lunes, 17 de agosto de 2020

Your Weekly Horoscope Says You’re Finally About To Get Some Answers

August is almost over, but your weekly horoscope for August 17-23 has just arrived. This week brings a shift in focus from theatrical Leo to fastidious Virgo. On Monday, the sun (planet of self) conjoins lively Mercury (planet of communication) in Leo, which can bring an inspirational moment. Something could click into place and we may feel we have the answers we need.

Tuesday brings the chance of a fresh start with a new moon in Leo, which can be helpful for kick-starting a creative project, romance, or new hobby. Lovely Venus (planet of love) aligns with energizing Uranus (planet of spontaneity), so an encounter could be a refreshing experience.

Chatty Mercury changes signs on Wednesday when it moves into Virgo, making this one of the better times to get organized. It’s a perfect opportunity to streamline routines. Finally, the sun enters Virgo on Saturday for four weeks, which puts the attention on lifestyle matters such as work, wellness, and everyday tasks and chores. It could be a busier time than usual.


STYLECASTER | weekly horoscope

Courtesy of ROSEWORK.

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Speaking of organizing, I think we both know your work-from-home setup could use a little upgrade. Invest in a cute desk organizer or some other tool that makes your situation a bit easier for you. When everything is tidy and neat, you’ll feel ready to take on the world.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This is a more easygoing week compared to the last seven days. Do you need to get a creative project moving? The lively sun-Mercury tie can gift you with ideas that seem to have a touch of genius. And if you need your work to stand out from the crowd, it’s the little but clever touches that can do it.

There is more, too. A powerful new moon in Leo on Tuesday angles toward fiery Mars in your sign, and this can ramp up your level of enthusiasm no end. Whether you want to kick-start a project or romance, your impulsive but genuinely warm and endearing qualities can come to the fore.

As the week progresses, chatty Mercury enters Virgo midweek, followed by the sun on Saturday, which can make for a no-nonsense atmosphere. It’s time to get down to work, and this means getting up to speed with administrative tasks, deadlines, overdue bills, and anything else that may be clogging the way to a stress-free life.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

There seems to be a lot of positive activity in the domestic arena with the sun and chatty Mercury aligning on Monday. You might have some bright ideas about various family issues currently on the table or perhaps a creative plan to renovate the kitchen or other key areas of your house.

Are you eager to have friends or family around? A barbecue could be the ideal way to enjoy socializing in the fresh air.

If you’re ready to make some key changes to your home environment, the new moon in Leo on Tuesday is excellent for kick-starting this process. As it aligns with dynamic Mars, be sure to tune in to your intuition, because those useful nudges can help your plans progress at a faster rate.

Leisure and pleasure may be on your mind midweek as brainy Mercury and the radiant sun move into Virgo and your sector of recreation and romance. It’s time to enjoy yourself.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Promote, promote, promote! With the sun and dealmaker Mercury, your ruler, combining in your sector of talk and thought, this is the week to launch a project, get yourself known on social media, and send your message out to the world. You may find that you get more likes and hits than ever, and this is because of the combination of positive elements that give your efforts that extra boost.

Plus, with a fabulous new moon in this zone aligning with dynamic Mars, it’s not what you know but who you know. Teaming up with the right person can get you places. And if you need advice, reach out and ask for it.

Messenger Mercury moves into your home zone on Wednesday, followed by the sun on Saturday, which gives your solar chart a different flavor. The coming four weeks can be a time to regroup and reset your priorities.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

A lively focus on your sector of personal finance highlights ways in which you can increase your income. An enlightening sun-Mercury merger on Monday can gift you with ideas that may range from selling unwanted stuff to starting a side hustle. And you never know, this could develop into a thriving enterprise if you’re willing to work at it.

Lovely Venus in your sign aligns with electric Uranus on Tuesday, which could see you and another getting along like a house afire. Their stimulating personality can leave you feeling lighter and brighter.

Are you ready to invest in yourself? Tuesday’s new moon in Leo can be an opportunity to harness your resources to improve your life. Whether you want to pay for a class, get a makeover, or buy some equipment, this is the time to go for it.

You’ll be busy with writing, studying, communicating, and selling from midweek onward as chatty Mercury and the sun move into your sector of talk and thought.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This can be an excellent week for you, with a positive focus on your sign. A mash-up between the sun and intelligent Mercury on Monday can gift you with an idea that seems too good to be true. If you have been waiting for your creative muse to strike, this could be it. Write it down, paint it, or play it on an instrument before it escapes into the ether.

You can go far with a particularly upbeat new moon in your sign midweek acting as a catalyst. This potent lunar phase aligns with red-hot Mars in your adventure zone, so if you’re ready to move out of your comfort zone, this can be the time to go for it. If there is an opportunity you’re eager to grab, aim high.

Money matters move higher up your list of priorities from midweek as thoughtful Mercury enters Virgo, followed by the sun on Saturday. Creating a sound budget can increase control and reduce stress.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The focus on a private and spiritual sector is coming to an end this week. Before it does, though, some key influences can have a positive and uplifting influence on you. The sun and meandering Mercury merge in Leo and can coincide with an insight or perhaps a dream that is very informative and enlightening.

A powerful new moon in this same zone aligns with Mars in a deeply emotional sector. This is the time to put the law of attraction into operation, as your ability to visualize what you want with great emotion can kick-start a process that brings it your way. Remember to immerse yourself in the end result and not in the process of getting there.

With chatty Mercury and the sun moving into your sign in the second half of the week, you’ll be in your element. It’s time to kick-start those projects that have been on the back burner.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

What are friends for? You might be about to find out how supportive and uplifting they can be. A fabulous lineup between the sun and roving Mercury in your social zone hints at a meeting that you’ll thoroughly enjoy. Whether you connect online or choose to meet in person, it’s a chance to catch up, exchange ideas, and tap into new opportunities.

The new moon in the same sector on Tuesday hints at an encounter that may work its magic on you. A conversation with someone could sizzle with promise, and this lunar phase may be the perfect time to go on a first date. Or, if you’re thinking of joining a group or club, doing it now can net you many new friends.

The focus shifts from Wednesday as convivial Mercury and the sun move into your spiritual sector. The coming weeks are a chance to dive deep and learn more about what makes you tick. It’s also a time to find closure on those lingering issues.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This week can make a positive contribution to your determination to do well. A merger between the sun and dealmaker Mercury in your sector of goals can be a chance to close a deal or grab a stunning opportunity. It’s also possible that an encounter or conversation could yield gold in the form of some extremely useful information.

The new moon in the same zone on Tuesday can act as a catalyst that pushes you to take a bold step forward. Tired of your usual job? This lunar phase can fill you with enthusiasm and inspiration to aim for something better all around. Take those first steps toward securing an interview.

From midweek there is a change of scene as lively Mercury and the radiant sun move into Virgo and your social zone. This is a great time to network, attend to your social media accounts, join groups, and generally mix and mingle in whatever way you can.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Are you eager to get away from it all? This week’s optimistic sun-Mercury line-up could find you browsing travel websites and perhaps looking to catch a bargain. If you have the opportunity and the inclination to get away, this can be a good week to chase the sun and enjoy relaxing on a beach or somewhere equally tranquil.

The new moon in the same sector on Tuesday could find you enthusiastically pursuing a new path. It’s a good time to connect with a life coach who can help you live to your full potential and adopt a new philosophy or new way of life that can open the way to greater happiness. And if you’ve been thinking of studying or getting some kind of certification, go for it now.

Your responsibilities come into focus from midweek as inquisitive Mercury moves into Virgo, followed by the sun on Saturday. Now is the time to set your priorities and get up to speed with your goals and ambitions.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This week continues to be a deep dive, with the sun and insightful Mercury meeting up in an intensely emotional zone. Any revelations could enable you to understand what has been blocking your path to success and how you might resolve this. Often it’s due to stuck emotions that may have been there since childhood. Finding a way to work with these and release them can have a profound and liberating effect.

The new moon in the same sector on Tuesday is one of the better times to kick-start a business or financial initiative. Trust your instincts and you won’t go far wrong.

As chatty Mercury and the sun journey into Virgo and your sector of far horizons, you may feel a lighter and brighter mood surrounding you. The coming weeks can be a good time to take a course of study, learn a language, or travel if you have the time and inclination.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your connections with others can be a source of surprise and delight, especially on Monday when the sun and flirtatious Mercury link up in your sector of relating. A special magic can happen during an encounter, and a conversation could bring you and another closer, or they could offer you a golden opportunity. And if you have eyes for each other, this could be the time you go on a first date.

A fabulous new moon in this same sector on Tuesday aligns with fiery Mars and is perfect for kick-starting a collaboration or pairing up with someone on a project. In this case, two heads really can be better than one.

Talkative Mercury moves into a more intense zone on Wednesday, followed by the sun over the weekend, and this can be a time to organize business and financial affairs. Drill down into the details and you may find ways to make your money work harder for you.


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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Lifestyle and wellness issues get a boost on Monday as a lively meeting of the sun and brainy Mercury encourages you to streamline your routines. This may be something you’ve been focusing on over recent weeks, but this time some good advice can help you zero in on your main goals and concerns and work efficiently to create the outcome you desire.

With the new moon in this same sector on Tuesday, this is the perfect time to initiate new practices. If you want to eat better, exercise more, and generally be more productive, this is a great opportunity to let go of whatever is holding you back and embrace new, more positive habits.

Relationships are emphasized from midweek as lively Mercury and the radiant sun move into Virgo. The coming weeks are perfect for cooperation and communication. You are better off working as part of a team than going it alone because you’ll be able to accomplish much more.


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