martes, 30 de julio de 2019

The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

On July 31, at approximately 8:12 P.M., we will experience a new moon in Leo. To which I grandly reply, “Yes, damnit. This is good.” (A sentiment your July 2019 new moon in Leo horoscopes surely support.) New moons are a time of new beginnings, fresh starts and renewed resolutions. They are a built-in lunar phase that can reliably remind us that we’re all working toward something. With the new moon being in Leo, we can expect that the month ahead will be filled with fun and charismatic individuals that excite us. Leo makes things feel sparkly and novel—who can say no to that? Even cooler? This is July 2019’s second new moon. So if you’re feeling desperately in need of a little rejuvenation, you don’t have to wait until August to get it—the universe is here for you. 

While the July 2019 new moon in Leo will affect every sign, Leo and Aquarius are the most likely to feel it. Which is why I feel like kind of a downer when I think about how important it is for all of us—every sign—to do the things that are good for us, even when we don’t want to. It’s easy to work out, be social and be nice to your siblings when things are easy and good and you feel like you could twerk on the moon. But then life happens. We get stressed or sick and our partners get really super annoying about what they want to watch on TV, and it all goes to shit!

But not completely. Not if we have a plan. If we decide what we need when we’re at our best—what kind of social interactions, food, self-compassion, exercise, etc.—we can commit to doing it at our worst, too. When you already feel terrible or are having a bad time, it’s too late to create a realistic and thoughtful plan. Take care of yourself when you’re good, so you know what to do when life goes awry. It’s like packing a first aid kit just in case. Hopefully you don’t need it, because you’re taking care of yourself. But if you DO need it—you’re prepared.

Here’s how July 2019’s second new moon will affect each sign:

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aries –

Take care of your mental well-being, Aries. We all relate to others differently, and finding that delicate balance between meeting others’ needs while still honoring our own is a tricky balance. This new moon, make it a goal to check in with yourself a few times a day—how do you feel? If it’s a painful feeling, how can you proceed in a healthy way to address it?

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Taurus –

Stress affects so much of our lives and health, and this new moon, I want you to examine something we don’t always talk about in Polite Company—your sexual wellbeing. Are you satisfied with your love life and relationship with your partner? If not, lean on Leo’s energy and ask yourself what you want to do to reengage with your own sexuality and find comfort and pleasure in it.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Gemini –

This new moon may have you feeling more restless than usual—especially when it comes to your career. Focus less on finding “the perfect job” and more on getting really good at whatever you do. Build career capital and be patient. There’s a difference between toiling away at a dead-end job and working steadily on your next well-thought-out move.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Cancer –

With this new moon, you may experience a breakdown or a new level in one or more of your relationships. Usually, this doesn’t happen without some sort of conflict or tough conversation. As long as you proceed with compassion and make sure you are firm on your expectations, you should expect an easier time. After all, we all deserve to be with someone who loves us without expecting fundamental changes to who we are.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Leo –

The new moon is in your house, Leo, meaning that this month will be full of new experiences, warm friendships, connections and ~love~. Do your best to give others space to fully express themselves, which is something that usually comes effortlessly to you. While that may look different, give yourself a chance to fall in love with others’ enthusiasm. You’ll be so much happier for it.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Virgo –

One of the hardest things to do in this world is forgive others and move on. So congratulations—that’s your assignment for this new moon! Notice how I didn’t say “forget”. No one is asking you to abandon your moral code or expectations of how others should treat you. This forgiveness is more for you than anyone else. Holding onto that kind of poison will only make you sicker. Let go.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Libra –

There will be a lot of ups and downs this month, so this new moon is a good chance to start off as balanced as you can. When you notice your stress skyrocketing, try to exercise or call a friend. It may be hard to juggle these negative emotions, but your diplomatic self already has all the tools you need to help you get back to baseline. Focusing on your breath is a relaxing tool that’s always available to help you get back to the present moment.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Scorpio –

This new moon might have you questioning the age old stumper, “Do people really change?” While that’s not an answer the new moon may provide—one thing will stand true, today and every day thereafter: You can’t make someone change just by pure force of will. While this is a recurring theme for you, this new moon will bring it to the forefront of your attention like never before. Embrace not knowing.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Sagittarius –

Be confident in yourself this new moon, Sagittarius. That’s incredibly easy to type, and much harder to embody. But this is what it looks like: not over-explaining yourself, making choices that feel healthy and moving forward without asking for advice or validation. It’s knowing that you’ll make mistakes, but trusting that you also know how you’ll fix them. It’s growing without apologizing for changing. It feels a lot like freedom.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Capricorn –

Surround yourself with people that love you, dear Capricorn—and there are more of them than you think. Just by the sheer virtue of being around the people that love us as we are, we feel more powerful. Leaning on others when you’re stressed and unsure is a vastly important skill—one that allows you to be a better friend, employee, daughter, sibling and overall person. Let the love fill you up so that it spills out over everything else.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aquarius –

Travel and education will be big themes for you this new moon and for the month ahead. Invest in your education and remember that broadening your horizons can be transformative when you come back to your daily life and see all of the possibilities. Overall, travel and education will either reaffirm or suggest new goals or priorities for your happiness.

STYLECASTER | The New Moon in Leo Wants Us to Do Stuff That We Don’t Like (Rude or Necessary?)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Pisces –

Commit to yourself, your goals and others this new moon. Commitment is a word we throw around—typically in regards to marriage or relationships—but learning first to commit to ourselves and a vision we have for our future will give a sense of urgency that changes everything. There is always room to change and grow, but commitment makes things real. It acknowledges that it won’t be easy—but that we will try anyway.


As always, check your rising and moon signs if your horoscope doesn’t resonate. You already have all the answers—so trust that you know on some level what is coming. It’s gonna be juicy.

from StyleCaster

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