lunes, 29 de julio de 2019

Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July’s Second New Moon Is Coming

If you’re wondering whether the planetary torture that’s been the month of July is finally subsiding, the answer is yes. The reign of Mercury retrograde and eclipses is finally OVER this week—which means reading your weekly horoscope (July 29-August 2) is bound to be a lot more fun than it’s been lately. As we move into August, our main focus will continue to be in the sign of Leo, as both the sun and moon travel in the fire sign. This encourages positive energy and a more confident, playful, dynamic approach to life (perfect for Leo season, don’t ya think?).

On Monday, the sun in Leo will forge an awkward aspect with Uranus (planet of change) in Taurus, which could cause us all to reach for our credit cards and make a few impulsive purchases. Mind your wishlists where possible (i.e. don’t buy something without mulling it over for a bit first)—but don’t let treating yourself become a source of guilt, either. (The universe wants you to, so it can’t be that bad—right?)

On Wednesday, Mercury (planet of communication) will finally—thankfully—turn direct after its 3-week retrograde phase, meaning delays, miscommunications and other sources of frustration should gradually come to an end. As always, though, give Mercury a couple weeks to exit its post-retrograde shadow period. It may be tempting to dive into a bunch of new projects and plans, but try to let Mercury regain its forward stride first.

Also on Wednesday? A new moon in Leo is headed our way—July’s second new moon, a black moon. This is the perfect opportunity for a new beginning, delivered at a somewhat surprising time. No need to wait until August to start a creative project, explore a new romantic endeavor or even rejuvenate your relationship with yourself.

Here’s how the zodiac will affect each sign this week:

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


There’s a huge emphasis on creativity and leisure for you this week, Aries—as three planets are hovering in this zone. Lean into enjoyment in the coming weeks, and unleash those ideas you’ve been holing up inside you. As Mercury goes direct on Wednesday, you’ll finally get a break from something that’s been delayed. And this week promises to send some serious love vibes your way—make the most of it.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


With Venus (planet of beauty) in your domestic zone this week, Taurus, you may find yourself tempted to take your home’s aesthetic to the next level. Purchase a piece of art that inspires you every time you look at it—or, even better, paint one of your own. What’s more—July’s second new moon will also travel through this zone, making now the perfect time to introduce something new into your abode. (New pet? New flowers? Even cooking a new recipe will do.)

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


You know you’re good with words, Gemini. And right now, with the sun and moon in “look at me” Leo, invitations abound to showcase your talents. Even better? Friday could see you feeling intrinsically connected with someone new. A spiritual connection in the making, perhaps? Or maybe even a romantic one?

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


Money could be flowing to you in more ways than one over the next couple weeks, Cancer—but don’t let that be an excuse to kick back and relax. Some of these currents may be of your own making, so don’t be afraid to ask for that raise you’ve been thinking about—or to take your side hustle to the next level. The new moon will travel through your finance zone on Wednesday. Maybe make your move then?

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


Yet again, you’re ruling this week, Leo. With both sun and moon in your sign, you’ll be encouraged to roar from the rooftops. Try to channel that energy into bigger, more progressive project instead. (OK, and maybe roar off a rooftop or two.) On Monday, you may find yourself at odds with someone in power. Practice the ability to listen first, then speak. Now—and in the future—it will serve you well.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


This week may have a lot in store for you, Virgo. Change isn’t easy, so practice an open mind where possible. Notice new opportunities as they present themselves (a new project? a last-minute trip? an opportunity to meet some new people?) and try to take full advantage of them whenever you can.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


Your social calendar is a little off the charts this week, Libra—and with all these invites rolling in, it’ll be hard not to over-commit. Embrace the excitement where possible, all the while minding what you need to refresh and recharge. Monday might be particularly hectic for you, but remember that conflicts—even small ones—can present opportunities to reorient your path to something that suits you better.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


With Mars (planet of passion), Venus and the sun all moving through your career zones, you might find yourself more tempted than usual to dive headfirst into your work. Do it, and don’t be afraid to toot your own horn, Scorpio. Your energy is palpable. (Plus, if you don’t toot your own horn—who’s gonna?) Remember that Wednesday’s moon is a particularly good opportunity to start something new. Harness that opportunity to further fuel you throughout the week.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


Your wild Sagittarius side is about to come out even more over the next couple weeks. With that new moon energy starting to enter the universe, you might find yourself ready to commit to something incredibly adventurous. Lean into it. In a few weeks, you might be surprised by what you planned. But remember, you wanted this—and you can handle anything.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


Change is coming in August, Capricorn. We know, we know—you’re not a big fan of “new”. But planets are slated to enter your business, finance and rebirth sectors, so “new” is all but inevitable. Take a breath, and move forward. And remember, when all else fails, you have Wednesday’s new moon on your side.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


This week is all about relationships (platonic and romantic) for you, Aquarius. The first half of the week will see you teaming up with others to conquer a common goal. Wednesday, with the new moon behind you, you’ll catch yourself diving into a group project—or exploring a little romance. Oh, and the weekend promises an interesting encounter for you, too. A lot is on the horizon—be sure to carve out time for self-care so you can thrive while taking full advantage of these social opportunities.

STYLECASTER | Your Weekly Horoscope (July 29-August 2): Mercury Retrograde Is Ending, and July's Second New Moon Is Coming


Your day-to-day has been a little all over the place lately—but now is the perfect time to get things back in order, Pisces. Your wellness zone is highlighted, so now’s a great time to focus on doing what feels good. Not to mention, Mercury going direct will likely cause some of July’s hectic energy to cool down for you. (In other words, you’ve got this.)

As always, check your rising and moon signs for a deeper look at what the zodiac has in store for you this week.


This story was originally published on

from StyleCaster

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