domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Is All About Libra Season, Because Autumn Has *Finally* Arrived

As you say goodbye to the heat of summer, your horoscope for the week of September 19 to 25 will remind you of all the good things that lie ahead. After all, change always comes with its own challenges, but also blessings that keep the magic alive! Dive into the beauty of autumn, because summer is *so* last season.

On September 22—at exactly 9:04 p.m. ET—the sun will enter balanced, beautiful and harmonious Libra. This will also be the moment of the autumn equinox, which means it’s time to celebrate by reading books, holding hands, lighting candles, watching Hocus Pocus and injecting pumpkin spiced lattes directly into your veins. Get in the spirit, because fall is the season of harvest. You’ve worked so hard all throughout the year and autumn is when you’re supposed to reap the rewards of all your efforts, babe. Treat yo’self!

Let’s not forget Libra is also ruled by Venus—planet of love and luxury—which means it’s time to follow your instinct to romanticize your life. Because Libra is all about compromising and cooperating, this energy is perfect for forging a real connection with someone. Remember—a relationship becomes its own entity when two people are truly meeting in the middle. What form will your relationship take?

STYLECASTER | Fall Horoscope

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Related: Here’s How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

However, on September 23, this rollercoaster ride of a Mercury retrograde will leave relationship-oriented Libra and enter practical Virgo. This mutable earth sign has a tendency to overanalyze, so make sure you’re not missing the forest for the trees. And because Vigo is all about strategizing and following a plan, this retrograde may force you to realize that some things are completely out of your control. All you can do is adapt! And although this influx of mutable energy may leave you feeling scatterbrained and overwhelmed, remember that taking a moment to find your center can make all the difference.

You may struggle to approach life with common sense by September 24, when romantic Venus opposes dreamy Neptune (which happens to be retrograde). This will inspire you to reach for the ideal type of love and the most satisfying form of pleasure. However, if you’re setting your expectations too high—and ignoring red flags in order to maintain the fantasy—you’re only setting yourself up to feel duped later on. Know your limits, especially when it comes to the way you spend your money and invest in your relationships. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a lil fun! Dive into this dreamy and romantic, because it feels so damn good.

On September 22—at exactly 9:04 p.m. ET—the sun will enter Libra and fall will begin.

By September 25, a new moon in Libra will wipe your spiritual slate clean. Allow it to help you release all the mistakes and and resentments you’ve been hanging onto. A new moon in Libra is an opportunity to turn over a new leaf, especially if you haven’t been on the same page as someone important to you. Remember—there’s nothing more disarming than a genuine apology, because pride will only get you so far.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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You may start the week off feeling more disorganized than usual, but there’s no need to panic. It’s just that Mercury is retrograding back into your sixth house of chores and errands, which could make following a rigid routine more difficult than usual! If procrastination is inevitable, try procrastinating with productive activities. After all, if you’re gonna waste time, might as well do something cool!

When Venus opposes Neptune in your 12th house of spirituality, you might feel even lazier and more exhausted. However, your mind, body and spirit just needs time to rest and process all the healing you’ve been doing. You’re a competitive zodiac sign who hates falling behind, but sometimes, doing absolutely nothing is the most productive thing of all.

When a new moon in Libra lights up your relationship sector on September 25, you may find yourself approaching a turning point in love, friendship and business. If there’s someone important to you on your radar, consider how you can strengthen your bond together.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For September 2022

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Prepare to find yourself thinking about old flames this week, because on September 23, Mercury will retrograde back into your romantic fifth house. This could inspire you to reconnect with whatever—or whomever—you were once so passionate about. Can you reignite the spark? Is the state of your heart evolving? It’s time to rethink your definition of love, Taurus.

When Venus opposes Neptune in your 11th house of community and friends on September 24, you’ll be in a beautiful position to connect with others on a much deeper and more magical level. Prepare to be enchanted by your social life! However, it’s important to remember your limits, because overpromising now may lead to regret when it’s time to follow-up on your commitments.

By September 25, a new moon in Libra will activate your sixth house of routine and health, reorganizing your life. This will encourage you to prioritize regimens and lifestyle choices that bring out your best self. It’s time to refuel, Taurus.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For September 2022

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You may feel a need to close the curtains and tend to your own private world, Gemini. Mercury will retrograde back into your fourth house of home and family as of September 23, encouraging you to make your sacred space yours. Work through miscommunications at home and do whatever it takes to make yourself feel like you belong there. After all, home is not always a place, but a state of mind.

By September 24, you may feel extremely grateful that it’s a Saturday, because hard-work may be the last thing on your mind. As Venus opposes Neptune in your 10th house of image and ambition, you may embrace a more artistic and spiritual outlook on your career goals. You don’t always need to be grinding in order to be succeeding. Enjoy the splendors of your efforts, but remember—it’s back to the office on Monday.

You’re approaching a beautiful opportunity to not only find love, but also creative inspiration. On September 25, a new moon in Libra will light a flame in your passionate fifth house, reminding you that life is supposed to be colorful and lively. Do whatever makes you feel alive, Gemini.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

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Be extra cautious of what you say and how you say it, Cancer. After all, on September 23, Mercury will retrograde back into your third house of communication, which should get your wires crossed if nobodies paying attention. It’s better to fall behind on emails than to start firing off on that keyboard when you’re in a bad mood, Cancer.

However, the frustration won’t last long, because Venus will oppose dreamy Neptune on September 24, increasing the level of love in your friendships. It will also remind you to keep an open mind, because everyone has their own POV that others may not always understand. Even though you’re feeling more open to fanciful thinking, remember to keep one foot on the ground before you get too carried away.

As a new moon in Libra brings warmth to your fourth house of home and family on September 25, it will inspire you to spend time behind closed doors and lean into the hermit-crab life. There’s nothing wrong with cozying up in your very own corner of the world, Cancer.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For September 2022

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Steer clear of making extravagant and unnecessary purchases (at least for now)! After all, Mercury is retrograding back into your second house of money as of September 23, so remember that buyer’s regret is very real and *very* possible. While you don’t need to tighten up the piggy bank completely, you may want to think twice before spending a ton of money on a whim. Is it really gonna give you the satisfaction you think it will?

And although you may not feel the urge to spend money, you may feel the desire to share your love and your time. As Venus opposes Neptune in your intimate eighth house on September 24, you may be feel the need to merge with someone you desire. However, if you haven’t thought about your boundaries, there’s a chance it could wind up being too much too soon.

When a new moon in Libra breathes magic into your third house of communication on September 23, you may feel the urge to talk about what interests you and ask people questions about interests them. Conversations are what makes us human, so don’t be afraid to connect.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For September 2022

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Fare warning: Virgo season is about to get so much weirder this week! After all, on September 23, your ruling planet—Mercury—will retrograde back into your first house of the self. Although this could spark some major reflection and introspection, this confusion could lead to so much growth if you allow it to. Allow questions to arise, because they will pave the way for eventual answers.

As Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 24, you may feel romance, compassion and longing in a relationship. Remember to be swept off your feet, because you may find yourself reaching the ideal form of love. However, remember that even a seemingly perfect relationship has its flaws. Not everything needs to be fixed, Virgo. It’s our imperfections that make us lovable.

When a new moon in Libra starts writing a new story on September 25, you may find yourself building up your confidence and setting longterm goals for your life. This is a powerful time to rethink your priorities, especially when it comes to money and material comforts.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

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Prepare to feel so much more like yourself, Libra. After all, Libra season starts on September 22, which means it’s time to celebrate everything about yourself. If you’ve been obsessing over who you are and how you’re seen, it’s time to switch your perspective. Instead of worrying about what they think, worry about what *you* think.

However, when Mercury retrogrades back into your spiritual 12th house on September 23, you may find yourself letting go of the former versions of yourself. In fact, you may be revisiting the past or feeling nostalgic for what’s come and gone. And when Venus opposes Neptune in your selfless and nurturing sixth house on September 24, you’ll be in a beautiful position to extend forgiveness. Let that sh*t go, because hanging onto it forever will only hurt you in the long run.

When a new moon in Libra paves the way for a new beginning on September 25, you may feel as though a new chapter is just beginning. In fact, you may find yourself making decisions that align with the person you’re becoming. Do something to express a part of you that has been waiting to come out and be see, Libra.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

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This week, you may find yourself running into old friends and reconnecting with some of the social circles and networks that you have have lost touch with. On September 23, Mercury will retrograde back into your 11th house of community, which could encourage you to pick up where you left off on team endeavors. By replenishing your connection with your outer community, it could take on a new and exciting form.

When Venus opposes Neptune in your fifth house of romance and creativity, a friendship could start to turn into something more. Whether you’re crushing on someone who’s always been a platonic friend or you’re feeling creatively inspired by your relationship, this is a beautiful time to be each other’s muses! However, keep in mind that you may be wearing rose-colored glasses, so don’t overlook red flags either.

By September 25, you’ll be in a powerful position to do some major healing and soul-searching. As a new moon in Libra pours magic into your 12th house of spirituality, it’s a beautiful time to do nothing but feel your emotions and release them into the ether. Let it all go, Scorpio.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For September 2022

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You may feel like you’re falling behind at work and struggling to keep up with appearances as of September 23. This is when Mercury will retrograde back into your 10th house of career, which could bring up unresolved business from prior dealings at work. Fear not! This is a great chance to settle the score once and for all. You don’t need an unfinished project or an unanswered question hanging over your head.

When Venus opposes Neptune in your fourth house of home and family, you may find that your personal life is pulling on your heartstrings and taking up the majority of your attention. It’s a beautiful time to some PTO and nurture your sacred space, but don’t allow your love of comfort to become a comfort zone. Eventually, you need to take a risk and embark on your next adventure, especially if you currently hate the idea of leaving the house.

By September 25, you’ll have every reason to gather with likeminded individuals and work towards a common goal. As a new moon in Libra sparks magic into your 11th house of community, you’ll be in the best position to make some new friends and solidify yourself as a valued member of the team.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Are you questioning some of your beliefs? Are you returning to the drawing board and rethinking everything you know? If you’re having a bit of an existential crisis, don’t overthink it! It’s just that Mercury is retrograding back into your ninth house of philosophy as of September 23, which could make you feel a bit lost. There’s no need to know exactly where you are, only that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Quit worrying and enjoy the journey, Capricorn.

However, when Venus opposes Neptune on September 24, it could pave the way for a magical social life and a desire to party, explore and connect. If you’re in the mood to travel and get into some shenanigans, now’s the time! Just remember to get all your ducks in a row before you set off on your next adventure, because you want to be just prepared enough so that you don’t have to worry.

When a new moon in Libra lights up your career sector on September 25, you may find yourself planting the seeds of your next business endeavor. Whether you’re applying for a new job, asking for a promotion or switching professional paths, this is a meaningful move you’re making, Capricorn.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For September 2022

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You may find yourself breaching some sensitive subjects this week, Aquarius. In fact, as Mercury retrogrades back into your eighth house of secrets and taboos on September 23, you may uncover truths you were previously unaware of. If you’re feeling the urge to investigate or lurk, beware—you might not like what you find. Is it really worth getting your feelings hurt over? Don’t give someone more of your energy than they were every willing to give you.

However, when Venus opposes Neptune in your sensual and grounded second house on September 24, it could pave the way for some truly thrilling romance and emotional connection. If you’re in the “getting to know each other” phase, this is the time to open your heart to each other and divulge deep truths. However, that doesn’t mean you have to show all your cards, especially if you don’t feel ready.

By September 25, a new moon in Libra will bring you a whole new perspective. It’s time to take a step back and consider what you’re believing in. What ideas are guiding you? What excites your curiosity the most? It’s time to learn more about the world around you, Aquarius, because an adventure awaits.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Prepare to dive into your relationship problems, Pisces. Although you may want to pretend everything is better than it really is, Mercury will retrograde back into your relationship sector as of September 23, which is shining a light on the misunderstandings and miscommunications that prevent your relationship from flowing the way it should. What’s holding you back from connection? How can you not only be a better partner, but choose the right partner for you?

When Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 24, it will be a powerful time to embrace healing and forgiveness in your relationships. However, remember that forgiveness doesn’t mean setting aside your feelings even though you’re still feeling hurt. Forgiveness is a process, not something that happens overnight. All you can do is put your best foot forward.

When a new moon in Libra brings power to your eighth house of rebirth on September 25, it will encourage you to plant the seeds of a new beginning. However, in order to reach this next phase of life, you will have to let go of something that’s taking up too much space. Embrace it, Pisces.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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