lunes, 10 de octubre de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You to Own Your Power, Because the Truth Can Set You Free

Although things may be slowing down, your horoscope for the week of October 10 to October 16 is encouraging you to pace yourself and take your time. However, as brainiac Mercury enters social, clever and diplomatic Libra on October 10, you’re starting to see your situation from the opposite angle. If you’re willing to step out of your own near-sightedness, you’ll find a much more far and balanced perspective. The truth is rarely ever black or white, but shades of gray.

By October 11, the sun in Libra will form a trine with stable and disciplined Saturn, encouraging you to do it the right way, not the fast way. Instead of skipping integral steps and taking unnecessary shortcuts, give yourself time to build a solid foundation. Take this time to not just run with ideas, but to support them with evidence.

As Mars—planet of passion and drive—squares off with dreamy and disorienting Neptune on October 12, you shouldn’t expect immediate results! In fact, you may feel checked out completely, as though you can’t the energy to focus on a task. Instead, give in to your desire to space out. Instead of forcing yourself to get a head start, spend time imagining, brainstorming and jotting things out.

STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope

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As Mercury in Libra forms an opposition with Jupiter retrograde on October 12, you may realize you’ve been focusing on the wrong things or obsessing too much over a minuscule detail. Instead, pull your attention back to yourself; back to what you know deep in your heart to be true. While Mercury in Libra wants us to compromise our needs, Jupiter in Aries is reminding you that sometimes, chaos is more healing than peace. Sometimes, peace means bottling up your emotions while chaos sets them free them all out. Don’t feel guilty for owning your power, because you deserve to live your truth.

Don’t worry if you’re not seeing eye-to-eye with someone you care about. As harmonious Venus in Libra forms a trine with grounded and committed Saturn in Aquarius, reminding you that one disagreement doesn’t have to rock the boat. You can rest assured that a debate won’t lead to the end of a relationship. And because Venus also rules over money, you can expect your finances to become more stabilized and reliable as the week comes to an end. After all, both of these planets are in their domicile, which makes this an extra special time for building a beautiful life.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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You have the power to make new friends and establish your social standing this week. On October 11, the sun in Libra will trine Saturn in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, which will encourage you to think long-term about your one-on-one partnerships. You’re realizing that someone you trust shares your vision and it’s time to realize what a team you make.

However, as Mars—your ruling planet—squares off with Neptune in your dreamy 12th house on October 12, you may struggle to think clearly, so hold off on making permanent judgments or having serious conversations. October 12 is also when Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries, which is encouraging you to own your individuality and embrace your independence. Some things shouldn’t be compromised, especially if you’re compromising your true self.

When Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your 11th house of social circles on October 14, it will widen your outreach. This means you may be making connections and forming ideas that have the power to last. Embrace the position you hold in your community, as your network is about to expand in meaningful ways.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For October 2022

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You’re getting the job done this week and you’re getting it done right. On October 11, the sun in your productive sixth house will trine Saturn in your 10th house of career, giving you the discipline to commit to the process and cross items off your to-do list. Now’s not the time to skimp over the heavy-lifting, as you’re in the mood to start off on a strong foot.

However, you may feel like your running low on energy and resources on October 12, when Mars in your second house of stability squares off with disorienting Neptune. Don’t feel pressured into working beyond your bandwidth, especially if you’re picking up someone else’s slack. As Mercury opposes Jupiter in your 12th house of subconscious energies, tending to your spiritual needs is a must. Even if that means canceling all your plans and doing nothing but daydream.

As Venus—your ruling planet—forms a trine with Saturn in your 10th house of reputation on October 14, you have the power to project an image of beauty, power and wealth all weekend long. You’ve worked hard on yourself and it’s shining through you like confidence.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For October 2022

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On October 11, the sun in your creative fifth house will trine Saturn in your ninth house of philosophy, reinforcing your confidence and making you aware of your talents and abilities. Practice makes perfect, and this week, you’re willing to do what it takes to become the best at what you love. Don’t waste time chasing pipe dreams when you could do what you’re passionate about.

Although you’re naturally inclined toward business, don’t put pressure on yourself to achieve greatness overnight. Mars in Gemini squares off with Neptune in your career sector on October 12, which could make you feel indecisive and unsure of which path you’re meant to take. As Mercury—your ruling planet—opposes Jupiter in your 11th house of teamwork, it may be time to prioritize a group endeavor. You don’t necessarily need to know where you’re going, just as long as you’re going there together.

When Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your ninth house of spontaneity and open-mindedness on October 14, you’re feeling called to embark on an adventure with someone you love. This next leg of your journey will be hard-earned, but the memories you make together will solidify your bond.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For October 2022

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You’re laying down emotional roots this week. On October 11, the sun in your fourth house of home and family will trine Saturn in your transformative eighth house, steadying you and cradling you. It’s time to remember what makes you feel safe and sturdy. What you pour into your personal life now will blossom into something beautiful later on.

However, you may want to protect your wellbeing by October 12, as you may be extra susceptible to external energies. As Mars in your 12th house of spirituality squares off with Neptune in your expansive ninth house, you may be absorbing what you’re surrounding yourself with, so control what you can. When Mercury opposes Jupiter in your 10th house of career, you’re pivoting a professional idea and finding the courage to shift gears in your professional pursuits.

When Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your eighth house of intimacy on October 14, you may be in the mood to play house with a lover. It may be time to lay down roots and start nesting, especially if you’ve found someone who makes you feel right at home.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For October 2022

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Communication is key, especially this week. On October 11, the sun in your detail-oriented third house will trine Saturn in your relationship sector, encouraging you to reinforce your partnerships with updates and words of encouragement. Don’t underestimate the power of catching up with someone, especially if it gives you an opportunity to ask questions and get answers.

By October 12, Mars in your 11th house of community will square off with Neptune in your eighth house of secrets, which means you should be careful who you choose to share intimate information with. Not everyone needs to be keeping up with your every move, because not everyone has your best interests. However, as Mercury opposes Jupiter in your expansive ninth house, you’re learning how to keep certain people at an arms length without losing the relationship entirely.

When Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your seventh house of partnerships on October 14, it could lead to some meaningful relationship developments with someone you’ve come to trust. You’re realizing that love doesn’t have to expire after the honeymoon period, because it can just as easily age into a fine wine.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For October 2022

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The harder you work, the more confident you feel. And on October 11, the sun in your second house of self-esteem will form a trine with Saturn in your sixth house of productivity, giving you the motivation to increase your results. Remember to honor your progress, as you’ve been building this ship for quite some time now and it’s starting to run without your constant supervision.

By October 12, Mars in your ambitious 10th house will square off with Neptune in your seventh house of partnerships, which could make you feel uncertain about your relationship with a colleague or associate. If you can’t get a read on their energy, give yourself time before committing to anything long-term. However, as Mercury—your ruling planet—opposes Jupiter in your eighth house of give and take, you’re learning where your boundaries lie and how to assert them. Don’t feel bad for calling back your energy.

As Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your selfless sixth house on October 14, you’re learning how to speak the love language “acts of service” with a new level of fluency. Sometimes, relationships are just about helping each other get through the day, because even a normal day together is better than any other day apart.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For October 2022

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You’re feeling satisfied this week, Libra. After all, October 11 is when the sun in Libra will trine Saturn in your fifth house of fun and pleasure, reminding you that happiness is not about high highs and low lows, but a steady stream of contentment. Do whatever makes your life feel more worthwhile, because joy has the power to grow over time.

On October 12, Mars in your spontaneous ninth house squares off with Neptune in your sixth house of routine, which could leave you feel bored with monotony and in the mood for some shenanigans. Give yourself freedom to fall a bit behind, because life does not move in a straight line. As Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries on October 12, you’re seeing a relationship in a brand new light. Prepare to see a different side to the people in your life, especially if you’ve been overlooking some of their lesser known qualities.

As Venus in Libra—your ruling planet—forms a trine with Saturn in your romantic fifth house, you’re discovering a way to make the love last. If most of your relationships expire after the honeymoon period, you may be realizing that long-term love is leading you toward a feeling even more magical than sparks flying.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For October 2022

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You’re finding your center this week. As the sun in your spiritual 12th house forms a trine with Saturn in your fourth house of home and family on October 11, you should treat yourself to some good old fashioned alone time. Tend to your sacred space and reconnect with your home base, as the way your life blossoms is always directly related to the way you water your roots.

By October 12, Mars—your ruling planet—will square off with Neptune in your pleasure-seeking fifth house, which could lead to some messy judgment calls. Just because something feels good in the moment doesn’t mean you won’t wish you had made a different choice when it becomes morning. As Mercury forms an opposition with Jupiter in your sixth house of routine, you’re coming to terms with all the ways your day-to-day life could use some improvement. Don’t skimp on the self-care.

As Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your domestic fourth house on October 14, you have the power to strengthen your level of trust and tighten your bond. Now’s the time to connect on a deeper emotional level. And if you’re not ready to open up to someone, it’s time to remember that nothing compares to the type of love you can give yourself.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For October 2022

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As this week begins, you may be in the mood to make promises and forge commitments. On October 11, the sun in your social 11th house will form a trine with Saturn in your third house of communication. This could pave the way for some monumental conversations to take place, especially if you’re willing to strengthen your neighborhood dynamics and prioritize close friendships.

However, by October 12, Mars in your partnership sector will square off with Neptune in your sensitive fourth house. This could disrupt your level of comfort and trust in a relationship, especially if it involves too much intrusion on your personal life. Remember, not everyone needs to know all the details about your life. As Mercury opposes Jupiter in your fifth house of creativity and self-expression, you’re being called to focus on your own passion projects for a change. Some artistic opportunities are meant only for you, Sag.

When Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your third house of communication on October 14, it will strengthen your social standing and encourage steady correspondence with your extended circle. Just call up a friend for no reason and catch up. Those moments can mean a lot more than you think.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For October 2022

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You’ve been working hard and it’s starting to pay off. On October 11, you have the power to build some long-term wealth as the sun in your career sector forms a trine with Saturn in your money sector. You’re starting to see big bucks coming in and some of these extra funds are directly related to additional work you did in the past. Good thing you spend that extra time getting ahead.

However, by October 12, Mars in your productive sixth house will square off with Neptune in your third house of communication, which could throw you off track. If you’re struggling to keep up with emails and important info is getting lost in the mix, scale it back. Focus on the most important tasks. As Mercury opposes Jupiter in your fourth house of home and family, you’re realizing that placing all your energy on work is just siphoning energy from your personal life. It’s time to remember that you’re more than your job, Capricorn.

As Venus forms a trine with Saturn in your second house of stability on October 14, you’re not interested in something meaningless, but something with real potential. In fact, you have the power to meet someone who has a lot to offer, especially if you’re looking for something longterm.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For October 2022

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You’ve grown so much and it shows. This week, you’re realizing that your outspokenness and willingness to step outside of your comfort zone has served you well in recent history. As the sun in your expansive ninth house forms a trine with Saturn in Aquarius, you’re making the decision to take up more space, because confining yourself only limits your power.

However, on October 12, Mars in your passionate fifth house will square off with Neptune in your second house of money, which could lead to impulsive decisions that deplete your funds. There’s nothing wrong with keeping a good time going, but if you’re writing checks you know you can’t cash, it’s time to regroup. As Mercury opposes Jupiter in your third house of communication, you’re feeling inspired to speak your mind and lean into your intellectual prowess. It’s time to own what you know, but only if you’ve truly taken the time to learn.

As Venus forms a trine with Saturn in Aquarius on October 14, you’re building some deep-seated confidence by embarking into the unknown and embracing your need for adventure. Life is all about your experiences, so prioritize the level of excitement in your life.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For October 2022

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This week may start off on a somewhat bittersweet note, but it ultimately will lead to so much healing. On October 11, the sun in your eighth house of transformation will form a trine with Saturn in your spiritual 12th house, which is reinforcing how much work you’ve done to enjoy being alone. If it’s taken you time to love your own company, you’re coming to terms with how much alone time rejuvenates your soul.

By October 12, Mars in your sensitive fourth house will square off with Neptune in Pisces, which means that your loved ones may have expectations of you that are currently difficult for you to meet. Be realistic about what you can and can’t accomplish, as half-truths will only lead to unnecessary drama. When Mercury opposes Jupiter in your second house of money and self-esteem, it could lead to an unexpected windfall. Chances are, an investment is finally starting to pay off.

On October 14, Venus will form a trine with Saturn in your 12th house of unseen energy, which could leave you wanting a type of love that doesn’t require words. You want the type of love that doesn’t demand every moment of silence be filled. Be with someone who makes you feel comfortable merely existing, Pisces.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For October 2022

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