miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019

Monday’s Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

When the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie, that’s amoOOoooOOoreee—AKA there’s a full strawberry moon headed our way on June 17 so buckle up, binchies. Full moons are a time of harvest and peak energy. There can be high expectations—typically from ourselves—that we need to Show Something Meaningful from our time here on Earth. That it’s not enough to have a quiet day with ourselves if we haven’t written three pages in our gratitude journal or drank celery juice or recharged our rose quartz in a cool, gurgling pool of water in the Swiss Alps or whatever. Jesus.

So let’s flip the narrative to one of tenderness. The truth is, we don’t change through hatred. If you’ve been trying to get yourself to exercise consistently for years through negative self-talk and punishment and it hasn’t worked, then—why are you still hurting yourself? We all improve in baby steps. So when you miss the mark, because you’re human and busy and stressed and trying your absolute best—forgive yourself and try again. Forgiveness isn’t given once. We have to do it over and over until we learn it in our bones. In a society where we are so punishing, so judgmental of being human (AKA our “BIGGEST FLAW”)—we have to unlearn so much before we can move forward.

Those are two of the hardest lessons to learn. How to unlearn how to harm, and how to forgive. They are the cycles I enter over and over again, maybe forever. But the thing that always helps me, that always brings me back to whats important, is being soft with myself. What are you doing this full moon to unlearn and forgive? How softly do you brush your hair and touch your face? It all means something.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Aries –

The new energy you experienced in the beginning of this month is starting to wind down. But that isn’t a bad thing—unwinding and giving ourselves time to rest can sometimes be the most productive way to spend our time. To really get the benefits of not being a robot-consumer-blahblah person, spend more time in nature.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Taurus –

This full moon is a good time for you to focus on your abundance. Gratitude has become such a buzz-word, but however you train your brain to seek out growth and positivity contributes to your overall health—mental and physical. This will also help you with your intimacy with others, as you seek out new experiences and memories with the people you love.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Gemini –

This past new moon was a prime time for you to work on your passion projects, and now it’s time to move one step forward. Even if you’re not ready. Because really, we never really are. We learn by DOING THE THING, not reading and talking about it. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to get done.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Cancer –

Stop, and take a deep breath. Drop your shoulders. Unclench your jaw. This full moon is less of a harvest and more of a continuation of a bigger cycle. You are learning not to self-reject, and your patience and love is needed now more than ever. Take a bath. Put on your favorite lotion. Eat your favorite meal slowly, by yourself, until it feels like freedom. Eventually, it will.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Leo –

Taking your power back and examining it is one of the hardest things we have to do, and Leo, you’ve been putting in the work. Expect to see some pay-dirt from all your hard work soon. Even if it’s just a comment from a friend, in passing. You planted the seeds, now wait for the bloom.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Virgo –

You’ve been opening yourself up to new relationships and deepening your existing ties all month. Recharge your batteries by getting shit done. Run your errands, do your laundry, balance your budget, etc. It’s these little nagging things that we put off that will give you a sense of accomplishment and the extra push you need to seek deeper fulfillment.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Libra –

With Mars in Capricorn on June 14 through the 19, you may experience some tension with family or a partner. Avoid resentment by stating your needs clearly and directly, and asking the same of your loved ones. Their support is crucial moving forward. And your family and partner and friends—they want to. So give them the tools to say and do what you need.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Scorpio –

Good news, better conversations, and a more even flow to your days are all that await you this full moon. Try to enjoy each moment, and look for small details that will have a big impact on your life. For example, if dancing with your friends every Friday is what makes you smile first thing on Monday morning—make time and space for that.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Sagittarius –

Everything you consume (from eating, to watching, to listening, etc.) can either heal or harm you. This stressful month is a good reminder of that. What are you doing to heal your mind and body after a long day? A long week? A difficult year? This full moon is the time to make sure that you are healing more than you are harming. You deserve good things in your orbit.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Capricorn –

Say ‘no’ more. Opportunities abound this month and moving through the season, but that doesn’t mean that every opportunity requires a yes. If you aren’t wholeheartedly interested in a job offer, and you aren’t in desperate need of that sweet, sweet cheddar—hold off. Don’t volunteer for tasks that don’t excite you. See what it’s like to focus your ambition and goals into only the things that bring you happiness. The rest is noise.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Aquarius –

It’s annoyingly easy (and unhelpful) to say put yourself first, but I’m going to say it, because it’s one of those terrible things that’s both trite AND true. Our need for connection and love has made putting others first part of our mental schema to the point where often, we don’t even know that we’re doing it. Unpack all your big decisions in the past year, and figure out what is guiding you—your own desires, or that of others.

STYLECASTER | Monday's Full Strawberry Moon Is the Perfect Time to Shake! Up! Your! Life!

Pisces –

As you pick courage over comfort, I urge you to use this full moon to trust that you know what you need. No YouTube tutorial or self-help book or Tinder match can save you from your own suffering. You’ve always known what you need—this time, trust in that. Believe that you have knowledge you aren’t even aware of.

As always, check your rising sign and keep whatever resonates. The rest, leave behind. Drop your shoulders, loosen your jaw, and do something that feels good. Know that you can stay exactly as you are, and that is more than enough. Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster http://bit.ly/2WAcFjg

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