sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Says The Stars Are Aligning & Your Cup Runneth Over With Love

Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance! Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of September 26 to October 2 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

A deck of Tarot consists of 78 cards, each one full of endless possibilities. Between the Tarot’s thought-provoking imagery and the symbolism associated with the Major and Minor Arcana, these cards always have a way of shining a light on something that needed to be brought to your awareness. And believe it or not, Tarot is used by people who come from all walks of life and follow all sorts of different belief systems. Whether you see the Tarot as an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides or as a lighthearted tool for stimulating your intuition and making decisions, this form of divination is always at your disposal. And since you don’t always have the time to pull out your deck and give yourself a full reading, your weekly Tarot horoscope can be a quick source of insight whenever you need it! And remember, the future is never set in stone, so think of a Tarot card reading as a chance to understand something from a different angle and ponder a unique possibility you hadn’t considered before.

Related: Get A Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

9 of Cups Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.

Card Of The Week

9 of Cups

While every zodiac sign is receiving its own Tarot card pull, we’ve also pulled a card that will describe the overall energy that is impacting the collective. And for this week, that card is a sign that this is the stars are finally beginning to align, because it’s the 9 of Cups. When this card appears in a reading, it is a signal from the universe that everything in your life is as it should be. This dose of fortunate energy could mean feeling perfectly content in your job, your relationship, your friendships—your emotional cup could truly runneth over! Take the time to stop and appreciate the abundance of blessings life is offering you right now.

If you’re searching for answers regarding your past, present and future, your weekly Tarot horoscope has got you covered. Here’s what the universe wants you to know about your current situation, according to your zodiac sign:

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope

8 of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


8 of Pentacles

This week, the 8 of Pentacles is encouraging you to put your creative talents to good use and work hard at them. The more you create and hone your craft, the more others will take notice of what you’re doing—and the more inspired you will become. By putting yourself out there, you give others the opportunity to recognize your unique abilities, and this can serve as the motivation needed to continue to produce things you’re really proud of. Get out there and become the master of your domain!

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For September 2022

King of Pentacles Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


King of Pentacles

Success is within your grasp! The King of Pentacles is indicating you’ve got what it takes to create financial abundance in your life, and now you just need to move forward with whatever ideas you may have been contemplating. Have you been considering starting a new business venture or investment of some kind? This could be the signal you’ve been waiting for to go for it — but don’t just charge ahead. Coming up with a plan and getting all your ducks in a row will ensure you see the most fruitful outcome possible.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For September 2022

King of Swords Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


King of Swords

Your mind is your greatest asset this week! You may be facing a major decision or exploring uncharted territory in a specific area of your life. The King of Swords is encouraging you to use logic and intellect to navigate this situation, rather than allowing yourself to get swept up in emotion. You will only define the right road to go down once you’ve truly gotten to the heart of the matter, and this can only happen when impartiality is exercised. Give yourself the opportunity to view this through a much clearer lens, and you’ll see the path appear.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

Wheel of Fortune Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you this week that life is full of ups and downs. If you’ve been going through a problematic time in your life, this card could signal an end to this difficult period. If you’ve been going through a prosperous period, things could soon return to normal. Don’t lament this change—it is a natural part of growth and a natural part of life. Every experience you have serves a purpose in your understanding of yourself and your situations. Let this card serve as a reminder to embrace the ebbs and flows of life.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For September 2022

The Star Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


The Star

You can breathe a little bit easier, because relief has arrived this week! The Star is signaling a reprieve after a period of great change or difficulty. While this turmoil has not been easy for you to go through, you have been able to endure whatever challenges life has thrown your way. What lessons have you learned? What were you able to let go of that was holding you back? How will you move forward differently? Now is the time to shed the old you, so you can emerge as the person you were meant to be.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For September 2022

Knight of Cups Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is a card of vision and advancement. This week, there’s a possibility that you are going to receive some sort of invitation or proposal that you may not have been expecting. This card wants you to be open to this new possibility and take advantage of it, but it also wants you to exercise caution as you move forward. The Knight warns against getting too caught up in fantasies. Evaluate this situation before proceeding to ensure everything will be as you think it will be and that you will benefit from it.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

3 Of Wands Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


3 of Wands

The possibilities are truly endless for you right now! The 3 of Wands is signaling that you will have an abundance of opportunities to expand your horizons in some way. Look beyond your current circumstances for a moment and consider your future. What is it that you envision for yourself? Now is not the time to think small. Your potential is limitless, so take advantage of these opportunities as they present themselves to you. The greatest successes lie beyond your comfort zone.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

Page of Swords Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


Page of Swords

If you’ve been waiting for a sign to get started on an idea you’ve had, this is it! The Page of Swords indicates you’re filled with energy and excitement about a new project or venture. The question is, can you sustain this boundless enthusiasm once you get going? No matter which direction you choose in life, there are always going to be hurdles you’re going to have to overcome—but don’t let that deter you. Know that by following your passions, you will be able to keep up this momentum.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For September 2022

The Devil Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


The Devil

The line between pleasure and pain is razor thin! The Devil represents your habits, temptations, and vices—all the things that activate your shadow side and lead you away from your true self. You’re being called to examine whether short-term gratification is creating a long-term problem. This week, consider your actions: Are you truly in control? Are these behavior patterns healthy? What are the benefits besides temporary satisfaction? If you’ve been going overboard, now is the time to pull back before you veer too far off course.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

Seven of Swords Tarot

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


Seven of Swords

You can run, but you can’t hide this week! The 7 of Swords acknowledges you may be trying to avoid or escape a situation you’re better off confronting head-on. Have you been putting off a tough conversation with a friend? Not yet ready to talk with your partner about where your relationship is headed? Are you letting professional tension build rather than dealing with it? Remember, dodging this issue won’t make it better. In fact, it could even make it worse. The time to deal with this matter is now.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For September 2022

10 of Cups

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


10 of Cups

Everything is coming up roses in your domestic world this week! The 10 of Cups is a very positive card, signifying uplifting emotions and successful relationships. You may end up spending more quality time than usual with your family, or it’s possible you see things blossom in matters of the heart. Take the time to look around you and give thanks to all the blessings you’re being showered with. It’s not very often we get to float on cloud nine, so enjoy every second of it!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

9 of Wands

Modern Witch Deck © Sterling Publishing Co.


9 of Wands

You could find yourself approaching the finish line this week! The 9 of Wands recognizes the persistence and dedication you’ve put into a personal goal you’ve been working toward. Your initial goals and ideas were planted and have grown, and you are so close to finally reaching your destination. While the road may have been long and weary at times, this is no time to give up. Resilience is your greatest asset right now, so put on your battle armor and keep moving forward no matter what life may throw your way.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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