viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

Capricorn, Your March Horoscope Is About Finding Stability

You’re starting the month off with a strong work ethic and an even stronger desire to get ahead, Capricorn! Hard work comes naturally to you, and when Mars enters your productive sixth house on March 3, it will flow through you with ease. Even though your Capricorn March 2021 horoscope is a proactive one, it’s important to remember that prioritizing your personal interests is just as important as putting in work.

In fact, when the new moon takes place on March 13, it will activate your third house of intellectual stimulation, encouraging you to reconnect with whatever titillates your mind. Learn new things and engage in intelligent exchanges with people you enjoy talking with. As Venus and Neptune join forces in your chatty third house, conversations with loved ones will feel positively intoxicating. Let empathy encompass your social life. And when Mercury enters your mental third house on March 15, your mind will race with potential, so use it to absorb as much information as possible!

However, the vibes will begin to slow down by March 20. As the sun enters Aries, it will activate your fourth house of home and family, encouraging you to tend to your sacred space and tap into your domestic side. Enrich your home environment with some tender loving care! And as Venus enters your cozy fourth house on March 21, your desire for a connection that feels safe and protected will trump your desire for a connection that’s dangerous and exciting. Build a home with the one you love. Stabilizing energy will continue to support you on March 21, when Mars forms a trine with Saturn and gives you the energy and the motivation to build a sturdy foundation beneath you. Do whatever you need to feel more grounded!

This grounded energy will help you by March 23, when Mercury squares off with Mars and increases the restlessness in your mind. All the tasks and responsibilities on your plate may leave you veering off course! But when the full moon blasts through your 10th house of career on March 28, you’ll get a solid dose of ambition to help you overcome anything. Keep your eyes on the prize, Cap.

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