viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

Taurus, Your March Horoscope Has You Focused On Your Future

This month, you’re all about making that bank, Taurus! When Mars activates your second house of possessions and finances on March 3, it will motivate you to achieve your financial goals and make purchases that you’ve been lusting after. However, your Taurus March 2021 horoscope isn’t just about money. It’s also about leaving a positive mark on the world and enlisting the help of your community to do it!

In fact, when the new moon begins on March 13, it will inspire your 11th house of hopes and wishes, encouraging you to zero in on your vision for a brighter future. Dream big—this is not the time to think small! This optimism will also enrich your relationships as Venus joins forces with Neptune, bringing you closer to so many like-minded individuals and helping you bridge the gap with people you disagree with. As Mercury enters your social 11th house on March 15, you may start to feel more extroverted than usual, setting free the social butterfly within you.

However, you may start craving some privacy when Aries season begins on March 20. Activating your 12th house of spirituality, this season is about internal healing and introspection. Writing in your journal and meditating will bring you so much insight! When Venus enters your emotional 12th house on March 21, you might feel like retreating from the social scene and indulging in some meaningful solitude. Let self-love lead the way!

Expect exciting developments in your career by March 21. As Mars forms a trine with Saturn, the cosmos are coming together to elevate your ambitions and help you be fairly compensated for your work! However, as Mercury squares off with Mars on March 23, you might run into disagreements with your colleagues. Stand up for your ideas, but make sure you’re giving them the chance to mesh with someone else’s. Chances are, coming together instead of arguing will help you all come up with an even better idea. When the full moon blossoms in your sixth house of work and health on March 28, it will help you strengthen your routine and utilize your time more efficiently!

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