lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

I Accidentally Made A Vision Board & Everything On It Came True

Maybe you have no clue what a vision board is, or maybe you think the whole concept is a farce. Or, maybe you create vision boards and joyfully reap their magical benefits. Either way, I’m sure you’re curious as to how my accidental vision board came true. Well, let me tell the tale.

To start, let’s throw it back a few years. There I am—younger, ghostly pale, sitting in the passenger seat on a 12-hour car ride. Another year complete, another year obsessed with Pinterest.

(Disclaimer: I pin my whole life on Pinterest. How can you not? I know exactly what my wedding is going to look like and what outfits I’d pack for a hypothetical trip to Bora Bora. Seriously.)

To pass the time in the car, I kept myself busy by creating a Pinterest board with pictures I found aesthetically pleasing, inspirational, or shots that just made me smile. A few days later, I printed some of them out to hang around my dull brown mirror to add some pizzazz.

Some people hang posters of The Rolling Stones or Bob Marley smoking a joint, but I decorate with Pinterest images that make me feel good. I used the photos decorating the edge of my mirror as inspiration and motivation. So, yes, I basically made a vision board before I even knew such a thing existed.

STYLECASTER | How To Make A Vision Board

Courtesy of Madison Vetter.

The pictures I hung up were random. Very random. I’m looking at some of them as I write this. A beautiful array of fruit and vegetables (again, aesthetically pleasing and I feel my best when eating healthy), an adorable picture of a puppy (literally just to make me smile), a heavenly sky with money floating down and the phrase “I Am A Money Magnet.” Other standouts included a psychic with a crystal ball, journal, and a deck of tarot cards (Yes, I was that kid who always spent $5 to get my palms read on the boardwalk. No, I am not ashamed of it).

I didn’t know what a vision board was at the time. I was just bored! At the time, I wasn’t aware of documentaries like The Secret—which I recommend everyone watch. I didn’t realize I had the power to bring to life the images I stared at every day. Oh, young naïve me, how cute!

Fast-forward a few months, I spent the summer at the shore and the pictures traveled from my mirror to under my bed. A few weeks after returning home, I was getting babysitting gigs left and right (my neighbor gave my number to every middle-class mom in a five-mile radius, not complaining though). One night, I got home from babysitting and my dad declared, “Madison, you’re a money magnet!”

I froze. A money magnet? I’d never heard anyone say those words aloud. Immediately, I thought about the inspiration photos.

I brought the pictures out from under my bed and stared at them. I began to laugh. I was shocked! I couldn’t believe it. Since the moment I had hung up those images on my mirror, I had been unintentionally living out each of the pictures. Let me explain.

  1. I was now a complete vegan. 100 percent vegan. I never thought I would give up meat, or fish, or cheese?!? Who would have thought a picture of fruits and veggies would drastically adjust my diet! A million things had happened in those months that almost forced my transition, and I had never been healthier.
  2. I got the exact puppy in the picture. Well, my parents did. But still! The exact dog, I can’t make this up. A miniature golden doodle. Let me be clear that my parents already had two dogs and were not thinking of getting another one. To this day, I still don’t know how that transpired.
  3. The obvious one—my dad calling me a money magnet. I wouldn’t associate a money magnet with babysitting, but still, the words came out of his mouth. I had never even heard that phrase spoken aloud before then. Also, I was bringing in more money than I ever had before. Ching-ching!
  4. I met an amazing woman who was a Reiki healer. She introduced me to crystals, the benefits of journaling my emotions and personally gifted me a set of oracle cards. Now what?!?

I couldn’t believe it. Just as you may be skeptical, I admit I felt the same. Even after all that, I chalked it up to coincidence.

I didn’t realize the power and potential I had.

So, I made another vision board—an intentional one, to test it out. At the time, my goal or “vision” was to get accepted into a specific accelerated nursing program (this school was a slim to none chance) and to get my own apartment in my dream city. I put pictures of the word “Accepted,” the mascot and colors of the university, street images of the city I wanted to live in and pictures of apartments next to keys and rental agreements. I got these pictures off of Pinterest and Google, glued them to a $1 poster board, sprinkled some glitter to make it pretty and voila!

I hung it on my mirror where I could see it, feel it, and live it as though these goals were already my reality. Let’s just say I was accepted early admission into the nursing program and I moved into my picture-perfect apartment in my dream city.

Wondering what my next vision board will be? Better yet, what will your vision board be? Do yourself a favor, and try it. Grab a glass of wine, play your favorite music and make a fun night out of it! Put your goals for 2022 somewhere you can see them every single day, and be intentional about what you want.

Reach high, but believe in yourself. Visualize these goals every day and live your life as if you have already achieved them. Then, watch what happens. 2022 is the year of making your visions come true. Claim it.

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