viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

Gemini, Your March Horoscope Predicts Major Career Successes

You’re beginning the month of March with confidence and gusto, Gemini! After all, Mars enters Gemini on March 3, instilling you with the will to win. Use this ambitious energy to compete and go after your goals with everything you’ve got. If you’ve been feeling scatterbrained and disconnected in recent weeks, your Gemini March 2021 horoscope is here to present you with all the energy you’ve been craving!

You can use all this extra energy to focus on your career and level up in your field, Gem. On March 13, the new moon will blast through your 10th house of reputation. This represents a beautiful opportunity to create the career you’ve always wanted! If you’re not on the right path, it’s time to work hard and redirect your efforts. As the Venus-Neptune conjunction takes place on March 13, you will attract so much meaningful attention from colleagues and superiors, letting everyone know that you’re worthy of a higher position. And when Mercury enters your authoritative 10th house on March 15, it will help you communicate your capabilities and infuse your career with your true passions in life.

When Aries season begins on March 20, your social life will flourish. As the sun activates your humanitarian 11th house, it will help you become the string that ties everyone together. It’s a beautiful time to organize for your community and create opportunities for everyone to partake in! When Venus enters your friendly 11th house on March 21, your social circle will become the focus of your heart, reminding you that platonic relationships should be nurtured just as much as romantic ones should.

Keep an open mind as Mars forms a trine with Saturn on March 21. This will nudge you toward self-discovery and adventure, encouraging you to commit to a path of higher learning and philosophical expansion. However, when Mercury squares off with Mars on March 21, your ego may get the best of you. Remember—you’re competing against your former self, not your contemporaries! When the full moon radiates throughout your fifth house of self-expression on March 28, it will become clear that it’s all about the journey, not the destination. All that matters is that you’re indulging in creativity and finding your joy!

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