your 12th house of subconscious feelings and astral influences. You might feel as though your dreams are becoming more vivid and your sense of inner knowing is stronger than usual. And although you may feel someone lonely or even emotional, you’re also in a beautiful position to unleash all the pent up emotions you’ve been bottling up. The first step toward healing is always feeling, sweet Leo.

Leo June Horoscope For 2022: You’re The Main Character, Babe

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During this new moon, you may feel inspired to make the world a better place and make your legacy a memorable one. Taking place in your 11th house of community, this new moon is encouraging you to expand your social circles and take advantage of networking opportunities. You may be on the verge of joining a new task force, or even becoming the new member of a group of friends! However, this new moon isn’t about what people think of you, but about how you can make this world a place in which people don’t have to worry about the opinions of others.

Related: Virgo June Horoscope For 2022: Things Are Changing For The Better

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You’re pursuing whatever you’re passionate about on this new moon, Libra. Taking place in your 10th house of career, it’s time to think about the path you’re trying to forge through the professional arena. Regardless of what field you’re in, you have a powerful opportunity to make a name for yourself, so do something that reveals just how brightly you shine! Your superiors will notice your efforts, so don’t be afraid to put your best foot forward, even if you feel afraid. After all, your fear of losing is proof of how badly you want to win.

Related: Libra June Horoscope For 2022: Spreading Your Wings

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You’re spreading your wings under the darkness of this new moon, Scorpio. Explore the mysteries of the universe and keep an open mind to the wonders of the world, because this new moon is lighting a fire in your ninth house of adventure and wisdom! Instead of letting life pass you by, it’s time to make memories that you’ll look back on fondly, knowing you stepped out of your comfort zone and took a risk! No matter how much you may think you know, the universe always has a way of proving there’s always more to learn.

Related: Scorpio June Horoscope For 2022: Your Love Life Is On Fire

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Although you’re known for keeping your spirits high and maintaining a light-hearted vibe, this new moon has other plans for you, Sagittarius. Taking place in your eighth house of death and rebirth, this new moon is forcing you to tackle some heavy topics and sort through the skeletons in your closet. However, facing the truth, no matter how grisly it may be, is not always a bad thing. On this new moon, it might even set you free from something that’s reached a dead end; something that’s extended far beyond its expiration date.

Related: Sagittarius June Horoscope For 2022: Step Into Your Best Self

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This new moon is leaving an indelible mark on your life, Capricorn. Taking place in your seventh house of allies, enemies and partners, you’re learning more about the relationship sitting at the forefront of your mind. Whether you’re noticing developments in a platonic friendship, a business partnership or a romantic relationship, this new moon is a sign that things might be getting more serious—one way or the other. Now’s the time to rediscover what you truly need in order to make this bond work!

Related: Capricorn June Horoscope For 2022: You’re A Creative Genius

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You might be feeling motivated and productive under the energy of this new moon. After all, it takes place in your sixth house of physical wellbeing and daily routine. Now’s the time to take stock of how you feel. Are you getting enough rest? Do you feel energized enough to complete your day-to-day activities? It may be time to reorganize your priorities and to nurture yourself with the rest, fitness and sustenance your body is craving. And if you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, it’s time to change some of your habits!

Related: Aquarius June Horoscope For 2022: Take A Long Vacation

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You’re embracing a surge of creativity during this new moon, Pisces. Lighting a flame in your fifth house of fun and pleasure, you’re in a beautiful position to reconnect with your hobbies and artistic outlets. Express yourself however you see fit and heal your inner child with the freedom you always wish they could have had. Remember your youth, because it can never be taken away from you! Do whatever feels good, especially if it looks like coloring outside the lines.

Related: Pisces June Horoscope For 2022: You’re Ready For Summer

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