lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Your Weekly Horoscope Urges You To Show Off Your Creative Side

May the “fourth” be with you! It’s time for your weekly horoscope for May 4th. The week begins with the sun (planet of self) in Taurus aligning with Mercury (planet of communication), encouraging the sharing of ideas and opinions and connecting with others.

All in all, Mercury is about to make some lively aspects this week—specifically one with Neptune (planet of illusion) that’ll hit hard on Thursday. This is an opportunity to use the imagination to bring key plans to life. If they seemed a tad predictable, this connection encourages more creativity.

Also on Thursday, there’s a supermoon in Scorpio that sizzles with intensity. This powerful lunar phase can bring issues to the surface, encouraging people to speak their mind and clear the air. However, it can also prompt you to make decisions while in an emotional frame of mind, which would be something to avoid.

Articulate Mercury aligns with Pluto (planet of transformation) and Jupiter (planet of abundance) over the weekend, which can bring exciting new developments. Finally, Saturn (planet of foundation) turns retrograde in the sign of Aquarius on Sunday, which could bring a change of heart regarding certain ideals or beliefs.

STYLECASTER | weekly horoscope

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With Mercury urging you to communicate and the Saturn retrograde in Aquarius shifting your beliefs, now might be a good time to reach out to anyone you haven’t spoken with in a while. Consider treating yourself to some new stationary and sending out a few notes. Everyone enjoys getting mail, and you’ll enjoy the chance to speak your mind and share some new ideas with friends.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

STYLECASTER | Aries zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Finances, business ideas, and career goals can flourish this week because positive energies can contribute to your security and success. With the sun aligning with articulate Mercury in your money zone and making some excellent aspects over the week, this can be a time of opportunity, positive developments, and exciting deals.

Be careful on Thursday when the energies are more volatile and unpredictable. With a supermoon in Scorpio and your sector of business and shared assets, you could make an impulsive financial decision. And with thoughtful Mercury aligning with aquatic Neptune, there is also the potential for misunderstandings. If you need to close a deal or make an important commitment, check the fine print and keep the paperwork.

Still, your determination to reach a financial goal increases as the week gathers pace, and there’s a very good chance you’ll succeed even if it means moving out of your comfort zone.

STYLECASTER | taurus zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This is a week when you can thrive, because the focus on your sign, and particularly the sun’s link with Mercury in Taurus, can inspire you to plan ahead.

The tie between potent Pluto and upbeat Jupiter continues and may coincide with a plan that’s progressing through various stages. Ultimately, it will have a successful outcome, but you might need to reflect and review key aspects of it as you go along.

You can make significant progress over the days ahead as Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune, potent Pluto, and expansive Jupiter. Linking up with the right people can bring inspiration, while following your instincts can encourage you to take a leap of faith. Something big is brewing, and you fully intend to make the most of it.

Cautious Saturn, currently moving through your sector of goals and career, turns retrograde on Sunday and remains so until the end of September. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what you’d really like to accomplish over the long term.

STYLECASTER | gemini zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


There seems to be a lot going on beneath the surface with the sun in a private and spiritual zone along with talkative Mercury and electric Uranus. At the same time, jovial Jupiter and powerful Pluto are in your psychological sector and stirring up deep-seated energies that could influence finances, relationships, and many other areas of life.

It wouldn’t be surprising if dreams became more vivid and you uncovered the answers to certain life issues while you sleep. When you wake, you may know exactly what to do next. All that’s left to do is follow through.

There’s a supermoon in Scorpio and your lifestyle sector on Thursday, so this can be an opportunity to step back and look at your schedule. Is it working for you? If not, this is your chance to let go of routines and even habits that might be affecting your productivity.

This week brings a chance for transformation if you’re willing to let go of the old and embrace the new.

STYLECASTER | cancer zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This can be an exciting week, with many good things in store for you. You might enjoy moving in new circles, connecting online with others who share your interests, and generally linking to those who are on your wavelength. Some of the friendships and associations you make could be especially positive and life changing.

On Thursday, the supermoon across your social axis may enhance emotions. If you’ve held back from telling someone how you feel, this lunar phase could see it all coming out into the open. Plus, one romance could gain in intensity with you two becoming an item.

Mercury in your sign makes some leading aspects that could see you getting along with certain people and eager to collaborate. Any decisions you make with a combination of instinct and logic will likely be the right ones.

As prudent Saturn will be retrograde in your sector of shared assets and business from Sunday until July 1, when it enters Capricorn, any pressure you’ve felt could ease a little.

STYLECASTER | leo zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


As the sun continues its journey through your career zone, the coming week encourages you to stand out from the crowd and showcase your best qualities. The sun’s merger with thoughtful Mercury on Monday could find you eagerly discussing a plan that turns out to be very lucrative.

However, the supermoon in your home zone on Thursday might inspire you to reflect on your work/life balance. If you don’t have enough time for your family or to relax, this could be highlighted, encouraging you to do something about it.

A project or business development might work out well for you if you’re willing to put in the effort. It just needs a sound strategy to succeed.

Perhaps the biggest news this week is that Saturn goes into reverse in your relationship sector, which could mean you’re less resistant to your partner and their ways and more likely to take things in stride.

STYLECASTER | virgo zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Whether you’re eager to get away from it all or want to start a course of study, this week could find you eager to get moving. The sun’s alignment with Mercury suggests that you’ll be in the planning and organizing stage, which can set you up to make a positive start.

The supermoon on Thursday could find you very excited about one plan that seems to shimmer more brightly than others. It might need a little more refinement, which you can do over this week with promising results.

You could also reach the conclusion of a project that has involved a lot of work. You might be about to enjoy a lucrative reward.

As articulate Mercury, your ruler, angles toward Pluto and Jupiter, it can set creative energies in motion, making this a good time to get started on a bold creative project.

Saturn turns retrograde in your lifestyle sector on Sunday, and this reveals that any pressure you’ve felt could begin to ease.

STYLECASTER | libra zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


If life seems more intense than usual, this could be due to the sun in your psychological zone. In this sector, it can stir up emotions or bring skeletons rattling out of the closet. And with Mercury aligning with the sun on Monday, the desire to talk to someone about this could grow stronger. In fact, this might not be such a bad idea because it could help you get to the heart of an issue that has been bothering you for some time.

Continuing this powerful theme, Thursday’s supermoon occurs in Scorpio, and it could bring up some issues around another taboo area: money. If there is something to discuss, this is the time when it might all come out into the open. Avoid impulsive purchases, though, because you might regret them further down the line.

This can also be a good week to discuss home projects, especially if they require an injection of cash. Talking with a financial adviser or bank can get the ball rolling.

STYLECASTER | scorpio zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


With a focus on your sector of relating, there’s an excellent opportunity to discuss matters with a view toward finding a way forward. The sun’s tie with logical Mercury encourages practical thinking and down-to-earth proposals. And if you can meet another halfway, so much the better.

And yet, with a supermoon in your sign on Thursday, there could be a potentially volatile quality about certain associations. If someone has been holding their feelings back, these emotions might now come out into the open, and you could be surprised by what’s revealed.

Articulate Mercury makes some leading aspects this week, so it could benefit you to keep the conversation going. Even if you’re experiencing difficulties with someone, a continued willingness to reach out could heal things quickly.

Do you need a break from home responsibilities? Saturn turns retrograde in your domestic sector this weekend, and any pressure you feel could begin to ease somewhat.

STYLECASTER | sagittarius zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


There is a lot of activity in practical and earthy sectors of your chart, which can be a call to come to grips with everyday issues. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to deal with them. And with chatty Mercury aligning with the sun on Monday, this is a good time to create a plan.

Still, with restless Uranus in this zone for some time to come, you may resist too much micromanaging, preferring some freedom to make changes when desired. Even the most basic schedule can help you stay on track and accomplish your goals.

The supermoon in a more secluded sector on Thursday could cause some disruption, and because of this it would be best to simplify matters for a day or two. And if you can manage to get in a relaxing walk, so much the better.

Finally, with Mercury aligning with Jupiter, there is the potential for a lucrative opportunity to come your way.

STYLECASTER | capricorn zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Do you need a chance to unwind? There’s an upbeat focus on your leisure sector, so this is your time to indulge in those activities you enjoy the most. And with electric Uranus also in this sector, the cosmos encourages you to experiment with options that pique your interest.

This can be an excellent time to learn a new skill, especially if it involves flexibility or dexterity. And if you take to it, it could form the basis of a side hustle that enhances your income.

There’s a potent supermoon in your social sector on Thursday, so emotions could reach a peak. If you’re falling in love, you could be very tempted to share your feelings, but consider the consequences. Would you regret it later? However, if a key relationship needs an injection of passion, this lunar phase can provide it.

Sobering Saturn rewinds in your money zone this weekend, so any delays or long-running issues may begin to show signs of improvement.

STYLECASTER | aquarius zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


If you’re eager to get your place in order, a positive blend of energies involving the sun and quicksilver Mercury could see you busy decluttering and creating more space. This is an opportunity to throw out what you no longer need and organize your belongings so you feel in control of your space. Doing so can have a positive effect on your energy and clarity.

Plus, with Mercury making leading aspects to both volcanic Pluto and expansive Jupiter over the coming days, some quiet reflection could allow powerful ideas to bubble up. Don’t dismiss these, because they could take your life in a new and profitable direction.

There’s a supermoon in Scorpio and the topmost sector of your chart on Thursday, so you’ll have the potential to shine if you act in a way that enhances your image. And as cautious Saturn rewinds in your sign this weekend, you may feel less pressure on you to do more and be more.

STYLECASTER | pisces zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


This can be a great time for moving ahead with online projects and marketing, networking, and generally staying in touch with the people who matter. If you feel an urge to study or get a degree or certification, this is your chance to make a plan.

Talkative Mercury is forging some spectacular angles over the course of this week, so encounters could lead to exciting developments. You might be asked to take part in a team project that could be very good for you in more ways than one. And with the supermoon in your sector of fresh opportunities on Thursday, one idea could stand out from all the rest and be the making of you.

Your social life looks pleasantly busy and upbeat. There could be a chance of a sizzling romance or to make new friends in the near future. As taskmaster Saturn rewinds in your spiritual sector over the weekend, it can be an opportunity to let go of an issue that has bugged you for far too long.

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