sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

All signs will reap the powerful and somewhat polarizing energy of June 3’s new moon in Gemini. We all know that new moons represent new beginnings, and are rife with opportunities to start something new. But they’re also a chance to go HAM and destroy old cycles, behaviors and patterns that bum you out or make you feel like garbage. (AKA going to Target during mental breakdowns and buying cosmetics and ill-fitting jumpers.)

Every day we have a choice—to do the things we have always done, or to try something new. If we’re happy, the choice is practically made for us. But if we aren’t happy, or we know there are things we need to change in order to be truly happy—we must try something different. We have to be brave. And part of that bravery—most of it, really—comes down to regulating our negative emotions enough to stop procrastinating and try something else. That moment that comes to us so quickly, where our knee-jerk reaction is do the same things we always have. Without thought, without deeper intention.

Notice these moments. When you find yourself reacting instead of reaching out with an open, gushy heart and the chance of being totally wrong. And you will be, by the way. Wrong, I mean.

There is no way to grow perfectly. There is no specific path you can talk or words you can say or self-help book you can reference that will save you from your suffering. There are only these small choices, these little details, that can make us feel more complete. These little details can seem so irrelevant—how we talk to our mothers, or how deeply we listen to a friend rehash the same issues with a boyfriend over and over. They are small, inconsequential. They are everything.

Make the choice that starts with being brave and ends with all your love.

horoscope aries What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Aries –

This new moon will bring new energy to your existing routines at work and in your career trajectory. Taking on extra responsibility or investing time or revamping your work space will help keep momentum for the month. You may experience some problems with authority—either yours or others, but keep moving toward your intentions.

horoscope taurus What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Taurus –

This moon really can serve as a fresh start of new intimacy in your life, dear Taurus. Whether it’s with someone new, or breaking new ground (or headboards à la Breaking Dawn circa 2011) with your current partner, this new moon is an opportunity to show vulnerability and openness with your partner. Trust them, and trust yourself.

horoscope gemini What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Gemini –

It’s your month and energy that’s ruling all the signs (think indulgence and letting ur freak flag fly, etc.), but this new moon encourages you to sink back into your passions or turn your energy towards whatever makes you tick—without an audience. Don’t be afraid to work in the dark, quietly, at what you love.

horoscope cancer What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Cancer –

Stressful life changes, especially with finances and bills may come to a head this new moon. Focus your energies on remaining calm and finding realistic sources of new income—whether it be through promotions, raises, freelance work, etc. Don’t self-reject before trying something new—it could change your entire financial situation.

horoscope leo What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Leo –

Take time this June to focus on your own validation. It’s alarmingly easy to become dependent on the validation and noticing’s of others. Now, when you want to hear accolades from someone you admire or work with—tell yourself what you’re hoping to hear them say. Don’t give away this valuable power of understanding yourself to others. Keep it.

horoscope virgo What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Virgo –

This new moon has a lot of energy surrounding your social life, sweet Virgo. Your friends love your protective nature and commitment to your relationships. Soak in the benefits of having a deeply supportive social circle—and don’t be afraid of widening it. Platonic soulmates abound when we open ourselves up to others, and give them that same opportunity.

horoscope libra What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Libra –

Your commitment to your relationships is one of your biggest assets, and something all other signs can learn from. Equally important to loving relationships, however, is your self-love and love for independence and goals completely outside of those you love.

horoscope scorpio What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Scorpio –

Your baseline for emotions has range, Scorpio. This new moon, expect your emotional range to reach new heights. Some of these emotions may range from joy to rage (wow, fun!) and everything in between. Stay in the feelings. Don’t apologize for being human. Your sensitivity is a gift.

horoscope sagittarius What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius –

Stress affects every part of us, down to a cellular level. This new moon is the time to reassess how you cope with stress—is it in healthy sustainable ways like seeing friends, exercising, and doing things that don’t involve staring at a screen? Or are you binging on TV and junk food and other quick fixes that just add to your stress? Adjust accordingly.

horoscope capricorn What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Capricorn –

Families are the key to some of our most profound joys and deepest shame! This new moon is your chance to reconnect with family members that bring the former into your life. Try not to compartmentalize your family life from the rest of you, if you can. Boundaries are important—but so is showing vulnerability and trying something new. The best relationships are the ones that grow with you.

horoscope acquarius What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Aquarius –

On the heels of domestic upheaval, Aquarius energy is definitely moving and shaking. As you work to settle into your new routine, forgive yourself often. This new moon, that is your theme: gentle forgiveness. Moving into new eras of our life is never easy. Nothing will help you more than self-love and self-care during this time. Be gentle with your sweet self.

horoscope pisces What Monday’s New Moon Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Pisces –

It’s time for something new, and what better time than a new moon to change up your life? Take a class, hang out with new friends, or pick up a volunteering gig. Conversely—get rid of an obligation that stresses you out. Wake up, and be excited to live your daily life.

As always, check your rising sign for additional information. Not everything will resonate—but the good shit sticks. We remember what is important. And we learn our deepest lessons, the ones we need to, over and over. What horseshit. What an incredibly bittersweet gift.

Enjoy the new moon, all. Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster http://bit.ly/2QDGsl9

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