sábado, 27 de julio de 2019

Mercury Is Going Direct—But Not Before the Post-Retrograde Low-Key Does Some Shit

All signs everywhere, rejoice. Your Mercury direct horoscopes are here. It’s like Chapter 1 in Harry Potter, where everyone is throwing wild parties because everyone thinks Voldemort is dead! Except, Mercury is finally going direct on July 31—AKA Harry Potter’s birthday—leaving us all in a state of tumultuous post-retrograde until August 15.

People are generally haters in regards to Mercury retrograde, even though it happens several times a year—and even though it can be a great opportunity for personal growth, throwing ourselves at the mercy of the negaverse, etc. Basically, Mercury retrograde is when Mercury appears to move backward—even though it’s just moving past the earth in its normal rotation—which causes celestial upset and makes all the signs go a little bananas.

The good news is that Mercury is going direct on July 31 will make things a little easier. Communication, travel and relationships should all get a little less tense as Mercury moves out of retrograde. But before we can get there, we have to get through the post-retrograde. Because obvi things just wouldn’t snap back to normal. That’s too easy!

Mercury post-retrograde is essentially a cool-down period, where things aren’t quite back to normal, but they’ve reached peak conflict and confusion and are now winding down—hopefully. This is a great time to reflect, pick up the broken pieces of whatever happened during retrograde itself, and then align back to what is serving your highest self. Because retrogrades are a time of growth, we need this shadow period to synthesize the knowledge of what we know, into how we want to proceed. Or, maybe, we don’t need to change anything. Sometimes staying the course is the hardest thing of all, especially if results or satisfaction are slow-going.

So what does this mean for all the signs? Well, a few things. First, don’t assume that just because Mercury has left retrograde that life will somehow get miraculously better. Retrogrades usually show us where the work needs to be done—then, post-retrograde we have to plan our attack. Then, we get to do the work itself. Baby steps, you know?

Here’s how Mercury going direct will affect each sign:

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Aries –

Your intentions are good, Aries. You want the best for the group, and you care passionately about the things that matter to you. This post-retrograde, relinquish control as much as possible. You can’t ‘fix’ people or situations through pure force of will. Sometimes, it’s more impactful to listen. To respect where people are, without changing them or trying to help them. Change comes from the inside out, not as gospel from another’s perspective. Give them space. Give up control.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Taurus –

Let in some silence, Taurus. Post-retrograde is a time to be reflective, and to do that, there needs to be quiet. Try driving without audiobooks and music, and allowing for pauses and contemplation in conversation. Giving yourself time to think, without noise or guidance, can be transformative. See what happens when you go back to the beginning, before there was things to distract you from the present moment.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Gemini –

This retrograde has been a rollercoaster of emotions for you, Gemini. Elation one minute, total despair the next. You have Big Feelings, and retrogrades only amplify this. As Mercury goes direct, you can expect less tension in your romantic relationships, and work more fun and pleasure into your days. If you’re tired or drained, take care to be gentle with yourself, and try not to rush to get back to the way things were before retrograde. Now is pretty good, too.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Cancer –

Domestic ~bliss~ is well on its way this post-retrograde. Family drama should be winding down, if not completely over yet. If anything is in your control to let go—consider it. If you can find a way to honor your feelings and still move on/forward, that’s a win. We don’t always get the resolutions or apologies we crave, but we get the chance to try again. Maybe a little harder, or maybe with fewer expectations. Regardless, the choice belongs to you.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Leo –

It’s a good time to cash in on your creative talents, Leo. Whether it be a side gig on Etsy or something else entirely, your value as an artist and a creative is huge. Put your work out there, in whatever capacity makes sense. While nothing can guarantee traditional success (i.e. money), chasing things that you’re passionate about—chasing things that enthrall you—is sure to leave you feeling full, rejuvenated.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Virgo –

There’s a lot going on behind-the-scenes for you, Virgo. This post-retrograde might culminate in the accomplishment of a long-term goal you’ve had, or a new level of expertise in work. Celebrate these accomplishments, and let yourself have a break. Building a life you don’t need a vacation from, and fostering friendships with people that can’t wait to see you succeed will be more important than ever moving forward. Big things are coming for you, and sooner than you think.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Libra –

Mercury going direct could have an effect on real estate and your long-term financial planning, as well as give you time to deal with family secrets and drama that may have been unearthed during the retrograde. As tempted as you may be to make a decision—any decision—don’t be afraid to sit and stew a little longer. Sometimes, time really is the only solution. Wait on any big decisions, and be prepared to think of these decisions from the viewpoints of everyone involved. It’ll save you—and your loved ones—more than a little heartbreak.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Scorpio –

This post-retrograde is like one epiphany after another, Scorpio. It’s up to you to decide whether the patterns you’ve observed in the past few months are progressive or regressive—because really, it can only be one or the other. Have confidence that you have all the tools you need to tackle your next obstacle, and use your power responsibly. There is so much good to do, for yourselves and others.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Sagittarius –

Sometimes our biggest villains and obstacles are ourselves. This retrograde has likely showcased some areas of concern—times when you were less compassionate than you would have liked to be, or times when you didn’t speak up when you had something important to say. Part of self-love is recognizing our areas and growth, and figuring out how we can use our strengths to make sure we aren’t hurting ourselves with our behaviors.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Capricorn –

Some of your unusual talents may come to light this post-retrograde. So often we choose not to value the things that come easily to us—as if the only way to REALLY be good at something is to absolutely kill ourselves to be the best, the most remarkable, or the most unique. Even small things like a signature doodle when we sign our name can lead us to interesting places. Pay attention to what comes effortlessly to you. It’s worth something.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Aquarius –

Changes are happening for you, Aquarius. On a micro level—how you frame your thoughts, what you eat for breakfast or how you talk to yourself on a bad day—and on a more macro level, too. Where you see yourself in 10 years now may be totally different than what you envisioned a year ago. Grieve the loss of what you thought you wanted, and be open to a new plan. I know you think you can’t live any other way than how you’ve planned—but you can, and you will.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Direct Horoscopes 2019: What the Post-Retrograde Means for You

Pisces –

Loneliness comes with the general territory of being a human in the world, though it seems to feel uniquely terrible for everyone. As someone in touch with their emotions, this can affect you more than most. While most emotions can’t be solved through logic, don’t be resistant to trying. When do you feel most disconnected from others? What is the difference between being alone and being lonely, and how do you define it? Ask yourself concrete questions, and make yourself answer best you can.

As always, check your rising and moon signs if your general horoscope doesn’t resonate.

Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2GxN8gz

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