lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

As we speed past the last week of June, my young and nubile life flashing before my eyes, I think wow. Nothing is permanent, even your June 24, 2019 weekly horoscope. There is no such thing as time—just unrelenting CHANGE.

Then I pick out a moisturizer at Target and force myself to stop having an existential crisis long enough to pay and go home. I truly do not know what it is about beauty departments that makes my soul feel like it’s melting. Maybe it’s that the packaging is trying so hard to convince me that if I buy it, I will never die. I will live forever. Everything looks like it will save me from myself, you know? So what do I pick? (Everything. And then I return it because I’m ME).

Which brings me to my diatribe—we have to make way too many choices in this modern age, and honey, it’s starting to show. And these choices aren’t gimmes—like, would you rather die of gout, or eat a vegetable once a week? I mean, that’s how Henry VIII died. And dude, before he went, he looked *very* uncomfortable.

In a world where everything is easy! Only 5.99! etc., we are surrounded by so much noise that there isn’t much room left to think.

I hope you all have a transformative and tasty week—as decadent as Henry VIII’s turkey legs, with some kale added in so you don’t get gout. I hope you can go to your favorite store and not panic over all the choices. We need very little to be happy. Lessen your choices. Don’t be afraid to make the hard ones. They’re usually the ones that make us feel alive.

So, what does this week mean for YOU?

1astrological signs aries v2 Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


This applies to every sign always and forever, but especially you, Aries. You have big plans for your life, and in order to make that happen—you have to say no a lot. Really focus on casting off any extra ‘noise’ that doesn’t serve you. It could be something like getting rid of all the clutter in your closet, or finally accepting that your old college friends and you have drifted apart, and you don’t need to endure jaw-clenching lunches every six months anymore. 

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Spend more time being active than passive this week, and see how you feel. While zoning out and binging on television can be satisfying—it’s only for that time period. No benefits follow up after watching several hours of television, except maybe we have something to talk about with our coworkers the next day. Try walking or hiking, or anything where you are actively doing something. You may be amazed at how much better you feel. 

3astrological signs gemini Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Humans thrive on routines. It doesn’t have to be some absurd two hour morning routine (I’m looking at you, Youtube. That shit is whack.) Instead, make a routine that works for you. Which, for your sign, means leaving room for spontaneity and fun. It’s not about scheduling every minute, just making sure the important things get done, and you’re taking care of your basic needs. 

cancer Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Choosing to move forward this week in one area of your life, even if you don’t feel ready. You are in your power this week as we shift from Gemini to Cancer energy. Your tendency to move sideways, to consider all sides of the situation and everyone’s feelings is a beautiful thing—but it can stop you from taking action. So do a power stance and then do the thing. It’ll all shake itself out later. 

5astrological signs leo v2 Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Practice softness this week. You are drawn to leadership and structure, which serves you in so many ways—but not all. The truth is, people respond to kindness. People feel threatened when given rigid requirements, when they feel that they are only as good as the task they are performing. Show a softer side. We learn from love, not fear. 

6astrological signs virgo Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Wellness is more than products we slather on our bodies, and overpriced smoothies. Virgo, it’s time you look at all your habits, and ask if you are contributing to your wellness, or if you’re feeding bad habits. When looking at your health, I always think long-game is the way to go. Don’t nitpick each meal and missed day of exercise. Ask bigger questions—am I getting the nutrition I need? Is my lifestyle active enough that I won’t suffer if I miss a few weeks of exercise?  

Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Partnerships and connections are where you shine, Libra, and we all love you for it. I want to challenge you to do something different: this time around, try spending time by yourself. Being alone without being lonely is a vital life skill, and one that leads to a stronger sense of self and independence. Lean into it. Find the joy in not having to compromise on small, trivial things like movie and dinner choices. Take forever getting ready, or go to the mall on a whim. Your own company is as good as any best friends.  

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Celebrate absolutely everything this week. Why not? Your intense feelings are a gift, and this meteor shower, I want you to celebrate every accomplishment and challenge you’ve conquered this year. You’re always onto the next. This time, try and savor the moment. We already know it won’t last forever. So eat the cake, wear sparkles, and do what lights you up and makes you feel amazey.

9astrological signs sagittarius Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Put your intentions into consistency this week. So often we prize intensity (working out twice a week for an hour somehow seems better than four times a week for 15 minutes, for some reason), but if it isn’t sustainable, we become bitter yo-yo’s. Find a balance of consistency, and let that determine the rest. Demanding perfection from yourself is a surefire way to feel terrible—and frankly, to fail. Slow and steady, sweet Sagittarius. You’ll get there.  

capricorn Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


What’s worth putting your energy into? This is a question we should all ask ourselves everyday, but rarely do. Don’t live your life on autopilot, Capricorn. Let this week be one where you say ‘no’ a lot. Where you put off things that aren’t urgent or important. Try to get the most bang out of your buck. When you focus your energy, you have more left over for joy.  

11astrological signs aquarius Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


This week, procrastination will call to you like a siren. Avoid the call—whether it be from social media or another form—as much as possible. While some people thrive under pressure,  you’ll feel so much better and lighter by just getting the dumb shit out of the way. You should be able to sit on your couch and watch television without crushing dread! So get it done, Aquarius. You can do it! 

pisces Your Horoscope This Week: Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Don’t short-change your future self this week. Finish projects correctly. Make your bed in the morning. Wash your dishes when you’re done. Get gas the night before instead of forgetting and panicking on your way to work when you realize you’ve forgotten to fill the tank. These small tasks may seem inconsequential, but can have a huge impact on your daily life. Make things a little easier. That’s self-love, in a nutshell.  

from StyleCaster

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