lunes, 20 de junio de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here & You’re Diving Right Into The Summer Sweetness

If it feels like you’re losing control, your horoscope for the week of June 20 to June 26 will help you get back on track. This week, the planets are encouraging you to embrace some personal empowerment, so dive right in!

A happy-go-lucky sextile between Mercury—planet of communication—and Jupiter—planet of good fortune—shows up on Monday, helping you make some serendipitous personal connections that can lead to some very good things happening in the future. Take the initiative and talk to a stranger, because you never know who you might be karmically linked to.

On Tuesday, the sun—planet of confidence-building—enters caring and protective Cancer, and a hot and heavy summer solstice will kick off a brand new season! As the moon—ruler of your emotions—joins forces with expansive Jupiter, your self-confidence will rise amidst so much planetary positivity. If you feel more outgoing, charming and alluring, ride this wave, because you’re *this* much closer to getting what you want.

On Wednesday, lovely Venus—the desirable love goddess—will enter clever and witty Gemini, making it  seem like you know a lot more about a whole range of different topics than you probably do. For the rest of the week, you might feel like a fab flirt and a fascinating conversationalist. These skills will be further enhanced by the moon’s conjunction to powerful Mars—the planetary power player—making you feel strong, sexy and brave. It’s almost like the universe put a sign on your back that says, “I dare you to try to stop me!”

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


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Talk the talk today, Aries, as you use your passionate words to get anything you want when Mercury in Gemini forms a sextile with Jupiter in Aries on Monday. Whether you’re charming the right people, getting coffee with a mentor or taking a class, you can get very lucky as your words lead to success.

Summer is here! But as the sun enters Cancer and moves into your home zone on Tuesday, you might want to stick close to home for some much-needed self-care. It’s a great time to hang around the neighborhood pool, lie in the sun or just relax for once.

Don’t worry, Aries, you’ll still do plenty of socializing when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your communication zone. This is a great time to call up your friends, befriend your neighbors or take a little road trip to visit siblings. Have fun!

Related: Aries Horoscope For June 2022: Welcome Home, Sweetheart


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Start the week by having some deep talks about important issues when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Monday. If something has been weighing heavily on your heart, talk it out with a trusted friend or professional to get closure and understand so you can finally be free.

Continue to speak your feelings on the summer solstice when the sun enters Cancer on Tuesday. With the sun in your communication zone for the next four weeks, it’s a perfect time for self-expression. Give a voice to your true feelings, Taurus.

As you get ready for the summer, you might feel the need to splurge on a few things that catch your eye, like cute vacation outfits or tickets, when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your value zone. However, be mindful of your spending so you aren’t broke by the end of summer.

Related: Taurus Horoscope For June 2022: Reach For The Stars


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Start the week by making new friends when Mercury in your sign sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Monday. Your sunny personality makes it easy to strike up a good conversation even with a stranger. Match wits with someone new, Gemini.

As the solstice approaches, this is a good time to think about what makes you feel secure, especially in your home. You’ll have the urge to fill your space with pretty things that comfort you as the sun enters Cancer and your value zone on Tuesday. However, make sure they add value to your home and aren’t just for self-soothing.

Still, you’re allowed to pamper yourself when Venus enters your sign on Wednesday, especially since you’re feeling the urge to change your look. This is a great time to change your hair and buy a new outfit, especially since you’ll be going out more. All in moderation!

Related: Gemini Horoscope For June 2022: Spicing Things Up (As Usual)


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Start the week by doing a little manifesting when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Monday. Looking for opportunities, both from private connections and the Universe, could help you achieve your goals. Believe in yourself, Cancer.

Especially since it’s your season when the sun enters your sign on Tuesday, also ushering us into the summer. Start the summer solstice with an extra boost of confidence, because you’re ready to have some fun. Let down your guard and relax. You can become the center of attention, whether you like it or not.

Thankfully, you’ll be overcoming your shyness when Venus enters Gemini and your subconscious zone on Wednesday. Social Venus will get you out of your shell and put you out there. You might even run into your secret crush while you’re out. Play it cool and everything will go smoothly. Trust us!

Related: Cancer Horoscope For June 2022: Remember Who You Are


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Gather your friends together to have a good chat when Mercury sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Monday. Sitting around a fire or chilling at home and talking about important issues will help everyone understand major ideas and even change some minds. Don’t be afraid of the discourse.

Time for a vibe check during the summer solstice when the sun enters Cancer on Tuesday. The sun will be in your privacy zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to take it easy. Take a short vacation to unwind before your season begins, Leo, even if it’s just sitting in your kiddie pool.

However, just because you’re resting doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. This is a great time to make new friends and be more social even if you’re mostly video chatting. Invite a few friends over for a casual BBQ or post some amazing selfies.

Related: Leo Horoscope For June 2022: Become Your Own Hero


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Monday can bring some positive changes in your life as long as you keep it professional. Mercury in Gemini will sextile Jupiter in Aries that day, encouraging you to spruce up your social media profiles or do some networking or public speaking to transform your image and your life.

After a month of hard work, you’re ready to have some fun during the summer solstice as the sun enters Cancer on Tuesday. With the sun in your social zone, this is a great time to make new friends, hang out with new people or even help out with a humanitarian effort.

It’s also a great time to do some networking when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your career zone. Over the next few weeks, Virgo, get your name and face out there by attending happy hour events, updating your resume and meeting other professionals who could boost your career.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For June 2022: Getting The Ball Rolling


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It’s a great day to join forces with someone you consider to be your better half when Mercury in Gemini forms a sextile with Jupiter in Aries on Monday. Whether it’s a love match or a business partnership, it’s the perfect time to talk things out and sign a contract to create the ultimate dream team.

Especially since you have some pretty big career ambitions you wish to bring to life when the sun enters Cancer and your career zone on Tuesday. Use the longest day of the year to achieve some dreams, Libra, especially since you have someone on your side.

Keep your mind open to all possibilities when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday. With your ruling planet in your expansion zone, this is a great day to look at your desires from a new perspective. Really listen to your partner and see what they bring to the table.

Related: Libra Horoscope For June 2022: Explore The Untrodden Path


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Your productivity gets a major boost this week when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Monday. You have a debt that you need to repay, and the harder you work, the sooner you can pay it off and go back to having fun. Keep grinding, Scorpio. You’re making progress.

As the summer solstice begins, you might want to learn more about your cultural roots when the sun enters Cancer and your expansion zone on Tuesday. This is a great time to go over your genealogy charts or even visit places your ancestors came from to expand your understanding of who you are.

While you’re learning more about yourself, discover the truth about others when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your intimacy zone. Say goodbye to shallow relationships as you look for real connections over the next few weeks. Go deep!

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For June 2022: Butterflies In Your Stomach


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Your week begins on a spicy note when Mercury in Gemini forms a sextile with Jupiter in Aries on Monday, bringing some extra pleasure to your love life. Some naughty pillows talk or talking about your desires will create an abundance of creativity and enjoyment in the bedroom. Have fun!

Especially since you’ll be going through some major transformations over the next few weeks after the sun enters Cancer on Tuesday, moving into your transformation zone on the longest day of the year. This can be a rebirth of sorts as you transition from one season to another searching for your identity. Sit with your emotions, Sagittarius!

Fortunately, you’ll get some help from a trusted partner when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your partnership zone. This is a great time to talk things out with your partner and let them keep you steady so you don’t lose your cool.

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For June 2022: Embrace Self-Improvement


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If you want a happy home life, you need to develop a consistent communication routine with the people you live with when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Monday. Life will go more smoothly if everyone knows what chores they need to do and who’s responsible for unloading the dishwasher.

Partnerships only continue to get stronger during the summer solstice when the sun enters Cancer on Tuesday, moving into your partnership zone. If you’re single, you could meet your summer love over the next four weeks. If you’re happily taken, you might take things to the next level.

However, it isn’t all romance. You’ll still need to be productive when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your habit zone. Over the next four weeks, you’ll be feeling extra productive, taking care of everything and everyone. But as you take on extra tasks, Capricorn, don’t burn yourself out.

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For June 2022: Coloring Outside The Lines


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It’s time to get creative this week, Aquarius, as Mercury in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Monday, encouraging you to express yourself in artistic ways. This is an ideal day to try a new art medium, begin a new hobby or just have fun. Express yourself!

You’ll need an outlet for all your feelings starting when the sun enters Cancer on Tuesday, moving into your health zone. Over the next four weeks, you’ll find yourself taking on the caretaking role for everyone in your life. Try not to stress yourself out by doing too much.

Luckily, you’ll still have an opportunity to play around when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your pleasure zone for the next few weeks. This is a great time to let yourself have some fun. Going to concerts, museums or art galleries will help you explore your creative mind.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For June 2022: You Deserve A Break


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A happy home means a happy life this week when Mercury in Gemini forms a sextile with Jupiter in Aries on Monday. By opening the lines of communication at home, you’ll be surprised by all the positive changes in your life, like saving money by eating at home more often or investing in your home to increase its value.

Your summer of romance begins this week when the sun enters Cancer on Tuesday, moving into your pleasure zone. On the longest day of the year, do something creative that makes you feel good. From starting a new art project to beginning a love affair, enjoy yourself, Pisces!

You might even want to use your creative flair to decorate your space over the next few weeks when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday. The planet of beauty will be in your home zone, encouraging you to give your space a whole new look.

Related: Pisces Horoscope For June 2022: Living To The Fullest

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