viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

Aquarius, Your March Horoscope Is About Rediscovering Happiness

Prepare for a month that’s brimming with creative exploration and ecstatic joy, Aquarius! On March 3, Mars will enter your fifth house of fun and pleasure, guiding you toward a playful perspective of the world. Set aside your need for perfection and accomplishment, because all your Aquarius March 2021 horoscope wants you to focus on is rediscovering the things that make you happy.

Well, that’s not all it’s encouraging you to do. After all, the new moon on March 13 takes place in your second house of values and finances. While this presents a beautiful opportunity to set serious financial goals and increase the digits in your bank account, it’s also a chance to appreciate what you already have. Gratitude will sink deep into your heart, especially as Venus and Neptune join forces on March 13.

Not only is this infusing your love life with sensuality and the desire to be held, but it’s also encouraging you to exchange gifts with the people you love. Let it remind you of your appreciation! And when Mercury enters your stable second house on March 15, patience will come more naturally to you as you think critically before taking action and enjoy a deeper connection with the present moment.

However, when Aries season begins, it will certainly speed things up! After all, the sun will enter your clever third house, encouraging intellectual stimulation and increasing your mental prowess. Your social life will also come alive when Venus enters your charismatic third house on March 21, tapping into your need to share your thoughts with others and listen to what they have to say in return. Prepare to experience the fullest extent of your social charm! In fact, you should enjoy your talents and your beauty, because on March 21, Mars will form a trine with Saturn, deepening your self-love and your understanding of who you are.

Your need for thrills and exhilaration might even throw you off balance by March 23. As Mercury squares off with Mars, your desire for something larger-than-life might overwhelm the perspective of your stability. Keep one foot on the ground! Especially when the full moon blasts through your expansive ninth house, as some important details may get lost in the excitement of your next adventure. Keep practicality in mind, but don’t let it hold you back, either.

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