lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Continues On With Mercury Retrograde’s Pressure

Good morning, your weekly horoscope for January 24-30 has arrived! Despite the sun’s shift into Aquarius last week, a second wave of Sea-Goat energy is upon us, friends. The week opens with Mars’ entrance into somber Capricorn, sobering the collective energy. For the next six weeks, there’ll be no funny business. To quote the songstress-turned-entrepreneur Rihanna, “work, work, work” is the focus. If you’ve been slacking, it’s time to dive into your projects.

Similarly, Mercury retrograde pushes the planet back into Capricorn on Tuesday. Rather than feeling pushed to achieve in the office, you may feel a tad stunted. Fortunately, Mercury retrograde lasts only another week, so don’t worry yourself too much.

A bit of good news: Venus leaves her retrograde position on Saturday, unraveling the romantic quandaries that we may have found ourselves in over the last few weeks.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You’re feeling pretty ambitious thanks to Mars entering Capricorn on Monday. With your ruling planet in your career zone for the next six weeks, you have plenty of drive, energy, and stamina to succeed in your career and build your reputation. There are big possibilities for starting your own business right now.

However, before you make any power moves, remember to double-check all your emails when Mercury goes into retrograde in your career zone on Tuesday. Be careful about what you say to your co-workers because it would be easy to land yourself in hot water right now. Just be chill, Aries.

Fortunately, things get a little easier when Venus turns direct in your career zone on Saturday, making it easier to focus on your goals. This is an ideal time to find some role models to look up to and focus on the long term. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a race.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Life becomes a big adventure when Mars enters Capricorn and your expansion zone on Monday. Over the next six weeks, Mars will give you the courage to take on challenges. From going back to school to planning a major trip to making some big changes, what you achieve will have long-term effects on the future. Be brave, Taurus.

The truth gets very muddled when Mercury backs into your philosophy zone on Tuesday. Something you once believed to be true might be more complicated than you realized. New information could change your life, and you might have to reexamine where you’re heading and do a course correction to get on the right path.

After a long retrograde, your ruling planet finally moves forward in your fellow earth-sign Capricorn on Saturday. With Venus moving forward in your expansion zone, love could take you to some unusual places and unique people.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your week begins on a very intimate note when Mars enters Capricorn on Monday. Mars will be in your intimacy zone for the next six weeks, increasing your passion and stamina when it comes to romance and taboo topics. Whether you’re practicing tarot or seducing lovers, you’re feeling extra powerful. Just don’t let it go to your head, Gemini.

Especially on Tuesday when your ruling planet Mercury moves backward into your shared resource zone. Now is a great time to check your insurance (before it runs out) and pay off your debts. And don’t take out any major loans. Read the fine print on important documents or you could regret it later.

Fortunately, an intense retrograde comes to an end on Saturday when Venus goes direct in your intimacy zone, allowing you to build a sense of connection with others again. Power struggles might still plague your relationships, but you’ll be able to build your bond stronger than ever.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Compromise is the key to happiness (and your sanity) over the next six weeks as Mars enters Capricorn on Monday. With temperamental Mars in your partnership zone, conflict could happen easily because passions are at an all-time high. The fights could be intense, but so will the making up.

However, expect things to get really heated (and not in a fun way) when Mercury moves backward in your partnership zone on Tuesday. This week could get pretty messy with plenty of fighting and misunderstandings, especially in your professional relationships. Remember to compromise, Cancer, but don’t let people walk all over you.

Fortunately, the week ends on a positive note with Venus moving forward in your partnership zone on Saturday. With this planet finally out of retrograde, you’ll be able to find some harmony in any relationships that have been feeling the strain and get back on the path of success. It’s easy to make lasting alliances now.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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While the retrogrades have kept you busy (and distracted), you’re ready to get productive again and start working harder than ever before. As Mars enters Capricorn on Monday, you’ll be spending the next six weeks putting your passion and energy into developing positive habits for yourself, whether you’re taking care of your health or working on major work projects.

However, don’t try to start any new habits this week because Mercury retrogrades into your routine zone on Tuesday. Your energy is there, but your focus is all over the place. The rest of the week could be full of delays and issues concerning reaching deadlines and fitting in some exercise. Practice meditating so you don’t lose your head, Leo.

At least your co-workers will have your back once Venus moves forward in Capricorn on Saturday. After a tense month of surviving the retrograde, working relationships turn harmonious as everyone works together again.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Despite the various retrogrades, the next six weeks promise to be full of passion, energy, and creativity when Mars enters Capricorn on Monday. Mars moves into your pleasure zone, encouraging you to find joy in self-expression and romance. You’ll be feeling your creative best right now, so use it to your advantage.

However, don’t expect too much creativity when Mercury goes into Capricorn on Tuesday. With your ruling planet moving backward in your pleasure zone, it could be difficult to enjoy anything from books to kissing. Get unstuck by allowing yourself to play.

Fortunately, you get some of your creative spark back when Venus goes direct in Capricorn on Saturday, making it an ideal time to find pleasure in your creative hobbies or redecorating your space. After a difficult retrograde, romantic relationships get their fire back. It’s an ideal time to start dating. Enjoy, Virgo!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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After a stressful few weeks, you’ll be longing for the comforts of home when Mars enters Capricorn and your home zone on Monday and stays here for the next six weeks. The cold winter weather is making you feel a bit like a homebody, so this is an ideal time to make your space nice and cozy during your hermit period.

However, while you might be missing your family, hold off on paying a visit when Mercury goes backward into Capricorn on Tuesday. With the retrograde in your family zone, meddling family members might try to “help” by making you feel deeply insecure. Protect your peace, Libra.

Fortunately, your family won’t be draining you for long because your ruling planet Venus finally moves forward again in your home zone on Saturday. This is an ideal time to mend any family drama and redecorate your space so that it reminds you of your childhood.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Honesty is the best policy when Mars enters Capricorn on Monday. Your ruling planet will be in your communication zone for the next six weeks, encouraging you to be open about what you want even if you’re a little blunt about it. This is an ideal time to make agreements, pitch ideas, and get people to join your side to get what you want.

However, you could run into some difficulties when Mercury goes backward into Capricorn on Tuesday, bringing miscommunication as all logical thoughts go out the window. Be careful, Scorpio. You could easily be accused of being moody and aloof when you’re just being yourself. Think before you say anything.

Fortunately, the tensions in your relationship begin to ease when Venus goes direct in your communication zone on Saturday. After weeks of miscommunication, you’re finally able to have friendly conversations again. Get your charm on.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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It’s all about the money right now when Mars enters Capricorn on Monday. Mars will be in your value zone for the next six weeks, motivating you to work hard and improve your income. Your ambitions are driven by money and stability, making it a good time to start a side hustle.

You’ll need multiple streams of income because Tuesday could bring some money issues when Mercury moves backward into Capricorn. You want to look successful and have nice things, but the art of keeping up appearances can get pretty costly for you. Don’t buy what you can’t afford, Sagittarius.

Fortunately, your financial situation gets a little easier when Venus moves forward in your value zone on Saturday. This is a great time to start investing in your business as you get it off the ground. Get some business cards and set up your home office.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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This is a very big week for you, Capricorn! It all starts on Monday when Mars enters your sign. With the planet of drive in your sign for the next six months, you’ll be filled with energy and motivation to take on any task that comes your way. Your determination and stamina will help you achieve incredible things.

However, while you have plenty of energy, you might start off on the wrong foot when Mercury retrogrades into your sign on Tuesday. You might have to rethink your public image and personal brand right now if you feel like you’re moving in a different direction. You’re a little temperamental right now, so avoid big events.

Fortunately, the planet of love is moving forward as Venus goes direct in your sign on Saturday. After a tough retrograde, it’s an ideal time to pamper yourself with a spa day, haircut, or tattoo.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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As we get into the winter blues, you might be a little moody when Mars enters Capricorn on Monday. Mars will be in your subconscious zone for the next six weeks, bringing up all the feelings that have been simmering beneath the surface. Try to ground yourself or you could explode and act on your destructive impulses.

Even though we’re in 2022, you’re still stuck in 2021 for most of this week as Mercury goes backward into Capricorn. Thinking about the past could make it difficult for you to move forward, Aquarius. Analyze and let it go.

Your week gets a little better when Venus goes direct in your subconscious zone on Saturday. After months of solitude, you’ll finally have an opportunity to go out and have a little fun. Say “yes” to going to dinner with friends. You could use the company right now. Find the time to enjoy yourself.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

We might be in the heart of winter, but that won’t stop you from having fun with your friends when Mars enters Capricorn on Monday. The planet of drive and energy will be in your social zone for the next six weeks, Pisces, so this is the ideal time to hang out with friends, meet new people, and make your wishes come true.

However, don’t plan any big social gathering for this week, because Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn on Tuesday, killing your vibe. Beware of malfunctioning technology, too. You might not be receiving important texts from your friends because your phone isn’t working.

End the week on a fun note when Venus finally moves forward in your friendship zone. This is a great day to make some new friends, especially friends that could help you in your career. A fun networking event might help you in your personal and professional life.


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