lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts A Full Moon & A Liiiittle Chaos

Hello, lover! Your weekly horoscope for January 17-23 2022 has arrived. While we’re still reeling from Mercury going into retrograde last week, we have a lot of planetary movement going on this week that will keep all of us on our toes. It all starts on Monday with the first full moon of 2022. The wolf moon in Cancer makes us all a little extra sensitive. Try to embrace your vulnerability rather than run from it.

While Mercury and Venus are retrograde, Uranus goes direct in Taurus on Tuesday. While we usually celebrate the end of a retrograde, Uranus going direct can actually cause more problems. Expect some chaos as life takes a sharp turn toward the unexpected.

Then we enter Aquarius season when the sun enters the sign of the Water Bearer on Wednesday. The energy is about to get weird over the next four weeks, but in a good way, because we’ll be feeling more inventive and independent as we march to our own beat.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After weeks of hustling, it’s important to spend some quality time at home during the full moon in Cancer on Monday. The moon is in your family zone, encouraging you to stay out of the public eye to attend to personal matters. Some self-care will do you a world of good as you bond with the people you love.

Tuesday brings potential money issues when Uranus goes direct in your value zone, perhaps bringing you some unexpected bills that need to be paid ASAP. A possible loss of a job or income source could be a major blow to your self-esteem.

Fortunately, things start to look up when the sun enters Aquarius on Wednesday, moving through your social zone for the next four weeks. If things have been tense in your social circle, Aries, you’ll have the opportunity to make some new friends and just have fun and relax.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You could start the week feeling a little restless, Taurus. Even after the holiday hustle, you’re still running errands for family members when the full moon is in Cancer on Monday. With the moon in your communication zone, it’s an ideal time to hang out with your siblings and friends and have a good, emotional talk.

And you’ll need it because Tuesday could put you in a bad mood when Uranus goes direct in your sign. Your temper might not help you make a great first impression, especially if things don’t go your way. Show some grace and kindness right now (to yourself, too).

Despite the drama of the retrograde, you have the opportunity to make a name for yourself when the sun enters Aquarius and your career zone on Wednesday. This is an ideal time for networking, perfecting your image, and even focusing on your long-term goals to achieve your “dream” self.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Start the week with a self-care day when the full moon illuminates Cancer and your value zone on Monday. If you’ve been feeling extra emotional, you might want to self-soothe with a little retail therapy. A soft blanket or warm drink is fine, Gemini, but don’t blow your budget.

Especially when things get very intense as Uranus goes direct in your privacy zone the next day. An unexpected ending could rock you to your core, leading to some inner turmoil. This could be a mentally draining day, and you might want to stay in bed.

Life takes a turn for the better when the sun enters Aquarius and your expansion zone on Wednesday. Use the next four weeks to plan a fun adventure that can help you understand yourself better. Perhaps a spiritual retreat will help you connect with yourself and find balance.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Monday night is all about you when the full moon is in your sign. However, while your ruling planet is here, this can still be an emotional time for you in which you might need some extra attention from your loved ones. If you’re not getting the attention you crave, don’t lash out. Instead, find a healthy outlet to express your feelings.

Tuesday could be very explosive with Uranus going direct in your social zone. There could be major drama in your friendships, from group chat blunders to misdirected texts to broken relationships. It could get pretty intense, Cancer.

Big changes are coming your way, from a developing relationship to potentially sharing resources with someone, when the sun enters Aquarius and your intimacy zone on Wednesday. However, while this is an exciting time, it could be pretty turbulent because you might have to go through some painful endings in order to move forward.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Mondays are always rough, but this one could really take the cake with the full moon in Cancer that day. The moon is in your subconscious zone, so spend the night getting in touch with your feelings and doing some deep emotional healing. Allow yourself some privacy, Leo. You don’t have to be on all the time.

And you’ll need the rest because Tuesday could bring some major stress when Uranus goes direct in your career zone. There’s a possibility that your job takes a sudden turn or you lose out on a major opportunity or award, leaving you feeling a little insecure about your position in life.

If your relationships have been a little tense thanks to the retrogrades, you could experience something positive when the sun enters Aquarius and your partnership zone on Wednesday. Relationships can become more harmonious over the next few days as you find unique ways to compromise with your loved ones.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Start the week by spending a fun night in with your closest friends during the full moon in Cancer on Monday. The moon is in your social zone, encouraging you to get together with buddies to catch up—or complain about retrogrades. You could use a good venting session, Virgo.

Especially because Tuesday could get pretty chaotic as Uranus goes direct in your expansion zone and creates a lot of doubt in your life. Something you’ve always been sure about could suddenly change, making you question everything you thought you knew. Try to stay grounded when your faith gets shaken.

After a difficult few weeks, you’re ready to get back on track when it comes to work when the sun enters Aquarius and your habit zone on Wednesday and remains here for the next four weeks. While it might not be easy, you’ll be able to find a routine that works for you.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After months of working hard on your career, you could finally see the results of your efforts during the full moon in Cancer on Monday. The moon is in your career zone, bringing the possibility of the praise and recognition you deserve. Get out the tissues, Libra. It’s going to get emotional!

Keep those tissues handy because things are going to get very intense when Uranus goes direct in your intimacy zone on Tuesday. Major changes are happening, and not all of them are pleasant. Bonds could get broken and you might have to let things go to move forward.

Fortunately, life begins to look up when the sun enters Aquarius and your pleasure zone on Wednesday and remains here for the next four weeks. Allow yourself to be creative and entertain yourself with your hobbies. Let your inner artist out to play. It could be very relaxing after a stressful time. Let yourself have fun!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins on an emotional note when the full moon is in Cancer on Monday. With the moon in your expansion zone, you’ll feel extra sensitive when your long-held beliefs are tested. Don’t lash out when someone is trying to help you see another point of view. You don’t always have to be right, Scorpio.

Troubles continue when Uranus goes direct in your partnership zone on Thursday. Friends can quickly become enemies, and agreements made during the retrograde can break in an instant. Things can get messy when conflict turns partners into competitors.

With all this messiness, you might need to spend some quality time with your loved ones when the sun enters Aquarius on Wednesday. The sun will be in your family zone for the next four weeks, making you crave the warm coziness of home. Look for stability in familiar and unfamiliar places to find comfort and support.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Begin the week with a lesson in give-and-take during the full moon in Cancer on Monday. The moon is in your intimacy zone, encouraging you to discover what you want from others and what you’re willing to give in return. Settle your emotional debts, Sagittarius, and ask for help if you need it.

And you’re going to need it when Uranus goes direct in your habit zone on Tuesday, bringing some sudden changes to your routine. A possible health scare could be a real blow to your productivity. Take care of yourself as you readjust.

Even with the retrograde slowing you down, continue to make an effort to express yourself with words when the sun enters Aquarius and your communication zone on Wednesday. Over the next four weeks, you’ll enjoy positive energy and new ideas—plus a lot of social events to keep you busy.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

How much of a team player are you, Capricorn? You’ll find out when the full moon is in Cancer and your partnership zone on Monday. Balancing your own needs with the needs of others can be tricky, but it will help you develop a connection with the people who truly matter to you. Put your ego aside and compromise.

Taking a bad gamble could put you in a terrible position when Uranus goes direct in your pleasure zone on Tuesday. Romances can quickly sour, and plenty of jokes could be played at your expense. Try to maintain good humor about everything or keep a low profile until it passes.

With Mercury retrograde, a good time to organize your financial situation is when the sun enters Aquarius and your value zone on Wednesday. Over the next few weeks, focus on what you should invest your time and money in.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Okay, so you’ve been letting your goals slide a little. When the full moon is in Cancer and your self-improvement zone on Monday, it’s time to get back on track. Use the lunar energy to make some positive changes to your life and restart your New Year’s resolutions if you need to (no one will know).

Tuesday brings some family drama when Uranus goes direct in your home zone, creating some major shake-ups to your private life. Possible changes within your family structure could cause a lot of stress, especially if you need to start looking for a new place to call home.

After a very stressful two days, you’ll be able to treat yourself a little when the sun enters your sign on Wednesday, welcoming everyone to your season. Pamper yourself a little by buying an early birthday gift. Your confidence increases as you put your best foot forward.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins on a very creative note when the full moon is in Cancer on Monday. With the moon in your pleasure zone, finish up any creative projects you’ve been working on. Show the world just how talented you are, Pisces.

Don’t let emotions get the better of you when Uranus goes direct in your communication zone on Tuesday. With rebellious Uranus moving forward, you might not be thinking as clearly as you should. Think before you speak or act. If you don’t you could do a lot of damage that haunts you for a long time.

After a stressful few weeks, it might be best to take some time to yourself when the sun enters Aquarius on Wednesday. The sun will be your subconscious zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to find new ways to heal. Whether you’re interested in Reiki, hypnotherapy, or journaling, explore your mind to find peace.


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