jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

A Stressful Mercury Retrograde Starts Now—Here’s How To Get Through It

You’ve got big plans for 2022 and you’re probably ready to hit the ground running! However, you miiiiiight want to reframe your expectations for the time being, because you’re likely to experience technical difficulties much sooner than expected. The first Mercury retrograde of 2022 is basically here, and it’s bringing the party to an end before nine o’clock. This infamous astrological phenomenon always has a way of stopping things before they’ve even started, so cut yourself some slack and try to make it through!

You might be wondering: What’s Mercury’s problem, anyway? Why is this retrograde always *such* a big deal? Well, for starters, Mercury is the planet of communication, logic and analysis, which means it has a pretty big influence on your day-to-day life. When this intellectual inner planet stations retrograde, it begins retracing its steps through the zodiac, moving backward instead of forward.

This can lead to detours and diversions that force you to acknowledge mistakes that need correcting and truths that need processing. It can also lead to lapses of judgment, increasing the likelihood of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. After all, there’s a reason this retrograde is known for making you want to text your ex!

However, the truth is that Mercury retrograde is nowhere near as bad as it seems, so don’t let it stress you out! The easiest way to survive Mercury retrograde is to pay close attention, prepare in advance and practice patience. Don’t forget—even the most flawless plans aren’t immune to complications! And although this retrograde can make everything feel stagnant, it’s also an opportunity to reflect on the past and get some closure.

There are lingering affairs that need your attention and unfinished conversations that need to be had. Let Mercury retrograde help you fix what needs fixing before 2022 really gets going!

The first Mercury retrograde of 2022 begins January 14 and ends February 3.

The upcoming Mercury retrograde will begin at 26 degrees Aquarius—a stubborn, yet visionary air sign that’s known for its eccentricity, independence and leadership skills. Aquarius always wants to bring everyone together as a team, believing that a better future involves a stronger community dynamic. However, the last thing Aquarius wants is to conform and lose their individuality.

During this retrograde, which begins on January 14, you may feel torn between your need to fit in and your desire to stand out. If you feel like you have to change who you are in order to feel accepted, you’re probably not spending time with the right people!

This retrograde will shake things up around January 25, when Mercury leaves behind Aquarius and re-enters Capricorn. This cardinal earth sign precedes Aquarius in the zodiac calendar and this shift demonstrates the way Mercury retrograde is always moving in reverse! As Mercury revisits serious, ambitious and disciplinary Capricorn, you may become more aware of the shortcuts you’ve taken and the projects you’ve half-assed.

Capricorn can be a perfectionist at times, but it’s also a traditionalist. Sometimes, you need to do things the good old fashioned way in order to get it right! You don’t want your work to look like a knock-off, so put in the effort and take the necessary steps to create the real thing.

Mercury stations direct on February 3 at 11 degrees Capricorn, helping you pick up the pieces and start focusing on new projects and relationships. You may have made a few mistakes along the way, but you’re finally moving forward (and with much more experience under your belt). Although Mercury retrograde can feel frustrating and drawn out, remember—it’s only three weeks long. You’ll survive it!

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