domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2022

Your New Moon Horoscope for September 2022 Wants Every Zodiac Sign to Reflect on Their Relationships

Embrace everything autumn has to offer, because your new moon horoscope for September 2022 wants you to invite more harmony into your life. Do you look forward to fall all year round? Between sipping on a warm cup of your favorite fall blend and the thought of cozying up with someone you love, the irresistible charm of autumn is undeniable. And if you’re wondering why it never fails to put a spell on you, here’s a secret—the magic of autumn has everything to do with the fact that it also begins Libra season!

A new moon is always a much-needed a spiritual reset that kick starts a beautiful new beginning. It’s a chance to  But when you consider the fact six planets—Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune—are currently retrograde, you may feel confused about which direction you’re heading next. If getting the ball rolling and moving toward your goals has felt more difficult than usual, don’t be discouraged by the inevitable delays. Trust the process, because it’s all unfolding exactly the way it should. After all, retrogrades are simply encouraging you to take a step back and fix what needs fixing. If you think about it, retrogrades can also pave the way for major growth in the long run.

With the sun glimmering through justice-seeking Libra, this new moon is encouraging you to find balance between your mental and physical equilibrium. With Mars—planet of action—moving through Gemini and Venus—planet of money and relationships—dancing through Virgo—you may feel like the energy of the moment is bringing you chaos and a general feelings of restlessness. Taking on a more measured approach may be helpful when considering the mutable energies at play here! Needless to say, we can all use a little bit of Libra’s balance and light-heartedness, especially because Gemini and Virgo can cause mental overload.

STYLECASTER | New Moon Horoscope

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Related: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Feel The New Moon In Libra The Most

With that said, this month’s new moon in Libra will paint the night black on September 25 at exactly 5:54 p.m. ET. Check which astrological house belongs to Libra in your birth chart, as this is precisely where you are being presented with an opportunity to start something new; something that brings you the balance and harmony you’ve so deeply been needing. Remember—the sun joins forces with the moon during the new moon phase, as it marks the beginning of a brand-new lunar cycle. In any case, take a moment to reflect on what needs work, and how you can harness this energy for your highest good.

The new moon in Libra takes place on September 25 at 5:54 p.m. ET.

Because this new moon takes place in Libra and Venus is Libra’s ruling planet, it’s important to consider what the planet of love is up to right now. At the moment, Venus is in practical and diligent Virgo, imbuing this new moon with a layer of analysis, devotion and practicality. Venus is “debilitated” when moving through rational and logical Virgo, which is not exactly the vibe that pleasure-seeking Venus is going for. However, Venus brings focus to the logical details and tedious processes when transiting through this Mercury-ruled sign. And because Venus is also joining forces with Mercury retrograde in Virgo during this month’s new moon, the energy may feel even more introverted and introspective. After all, retrograde energies bring us inward, which makes this lunation all the more personal.

STYLECASTER | What Does A Libra Zodiac Sign Look Like?

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Related: These New Moon Rituals Will Help You Set An Intention To Guide You Forward

Look at it this way: if Libra is about cooperation, Virgo is about resourcefulness. And as these two energies merge under this new moon, you may be reflecting on what’s no longer in alignment with your end goal. If you’re embracing changes in a specific relationship, you’re also being encouraged to analyze and examine where your energy isn’t being reciprocated (or on the flip side, where you’re not reciprocating enough). After all, Libra is a zodiac sign that’s often associated with relationships, as nothing requires balance more than a relationship. Sitting opposite Aries—the zodiac sign of pride, courage and instinct—Libra is a zodiac sign that much prefers to consider the “we” over the “I”, as Libra understands that cooperation and togetherness is the greatest harmonizer of all.

Devoted and justice-seeking, September’s new moon in Libra can help us commit to the solutions, connections and/or practices that will bring us the balance and harmony you need. Keep in mind, this Mercury-Venus conjunction will also align with Pluto retrograde which is also empowering and motivating us to take the lead and transform our lives for the better. Lastly, the moon’s opposition to Jupiter retrograde in Aries will simultaneously bring us into contact with the people, places and situations that resonate most with our individual authenticity. After all, it takes two to tango, so don’t forget to remember what you bring to the table.

If your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming new moon will rock your world. Here’s why:

How The New Moon In Virgo Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

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What are you in the process of learning, integrating and/or releasing when it pertains to your personal and professional partnerships? If you’ve been struggling with indecision, not choosing is still a choice. However, as you feel the intuitive pull to become more aligned with your higher self, this month’s new moon in Libra will bring focus to the health of your one-on-one relationships. This is especially significant for those of you committed to connections that lack stability, as it could simultaneously affect your mental, physical and spiritual well being. Fortunately, with Jupiter transiting through your sign, there is hope and inspiration when in regards to your journey to self discovery. Choosing yourself and your daily devotions will continue to bring expansion.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For September 2022

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Have you been sacrificing your unique authenticity and/or emotional fulfillment for the sake of meeting every single one of your deadlines? Others of you may be feeling overly critical when it comes down to your self-expression and creative abilities. Either way, whether it be a lack of focus and discipline, or an unconscious need to overthink the validity of your heart’s desires, this lunation is urging you to nurture what’s no longer in flow. Your celestial ruler, Venus, is also sitting alongside Mercury retrograde, so if you’re subconsciously being overly strategic—or on another note, overindulging in—your passions, it’s time to release some of these negative patterns. In harmony with Pluto retrograde, reflect on your new beginning and whether you’re willing to embark on this new path… but, on your own terms!

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For September 2022

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What makes you truly and wholeheartedly content? Be it spending time with the ones you love, or the opportunity to work on a passion project, this Venus-ruled new moon is bringing emphasis to the foundation of your emotional fulfillment. Keep in mind, this lunation’s ruler (Venus) will conjunct Mercury retrograde (your planetary ruler) via the most private area of your birth chart. This will highlight everything from your ability to wander freely through your living space to the relationships you share with relatives, but the retrograde energy is simultaneously bringing you inward. Is there something you’ve been keeping to yourself when it comes to your hobbies, self-expression and/or desire to expand the family? Given that Mercury and Venus will also be in harmony with Pluto retrograde, there could be some karmic generational energies you’re transforming in the process.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

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Being ruled by the moon makes you all the more enigmatic, but just because you’re accustomed to being everyone’s favorite shoulder to cry on doesn’t mean you don’t have your own emotions to tend to. That said, this Venus-ruled new moon is urging you to go within and reflect on what is lacking balance and harmony, namely when it comes to your immediate surroundings and exchanges. This could be the friction you’re experiencing with a close relative you’re avoiding, or perhaps even the dynamic of your living space. Mercury retrograde and Venus will harmonize with Pluto retrograde in your relationship sector which, in turn, presents you with an opportunity to transform the foundation of your connection, and for the better.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For September 2022

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Have you been basing your sense of self worth and/or sense of stability on the dynamic of your immediate exchanges? The Libra new moon will bring forth the opportunity to shift your perspective and focus, but there’s still some work for you to do in the process. This could be with regards to the money you make, or perhaps even the desire to meet someone halfway. However, more importantly, you’re being called to reflect on what you need in order to feel completely secure, both within yourself and with regards to your sense of value. Maybe it’s a financial situation or a lack of self-esteem; an alignment between Mercury-Venus and Pluto is here to help you transform an area of your life, so you can regain your balance and take your power back.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For September 2022

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Your innate resourcefulness and analytical mind has always benefitted you in more ways than one, but the cosmos is challenging you to explore other avenues, some of which may require you to take a different approach and/or strategy. Be it with regards to your sense of security and/or your money-making abilities, Venus and Mercury retrograde (your celestial ruler) are asking you to retrace your steps and reflect on your plan of action. And since both of these heavenly bodies will be in harmony with Pluto retrograde, chances are the imbalance and/or outdated method has something to do with your desire for recognition, or perhaps your connection to a love interest. Being humble is more productive than you realize.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

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Happy birthday, Libra! On top of it being your solar season, the sun and moon are in cahoots just for you! That said, this is your chance to plant new seeds of intention, but not in the way you think. For instance, with both Mercury retrograde and your delightful planetary ruler, Venus, transiting through Virgo—your secretive 12th house of spirituality, forgiveness and unconscious patterns—you’re being called to go inward, and check-in with yourself. After all, this has everything to do with what you consciously and subconsciously portray to others—personal and professional relationships—as well as what you subliminally carry with you in the background. What are you ready to say goodbye to, so you can set yourself free?

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

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You’re secretive by nature, but this new moon is asking you to reflect on the foundation of your inhibition(s). Maybe it’s with regards to your friendship groups or your visions of the future; whatever the case may be, Mercury-Venus’ trine to your celestial ruler, Pluto, is helping you transform everything from your immediate perception of others to the negative thinking patterns that live in a continuous loop in your head. Is there an equal amount of give and take when it comes to your community affairs? Others of you who prioritize your online presence over quality time with your besties are also being called to switch things up a bit. Silence your notifications if need be. The more you’re able to ground your energy, the better you will feel.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For September 2022

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Some say you are an extension of the people you surround yourself with, and this month’s new moon in Libra is here to prove it. Whether it be with regards to your long term goals and professional ambitions, this lunation is bringing forth the opportunity to reflect on the strategy, processes and default methods surrounding your sense of authority. What inspires you to take the lead? Otherwise, what’s stopping you from taking charge? Venus and Mercury retrograde (ruler of your relationship sector) are simultaneously harmonizing with Pluto retrograde which, in turn, brings clarity to what needs to transform and/or be released. This could be with regards to your sense of security, value systems and/or money-making abilities.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

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You’re a traditionalist at heart, but there’s always room for improvement. Besides, when considering the direction and potency of September’s new moon, the cosmos is not only urging you to reflect on your professional trajectory, but also highlighting the belief systems and philosophies that are no longer in alignment with your long term goals. With Venus and Mercury retrograde harmonizing with Pluto in your sign, this is an opportunity for you to transform your entire approach and/or reconnect with your power via spiritual pursuits. If something lacks balance when in regards to your personal and professional life, this is where you’re being encouraged to reconsider your path, faith and/or sense of direction.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For September 2022

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Whether you look at it in terms of finances or with regards to your romantic unions, it’s important to recognize that you are attracting the same energy you put out. The phrase “you get what you give” is incredibly prominent for you at this time, as your unique belief systems are being reflected back to you via your intimate exchanges. Mercury retrograde and Venus are bringing emphasis to past experiences that may have required a certain amount of compromise, specifically those where you and/or a significant other may have struggled meeting the other halfway. While in harmony with Pluto retrograde, this will simultaneously shed light on unconscious addictions and/or power struggles that could’ve been influencing your outlook on life.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Conversations hold the key to the blissful connections you seek. Despite your innate reluctance to discuss logistics and tedious processes surrounding future plans, this lunation is highlighting what needs to be addressed and/or improved in order to find a healthy balance in your current partnerships, be it personally or professionally speaking. Maybe it’s a fear of vulnerability or a highly critical approach; this lunation is helping you reflect on whether there is an equal amount of mindfulness and tact coming from your exchanges either way. Have you been avoiding important conversations? Or simply disregarding what is practical for your relationship to remain in good spirits? What’s fair is fair, both for you and the relationship.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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